Citation: YANG Qin, DU Ying-Ying, WANG Jiang-Lin, ZHANG Sheng-Min. Research Progress in Bi-template Induced Biomimetic Self-assembly of Bone-like Apatite[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2016, 32(11): 1885-1895. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2016.246 shu

Research Progress in Bi-template Induced Biomimetic Self-assembly of Bone-like Apatite

  • Corresponding author: WANG Jiang-Lin, 
  • Received Date: 12 June 2016
    Available Online: 19 September 2016

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  • Natural bone is an outcome of a multi-template co-assembly process. Compared to single-template self-assembly, bone-like apatite induced by bi-template exhibits more common features and similarities of natural bone that has attracted a wide attention in field of biomineralization. This paper summarizes the recent research achievements in bi-template-induced biomimetic self-assembled apatite. The design of bi-template molecule and the interactions between the molecular templates have been investigated as well as the regulation mechanism of apatite nucleation. The bi-template co-assembly strategy as a promising clinical application has been applied on many fields ranging from bone/teeth repair, coatings and drug delivery, due to the improved osteoconductive properties and even osteoinductive properties.
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