Citation: SUN Yan, LIU Rui-Ting, WENG Lin-Hong, ZHOU Xi-Geng. Syntheses, Cycloaminocarbonylation and Amidination of Rare Earth o-Aminobenzamido Dianion Complexes Bearing Cyclopentadienyl Co-ligand[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2017, 33(11): 2124-2138. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2017.255 shu

Syntheses, Cycloaminocarbonylation and Amidination of Rare Earth o-Aminobenzamido Dianion Complexes Bearing Cyclopentadienyl Co-ligand

  • Corresponding author: ZHOU Xi-Geng,
  • Received Date: 1 September 2017
    Revised Date: 22 September 2017


  • Treatment of Cp3Ln with o-aminobenzamide followed by crystallization in a HMPA and toluene mixture affords the tetranuclear organolanthanide complexes [CpLn(μ-η2:η2-NHC6H4CONH)(μ3-η1:η1:η2-NHC6H4CONH)LnCp(HMPA)}2 (Ln=Yb, 1a; Er, 1b; Y, 1c). Reaction of 1 with PhNCO (nPhNCO/n1=4) in toluene gives the dianionic quinazolyldiolate (Quo) complexes [Cp2Ln(μ3-η2:η2:η1-Quo)]3Ln(HMPA)2 (Ln=Yb, 2a; Er, 2b; Y, 2c), indicating that one isocyanate molecule can undergo the tandem reaction with both NH and CONH of 1 to construct a quinazoly-ldiolate skeleton, companying with the elimination of PhNH2. However, 1a~1c react with iPrN=C=NiPr under the same conditions to give only the single ArNH addition products {Cp2Ln[μ-η1:η1:η2-iPrNC(NHiPr)NC6H4 CONH]}3Ln(HMPA)3 (Ln=Yb, 3a; Er, 3b; Y, 3c). Furthermore, treatment of Cp3Ln with o-aminobenzamide followed by reacting with iPrN=C=NiPr gave {CpLn[μ-η1:η2:η2-NHCOC6H4NC(NHiPr)NiPr]}2 (Ln=Yb, 4a; Er, 4b; Y, 4c). Noticeably, HMPA could induce the transformation of 4 into 3 by a ligand redistribution.
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