Citation: Dong HAN, Tao MA, Tian-Jiang SUN, Wei-Jia ZHANG, Zhan-Liang TAO. Zinc Anode Protection Strategy for Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(2): 185-197. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.031 shu

Zinc Anode Protection Strategy for Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries

  • Corresponding author: Zhan-Liang TAO,
  • Received Date: 14 October 2021
    Revised Date: 27 November 2021


  • Aqueous zinc-ion batteries have advantages in terms of being environmentally friendly and safe with zinc metal anode, which is considered a promising rechargeable battery for large-scale storage energy systems. Zinc metal is more abundant than lithium and easier to be mined and purified. Meanwhile, it shows a low redox potential (-0.76V vs SHE), high theoretical specific capacity (820 mAh·g-1), and high theoretical volumetric capacity (5 854 mAh·cm-3). However, the problems of zinc dendrites and irreversible by-products (such as H2, ZnO, Zn4(OH)6SO4) on the surface of Zn metal during the charging and discharging processes lead to the low coulombic efficiency of the zinc anode, which seriously shorten the cycle life of the zinc-ion battery and limit its practical application. Herein, the difficulties and bottlenecks encountered in the practical application of zinc anode are sorted out, in addition, dynamics and thermodynamic mechanisms are tried to analyze from the microscopic level. Subsequently, various strategies are introduced to improve the performance of zinc anode from the aspects of the surface modification technology of the zinc electrode, the optimization of the zinc internal structure, electrolyte modification, and novel functional separator. The preparation methods, modification mechanism as well as final improvement effect on the battery performance are analyzed, which provide new insights into the practical and efficient zinc anode protection method. Finally, the opportunities and challenges faced by zinc anode in the process of commercialization are discussed, and the future research prospects and hot spots are prospected.
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