Green innovation unleashed: Harnessing tungsten-based nanomaterials for catalyzing solar-driven carbon dioxide conversion

Weidan Meng Yanbo Zhou Yi Zhou

Citation:  Weidan Meng, Yanbo Zhou, Yi Zhou. Green innovation unleashed: Harnessing tungsten-based nanomaterials for catalyzing solar-driven carbon dioxide conversion[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2025, 36(2): 109961. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2024.109961 shu

Green innovation unleashed: Harnessing tungsten-based nanomaterials for catalyzing solar-driven carbon dioxide conversion


  • The worldwide demand for energy is expected to continue increasing in the coming decades. The extensive burning of fossil fuels over the past centuries has resulted in the release of substantial amounts of greenhouse gases, which has aggravated global warming and the ecological crisis. It is projected that by the end of the 21st century, the anthropogenic CO2 levels will reach 950 ppm [1]. If atmospheric CO2 concentrations surpass 600 ppm, it will cause a devastating catastrophe for the earth, with a sea level rise of 0.4 m. Numerous technologies, such as carbon storage, carbon capture, and carbon utilization have been developed to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Converting CO2 into high-value-added chemicals, such as fuels or other manufactured products, has emerged as a promising solution to combat global warming and the energy crisis [2,3]. Photocatalytic technology has been extensively employed for the treatment of pollutants in water or air, and has demonstrated significant efficacy in the degradation of emerging pollutants [4-7]. This precisely utilizes visible light to induce the production of more active substances, which facilitates the separation of photogenerated carriers for the removal of pollutants [8,9]. Carbon dioxide photocatalytic reduction (CO2-PR) technology, relying on economical reactants (e.g., H2O) and low energy requirements, has been recognized as a prospective approach to alleviate the energy crisis and global warming problem [10,11].

    Tungsten oxide-based (WxOy-based) materials have garnered significant attention in CO2-PR research. Typical WxOy materials, such as non-stoichiometric W18O49 and WO3·H2O, possess abundant defect sites that contain an excess of electrons compared to other defective semiconductors. These photocatalysts exhibit the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect, which involves exciting the excess electrons [12]. The LSPR effect in WO3-x extends its photoresponse to the near-infrared range, thereby enhancing the photoconversion efficiency and charge separation efficiency [13]. As a result, WxOy-based materials are able to exhibit excellent catalytic performance in CO2-PR. However, photocatalysts are often unable to effectively realize the photoconversion of CO2 because of the limitations of their own structures and properties. Scientists have proposed diverse methods, such as defect engineering [14], structure control [15], morphology control [16], and the introduction of other metals or metal oxides to construct composite semiconductors and boost photocatalytic activity.

    While few reviews have delved into the improvement of CO2-PR performance through modification of WxOy-based catalysts, this paper aims to review recent research progress in this field. Specifically, we focus on different product perspectives, analyze and compare the influencing factors of CO2-PR activity based on variations in photocatalytic systems across different studies, summarize and forecast the application of WxOy-based catalysts in the realm of CO2-PR. We firmly believe that this review will facilitate future design and study of CO2-PR, as well as encourage further exploration of WxOy-based photocatalytic systems for a wide range of applications.

    CO2 is thermodynamically stable due to its centrosymmetric linear molecular structure and fully oxidized chemical state (ΔHf0 = −393.51 kJ/mol), characterized by an O═C═O linear structure with σ and π bonds [17]. The bond energy of C═O (750 kJ/mol) is significantly higher than that of C—O (327 kJ/mol), C—H (411 kJ/mol), and C—C (336 kJ/mol) bonds [18]. CO2-PR is a highly endothermic process with an energy barrier that must be overcome to cleave the C═O bond and excite CO2-PR.

