Citation: XIAO Chong, LI Zhou, XIE Yi*. Synergistic Optimization of Electrical and Thermal Transport Properties in Chalcogenides Thermoelectric Materials[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2014, 30(1): 10-19. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2014.071 shu

Synergistic Optimization of Electrical and Thermal Transport Properties in Chalcogenides Thermoelectric Materials

  • Received Date: 27 September 2013
    Available Online: 6 November 2013

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  • Over the past few years, thermoelectric materials have redrawn considerable attentions among physics, chemistry, and materials researchers due to their capability of direct conversion between heat and electricity, which is today well recognized as viable renewable-energy sources. However, it is still one of the biggest challenges hitherto to independently optimize these three parameters for obtaining high-performance thermoelectric materials with large ZT value. Chalcogenide semiconductors as the most important class of thermoelectric materials, the synergistic optimization of their electrical-thermal transport properties has attracted widespread attentions. Herein, we reviewed the latest development of the synergistic optimization in Chalcogenide semiconductors. We also analyzed the inherent physical mechanisms within the synergistic optimization. Finally, we summarized the prospects of these new strategies in thermoelectric materials development.
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