Citation: XIE Yan-Yan, SUN Hong-Juan, PENG Tong-Jiang, LUO Li-Ming, TIAN Jing-Fei, QIN Ya-Ting. High Expansion Rate Expanded Vermiculite: Preparation by Chemical-Microwave Method and the Adsorption Mechanism of Methylene Blue[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2020, 36(1): 113-122. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2020.004 shu

High Expansion Rate Expanded Vermiculite: Preparation by Chemical-Microwave Method and the Adsorption Mechanism of Methylene Blue

  • Corresponding author: SUN Hong-Juan,
  • Received Date: 7 July 2019
    Revised Date: 16 October 2019


  • In order to improve the application efficiency of vermiculite and broaden its application field, high expansion rate expanded vermiculite (HEV) was prepared by chemical-microwave method based on the excellent thermal expansion and cation exchange properties of industrial vermiculite and the adsorption properties of methylene blue (MB) were studied by comparative analysis. The experimental results showed that the HEV has a high expansion rate (K=60 times), large specific surface area (80 m2·g-1), and the pore diameter was mainly distributed between 2 and 5 nm. The crystalline formof vermiculite, hydrophlogopite and phlogopite were still maintained, and the cation exchange capacity increased to 1.005 mmol·g-1 from the original 0.835 mmol·g-1. The adsorption capacity of HEV was influenced by the initial concentration of MB, adsorption time, solution pH and adsorption temperature. When the initial concentration of MB solution was 300 mg·L-1, the adsorption time was 240 min, the pH value was 9, the adsorption temperature was 298 K, and the adsorption capacity was 419.87 mg·g-1, much higher than the original vermiculite ore. The adsorption process conforms to the Langmuir model and the pseudo-second order kinetic model, and is a spontaneous and disordered endothermic reaction process with single molecular layer adsorption and low adsorption barrier. Removal of HEV effect on MB has surpassed that of some natural minerals as well as commercial-grade activated carbon, indicating that HEV is an efficient, low-cost cationic dye waste water adsorbent.
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