    In the original CO2 adsorption activation theory, an ideal model was proposed based on metal/metal oxide photocatalysts (Figs. S1a and b in Supporting information) [19,20]. Typically, photocatalysts possessing mesoporous structures offer larger surface areas and pore volumes, thereby facilitating an increased number of active sites for CO2 adsorption [21,22]. Moreover, CO2 functions as an acidic oxide, and its carbon atoms, acting as Lewis acids, can coordinate with Lewis base sites on the photocatalyst surface, which are represented by oxygen atoms acting as Lewis bases [23]. This coordination results in the distortion of CO2’s linear structure and consequent generation of partially charged CO2 δ species [19]. Throughout the structural transformation from linear to bent conformation, the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the CO2 molecule is downshifted, thereby promoting charge transfer between the catalyst and CO2•− species [24].

    The CO2-PR pathway and its product selectivity depend strongly on the surface chemistry of CO2 adsorption on the surface of the photo-/co-catalyst and desorption of the intermediates, which has been comprehensively summarized in other reviews (Fig. S1c in Supporting information). The crucial step in the reaction is the activation of the first C—O bond within the CO2 molecule, and efficient electron transfer to CO2 facilitates its activation [25,26]. It has been extensively shown that incorporating catalytically active sites comprising metals and oxides facilitates CO2 activation and the stabilization of intermediates. In general, there are several approaches to stimulate CO2 activation:

    (1) Defect engineering, such as introducing non-stoichiometric tungsten oxide (WO3-x), which is rich in surface oxygen vacancies (VO), can lead to the generation of LSPR in the visible and infrared regions. This unique characteristic enhances WO3’s light-harvesting ability, resulting in improved carrier separation [13]. Defects also provide additional adsorption sites for CO2 activation, thereby reducing reaction barriers and modifying the product distribution [27].

    (2) Modulating surface basic sites offers an alternative approach for CO2 adsorption and activation [28]. Alkaline modification of WxOy-based catalysts’ surface enhances CO2 adsorption performance. The reaction between the acidic CO2 and the alkaline surface of the photocatalyst results in the formation of intermediates, such as bicarbonate, favoring the activation and subsequent reduction of CO2 molecules.

    (3) The decoration of metal co-catalysts has been demonstrated to promote CO2 activation [29]. When a WxOy-based catalyst is excited, the generated electron-hole pairs separate, with the electrons and protons transferred to the catalyst or co-catalyst surface. The electrons are involved in the reduction of CO2 at the active sites of the WxOy-based catalyst or co-catalyst, while the protons participate in the oxidation reaction of water.

    2.2.1   C1 production

    CO2-PR involves a series of fundamental steps, including electron/proton (e/H+) transfer, C═O bond cleavage, intermediate formation, and new bond formation [30].

    The photo-generated electrons in the conduction band (CB) can engage in CO2-PR to produce renewable hydrocarbon fuels (equation: CO2 + H2O → hydrocarbons + O2) under mild reaction conditions, typically at room temperature and pressure. Conversely, the holes in the valence band (VB) generally take part in the oxidation of water [31]. Furthermore, CO2-PR exhibits a wide range of potential catalytic products, including CO, HCOOH, CH2O, CH3OH, CH4, C2H5OH, and others. The reaction can involve a catalytic process requiring 2–12 electrons (Eqs. 1–8). In the following equations, E0 represents the potential of the electrode under standard hydrogen electrode reference conditions.









    Habisreutinger et al. [32] summarized three potential mechanisms for CO2-PR to generate C1 products (CO, HCOOH, CH2O, CH3OH, and CH4), as well as some C2 products, including formaldehyde pathway, carbene pathway, and glyoxal pathway. The differentiation among these pathways arises from the various modes of CO2 adsorption on the surface of the catalysts, encompassing oxygen coordination, carbon coordination, and lateral/mixed coordination. Regardless of the pathway, the reaction commences with the adsorption and activation of CO2, leading to the formation of charged CO2•− species on the catalyst's surface. The discrepancies in these pathways stem from the distinct manners in which CO2•− binds to the catalysts. The final product of all three pathways is CH4, and CH3OH is produced in both the formaldehyde pathway and the carbene pathway.

