Citation: Min LI, Hai-Peng WU, Sheng ZHANG, Yu-Fang LIU, Yong-Qiang CHEN, San-Ping CHEN. Replacement of Carboxylate Ligand Substituent on Modulation of Structures and Magnetic Properties in Salen-Type Dinuclear Dy(Ⅲ) Complexes[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(1): 171-180. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.017 shu

Replacement of Carboxylate Ligand Substituent on Modulation of Structures and Magnetic Properties in Salen-Type Dinuclear Dy(Ⅲ) Complexes


  • Three salen - type centrosymmetric dinuclear Dy (Ⅲ) complexes, [Dy2(Hhms)2(C(CH3)3COO)2(H2O)4](NO3)2 (1), [Dy2(Hhms)2(C14H9COO)2(C2H5OH)2(CH3OH)2][ZnCl4] (2), and [Dy2(Hhms)2(C6H3(NH2)2COO)2Cl2]·2CH3CN (3) (H2hms=(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)-semicarbazide), were isolated with different substituted carboxylic acid ligand, and were characterized structurally and magnetically. Structural analyses illustrate that the Dy (Ⅲ) ions in complexes 1 and 2 maintain similar monocapped square-antiprism geometries, but the coordination mode of carboxylate in 1 is different from that in 2; complexes 2 and 3 possess similar phenoxy oxygen and carboxylate bridged structure whereas the coordination geometries around the Dy(Ⅲ) ions are different between 3 and 2 due to the difference of coordinated small molecules. Magnetic characterizations reveal that significant single - molecule magnet (SMM) behavior was observed under zero dc field for complex 3, with an effective energy barrier to the reversal of magnetization of 96 K. Conversely, complex 1 only showed fast quantum tunneling relaxation even 2 was SMM-silent. Furthermore, the magneto-structural correlations in these Dy2 complexes were discussed. The results indicate that utility of carboxylate ligand substituent can give rise to good modulation in the molecular anisotropy and symmetry, hence the enhanced magnetic relaxation.
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