Citation: Hui-Hui CUI, Tong-Ming SUN, Miao WANG, Lei CHEN, Yan-Feng TANG. Magnetic Anisotropy of High-Coordinated 3d Transition-Metal Single-Ion Magnets[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2021, 37(2): 193-205. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2021.044 shu

Magnetic Anisotropy of High-Coordinated 3d Transition-Metal Single-Ion Magnets


  • For its magnetic bistability and slow relaxation process, single-ion magnets (SIMs) have unique potential applications in high-density information storage, quantum computation and molecular spintronics. 3d transitionmetal-based single ion magnets (3d-SIMs) have attracted intensive interest because of their simple structure, easily exploring the magneto-structural relationship. Up to now, most of the 3d-SIMs reported in the literature usually have low coordination numbers, while knowledge on the high-coordinated (sevenand eight-coordinated) 3d-SIMs is still quite limited, especially for its efficient design and controllable manipulation. This project investigates the singleion magnetic anisotropy from three aspects, including basic properties, experimental characterization and theoretical calculation. Based on the research results in recent years, we summarize the coordination environment, magnetic anisotropy and slow magnetic relaxation behavior of the high-coordinated 3d-SIMs, and analyze the influence of the coordination environment, including coordination geometry and coordinated atoms, on the magnetic anisotropy of highcoordinated 3d-SIMs. This work will provide new routes in designing new high-coordinated 3d-SIMs with excellent properties.
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