    However, Koci et al. [33] found that the distribution of CH4 and CH3OH did not align with the formaldehyde pathway alone, as CH3OH is not an intermediate in the production of CH4. To address this, Wang et al. [34] proposed a new formyl pathway (Fig. S2 in Supporting information) that integrates the formaldehyde, carbene, and glyoxal pathways. In the formyl pathway, if the catalyst possesses moderate adsorption strength, the C-anchored CO intermediate can accept an e, while a H+ attacks the C atom to form CHO. With the assistance of another e/H+, CHO can be further converted into CH2O. Subsequently, the intermediate becomes successively bonded to C by binding with the e/H+ until it eventually produces CH3OH or CH4.

    2.2.2   C2 production

    C2 production have garnered significant attention due to their higher economic benefits, making the direct generation of C2 production through CO2-PR a current hot research topic. The synthesis of the C2 product poses a greater challenge compared to the synthesis of the C1 product due to the requirement of a higher concentration of electrons in the active site [35]. The key to further generating C2 products lies in the dimerization of C1 intermediates on the catalyst surface to form C—C bonds. Furthermore, it is crucial for the intermediates to strongly bond to the catalyst surface to generate C2 products instead of early desorption as C1 products, such as CO and CH2O. Fig. S3 (in Supporting information) depicts three pathways for generating C2 and C2+ products.

    The CO2-PR process is influenced by various parameters, including temperature, medium pH, CO2 partial pressure, light intensity and wavelength, H2O partial pressure and reaction system. These parameters play a significant role in determining the CO2-PR conversion and product selectivity. Consequently, this subsection provides a comprehensive analysis of the influence mechanisms associated with different reaction conditions.

    2.3.1   Temperature

    The initiation of a photocatalytic reaction necessitates a driving force that generates the electron-hole (e-h+) pair. This driving force is provided by light irradiation in the form of the Gibbs free energy (ΔG). Previous studies have observed that the rate of CO2-PR increases at higher temperatures due to the augmentation in collision frequency and diffusion rate of the reactant molecules [36]. This implies that higher temperatures are more conducive to enhancing the mass transfer rate of CO2 from the surface of the photocatalyst, consequently improving the overall reaction rate. Additionally, higher temperatures expedite the reaction rate by reducing the activation energy needed to initiate chemical reactions.

    2.3.2   pH value

    The solvent's pH is a crucial factor in enhancing the rate and efficiency of CO2-PR. Variations in protons concentration within the reaction medium influence the theoretical reduction potential of CO2 when it functions as both a reactant and a buffer. Additionally, high pH favors the decomposition of CO2 into CO32− or HCO3, which possess varied standard redox potential values, affecting their adsorption properties on the photocatalyst surface and consequently leading to different product yields and selectivity. For instance, Das et al. [37] discovered that higher pH levels are correlated with increased CO2 solubility, elevated CO2 concentration near the catalyst's surface, and improved CO2 reduction efficiency. However, excessively high pH levels restrict the supply of surface adsorbed H+ to the adsorbed CO2, thereby hindering further CO2-PR.

    2.3.3   CO2 partial pressure

    The photoconversion rate of CO2 is heavily influenced by the adsorption rate of CO2 molecules on the photocatalyst's surface. This adsorption process relies on the van der Waals force governing the interaction between the adsorbent (photocatalyst) and the adsorbate (CO2). This force acts as an adhesion force within the adsorbate-adsorbent system and strengthens with increasing partial pressure of the adsorbate. Consequently, higher partial pressure of CO2 gas leads to better product yields when CO2 is in the gas phase. In both gas-phase and liquid-phase systems, the partial pressure of CO2 (PCO) regulates the likelihood of adsorption on the photocatalyst's active sites, thereby ensuring higher yields of solar fuels.

    2.3.4   Light intensity and wavelength

    Regarding energy considerations, light intensity and wavelength play pivotal roles in photocatalytic reactions. The energy possessed by the excited e-h+ pairs relies on the wavelength of light, while the number of e-h+ pairs is contingent upon the intensity of light. Research conducted by Ikreedeegh et al. [38] observed that the CO2-PR demonstrated heightened activity with increasing light intensity, yet decreased activity when exposed to longer light wavelengths. Higher-power lamps emit a greater quantity of photons and generate a larger number of e-h+ pairs. However, even with high-power lamps, photogenerated e and h+ can still undergo rapid recombination, thereby diminishing photocatalytic efficiency [39].

