Citation: Sheng ZHU, Jian SHENG, Guo-Dong JIA, Han-Ding LIU, Yan LI. Synthesis and Modification of Mesoporous Carbon Nanomaterials[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(1): 1-13. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.006 shu

Synthesis and Modification of Mesoporous Carbon Nanomaterials

  • Corresponding author: Yan LI,
  • Received Date: 29 August 2021
    Revised Date: 29 October 2021


  • Mesoporous carbon nanomaterials have received tremendous attention in many areas because they have fast transport channels, high electrical conductivity, large specific surface area, and outstanding chemical stability. Realizing controllable synthesis and precise modification of mesoporous carbon nanomaterial is a hotspot and a focus of current research. Based on this, the research progress in the preparation and modification of mesoporous carbon nanomaterial is analyzed and summarized. The existing issues and future research direction are also discussed.
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