Citation: GUO Bing-Lin, HOU Cai-Xia, FAN Li-Hua, SUN Zhang. Effect of Extraction Temperature on Hyper-coal Structure and Electrochemistry of Coal-Based Activated Carbon[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2018, 34(9): 1615-1624. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2018.201 shu

Effect of Extraction Temperature on Hyper-coal Structure and Electrochemistry of Coal-Based Activated Carbon

  • Corresponding author: HOU Cai-Xia,
  • Received Date: 16 April 2018
    Revised Date: 14 June 2018


  • The Inner Mongolia lignite was used to prepare hyper-coal(HPC) at different temperatures by N-methylpyrolidone during KOH extraction. To explore the effect of extraction temperatures on activated carbons(ACs), the activation was operated at the same condition, mKOH:mcoal=3:1 and activated at 650℃ for 2 hours. The results show that the extraction temperature of HPC has great effect on the electrochemical properties of HPC-based ACs. Comparing the ash contents, surface oxo-functional groups, the specific surface areas, pore structures and electrochemical performances of the corresponding ACs with the lignite, the HPC prepared at 330℃ is in possession of the most suitable reactivity and its specific surface area of corresponding ACs could reach 1 252 m2·g-1 with appropriate amount of surface oxo-function groups. Besides, the specific capacitor could still retain almost 90% in 3 mol·L-1 KOH electrolyte at 50 mA·g-1 reaching 322 F·g-1, and a capacity retention as high as near 90% was achieved at 2 000 mA·g-1.
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