Citation: CHEN Wen-Jian, KONG Xiang-Jian, LONG La-Sheng, ZHENG Lan-Sun. Slow Magnetic Relaxation in Sandwich-Type Tetranuclear Dysprosium Complex with TMeQ[6] (TMeQ[6]=α, α, δ, δ-Tetramethylcucurbit[6]uril)[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2015, 31(9): 1867-1874. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2015.226 shu

Slow Magnetic Relaxation in Sandwich-Type Tetranuclear Dysprosium Complex with TMeQ[6] (TMeQ[6]=α, α, δ, δ-Tetramethylcucurbit[6]uril)

  • Corresponding author: KONG Xiang-Jian,  LONG La-Sheng, 
  • Received Date: 1 June 2015
    Available Online: 7 July 2015

    Fund Project: 国家自然科学基金(nos.21422106,21371144,21431005)资助项目。 (nos.21422106,21371144,21431005)

  • Two TMeQ[6]-supported sandwich tetranuclear complexes, [Ln4(μ3-OH)4(μ2-OH)2(H2O)4(NO3)2 (TMeQ[6])2](NO3)4·26H2O (Ln=Dy, 1; Ln=Tb, 2), have been prepared and characterized. Crystal structural analysis reveals that both complexes contain a cubane-like [Ln4(μ3-OH)4]8+ cluster core sandwiched between two TMeQ[6] macro-cycles. Magnetic investigations indicate that complex 1 displays slow magnetization relaxation. Complex 2 exhibits intense photoluminescence owing to the efficient energy transfer from TMeQ[6] ligand to Tb3+ ion.
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