Citation: Tong-Ming SUN, Meng-Ke ZHANG, Xu SHI, Run-Sheng XU, Zheng-Yi CHENG, Xing-Yuan QI, Jin WANG, Jin-Li ZHU, Min-Min WANG. Synthesis and Properties of {Ln2Co6} Heterometallic Complexes[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2021, 37(7): 1177-1183. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2021.154 shu

Synthesis and Properties of {Ln2Co6} Heterometallic Complexes


  • Using 6-chloro-2-hydropyridine (Hcp) as ligand and pivalic acid (Hpiv) as the auxiliary ligand, five heterometallic complexes {Ln2Co6} (Ln=Sm (1), Eu (2), Tb (3), Er (4), Tm (5)) were synthesized. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses reveal that complexes 1~5 are isostructural and belong to triclinic system space group P1. Magnetic susceptibilities revealed antiferromagnetic coupling within complexes 1~5, and complex 1 displayed slow relaxation of magnetization. Medium diffusion method was used to determine the antibacterial activity of complexes 1~5 and their isomorphisms {Ln2Co6} (Ln=Dy (6), Ho (7), Gd (8), Y (9)). All complexes possessed antibacterial activity on both escherichia coli (E. coli) and staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Thereinto, complex 5 displayed best antibacterial effect on E. coli, while complex 9 exhibited effective antibacterial activities against S. aureus. CCDC: 2022664, 1; 2022665, 2; 2022666, 3;2022667, 4; 2022668, 5.
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