Citation: JIANG Wu-Jiu, WU Xu-Meng, LIU Chao, YU Jiang-Xi, ZHU Xiao-Ming, FENG Yong-Lan, ZHANG Fu-Xing, KUANG Dai-Zhi. Syntheses, Crystal Structures and Biological Activity of Schiff Base Organotin Complexes Based on o-Vanillin and 2-Amino-4-nitrophenol[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2015, 31(7): 1321-1328. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2015.116 shu

Syntheses, Crystal Structures and Biological Activity of Schiff Base Organotin Complexes Based on o-Vanillin and 2-Amino-4-nitrophenol

  • Corresponding author: KUANG Dai-Zhi, 
  • Received Date: 28 December 2014
    Available Online: 26 January 2015

    Fund Project: 湖南省科技计划项目(No.2013TZ2025, 2014NK3086, 2014FJ3060) (No.2013TZ2025, 2014NK3086, 2014FJ3060)自然科学基金(No.13JJ3112) (No.13JJ3112) 湖南省普通高校重点实验室开放基金 项目(No.13K105, 14K014) (No.13K105, 14K014) 湖南省教育厅基金项目(No.14C0171) (No.14C0171) 功能金属有机材料湖南省普通高校重点实验室开放基金项目 (No.13K01, 13K04, GN14K01)资助。 (No.13K01, 13K04, GN14K01)

  • Schiff base organotin complexes 1 and 2 have been synthesized via the reaction of the o-Vanillin-2-amino-4-nitrophenol Schiff base(H2L) with the dibutyltin oxide and the dibenzyltin dichloride, respectively. The complexes have been characterized by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR spectra, elemental analysis and the crystal structures have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The anticancer activity of H2L, 1 and 2 against five species of cancer cell which are Hela, MCF7, HepG2, Colo205, NCI-H460 were tested respectively, and the tests showed that complex 1 was more active than carboplatin against tested carcinoma cell lines and has a potential application of drug preparation. The interaction between Schiff base ligand, complex 2 and Herring sperm DNA were studied by EB fluorescent probe, the result shows that fluorescence quenching was really resulted from the synergistic effect of the Schiff base ligand. CCDC: 939077, 1; 939078, 2.
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