Citation: Zhi-Hui LI, Yun-Peng WANG, Wan-Lin FU, Ming-Yun ZHU, Yun-Ling CHAI, Min WU, Yue-Ming SUN, Yun-Qian DAI. Synthesis and Sintering Resistance of Pt/Fe2O3/N Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Catalysts by Photo-Reduction Method[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(1): 73-83. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.001 shu

Synthesis and Sintering Resistance of Pt/Fe2O3/N Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Catalysts by Photo-Reduction Method

  • Corresponding author: Yun-Qian DAI,
  • Received Date: 25 June 2021
    Revised Date: 28 October 2021


  • Porous Fe2O3 nanorods and nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide (N-RGO) composite materials obtained by electrospinning were used as the carrier to successfully prepare clean and highly active Pt/Fe2O3/N-RGO catalyst by photoreduction method. The synthesis mechanism of the photoreduction reaction and the sintering resistance of the catalyst were further studied. During visible light irradiation, the efficient light absorption of Fe2O3 facilities the generation of photoelectrons and holes, while N-RGO highly prolongs the lifetime of photogenerated carriers. In this case, partially reduced Fe2+ in Pt/Fe2O3/N-RGO has a strong reduction ability, which can make PtCl62- reduce on the surface of Fe2O3 and nucleate rapidly, and grow into Pt nanoparticles with a diameter of about 2.13 nm. Methanol as a hole scavenger can effectively and quickly consume the photo-generated holes on the surface of the carrier, which causes the electrons accumulated in the conduction band to undergo a reduction reaction with PtCl62-, and greatly accelerates the formation rate of Pt nanoparticles. Fe2O3 nanorods with ultra-high porosity provide numerous nucleation sites for Pt nanoparticles. N-RGO sheets with abundant defects can shorten the diffusion path of Fe2O3 photocarriers and improve the efficiency of Pt photo-deposition. Besides, its characteristic wrinkle structure can act as a physical barrier to prevent Pt nanoparticles from agglomeration. Due to the strong interaction between metal and carrier, the size of Pt nanoparticles remained at 2.67 nm even after aging at 500 ℃. Pt/Fe2O3/N-RGO catalyst still had excellent thermal stability and catalytic activity after aging at 400 ℃, with a reaction rate constant of up to 22.2 L·g-1·s-1, which was about 1.6 times of that before aging.
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