Citation: Feng CHEN, Cheng-Hua ZHANG, Pei-Yue JIN, Cai-Xian ZHAO. Preparation of Z-Scheme α-Fe2O3/g-C3N4 Heterojunction Based on In-Situ Photodeposition and Photocatalytic Activity for Hydrogen Production under Visible Light[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(3): 469-478. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.045 shu

Preparation of Z-Scheme α-Fe2O3/g-C3N4 Heterojunction Based on In-Situ Photodeposition and Photocatalytic Activity for Hydrogen Production under Visible Light


  • A Z-scheme α-Fe2O3/g-C3N4 photocatalyst was successfully prepared by the method of in-situ photodeposition-calcination. The as-prepared samples were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy, and electrochemical test. The photocatalytic activity was evaluated by visible-light-driven water-splitting hydrogen production. The results showed that when the loading amount of α-Fe2O3 was 2.9%, the photocatalyst exhibited remarkably high photocatalytic activity toward H2 evolution with a rate of 1 841.9 μmol·g-1·h-1, 3.3 times higher than that of pure g-C3N4. The enhanced performance is attributed to the following reasons: (1) α-Fe2O3 promotes exfoliation of g-C3N4 during high-temperature calcination, enlarging specific surface area and providing more active sites; (2) ultrafine α-Fe2O3 particles (5-8 nm) are highly uniformly dispersed on the surface of g-C3N4 and tightly combined to it, forming high-quality Z-scheme heterojunctions; (3) the Z-scheme structure not only effectively suppresses the photocarriers recombination, but also greatly retains the strong reduction originated from g-C3N4 conduction band and the strong oxidation originated from α-Fe2O3 valence band.
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