    2.3.5   HER

    The process of H2O splitting plays a crucial role in CO2-PR, where H2O molecules interact directly with excited state e in the CB and h+ in the VB to generate H2 and O2 [40]. The recombination of the e-h+ pairs can be prevented by h+ consuming OH species [41]. A minimum band gap of 1.23 eV is required for the photocatalytic decomposition of water. In the case of WxOy-based catalysts, the bandwidth ranges from 2.5 to 2.8 eV. As a result, the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) can compete with CO2-PR due to its higher kinetic feasibility. Furthermore, the slow diffusion of CO2 molecules on the catalyst surface and the involvement of H2O in generating H2 during the reaction can decrease the availability of H+ for CO2 reduction, thereby reducing both the activity and product selectivity of CO2-PR. Consequently, photocatalysts must exhibit elevated activity for H2O oxidation while limiting excessive H2 generation.

    2.3.6   Reaction system

    CO2-PR is conducted in gas-liquid-solid or gas-solid systems. In gas-liquid-solid systems, co-solvents are added to increase the solubility of CO2, as well as sacrificial agents to inhibit competing half-reactions, making it easier to detect liquid-phase products, including formic acid. For gas-solid systems, the yield of gaseous products such as CH4 is relatively high. For smooth CO2 hydrogenation, a balance of water vapor and CO2 molecule adsorption on the surface of the material is required, as well as the ability to inhibit the HER [42]. Additionally, without extra sacrificial agents, the surface of the catalyst is exposed to the accumulation of ·OH after the depletion of H+, leading to the deactivation of the catalyst. Recently, three-phase photocatalysis has emerged as a promising solution to address mass transfer limitations in CO2-PR. The efficiency of three-phase photocatalysis lies in its ability to rapidly transport CO2 to the catalyst surface [43]. Moreover, e-h+ pairs play a pivotal role in regulating CO2-PR, and their effective separation is achieved through external or internal electric fields [44]. Despite these advantages, challenges persist in the photoreduction of insoluble stable gas molecules, including hindered kinetic diffusion, sluggish surface adsorption, and inefficient activation of gaseous reactants at three-phase catalytic interfaces [45].

    To achieve higher yields and superior product selectivity in CO2-PR, careful selection of all the parameters is necessary. Moreover, there is a need for not only efficient and robust photocatalysts, but also sustainable interfacial photocatalytic systems.

    Although WxOy-based materials possess appropriate band gaps, they exhibit limited catalytic reactivity, including low sunlight utilization, low surface negative charge density, fast recombination of photogenerated e-h+ pairs, and low carrier migration efficiency. Various approaches have been explored to enhance the efficiency of photocatalytic systems, such as morphology engineering, elemental doping, and heterojunction formation [46-48]. The WxOy-based photocatalysts for CO2-PR are showed in Table S1 (Supporting Information). These modifications will be discussed in greater detail below.

    For metal-oxide semiconductors, an alternative and cost-effective method to increase the surface negative charge density and improve CO2-PR performance is by constructing surface VO. The presence of VO serves two important functions: (Ⅰ) It promotes the activation of reactants, leading to the formation of active substances; (Ⅱ) It expands light absorption, thereby enhancing the efficient utilization of solar energy [49]. While CO2-PR driven by WO3 is mainly dominated by C1 products (such as CO and CH4), WO3-x can enhance the efficiency of C—C coupling and reduce CO2 to C2 products.

    Although VO exhibits better ability in increasing the negative charge density on the surface, it is easily inactivated through oxidation due to its typically low concentration on the surface. However, Sun et al. [50] successfully synthesized ultrathin WO3·0.33H2O nanotubes with a high level of exposed surface VO. During the generation of CH3COOH, the VO that adsorbed CO2 could be easily separated from VO after forming C—C bonds, enabling sustainable utilization of VO and suppressing VO inactivation. Moreover, Deng et al. [51] prepared ultrathin WO3-x nanosheets with oxygen defects. Theoretical calculations confirmed that these defects are crucial in the reduction of CO2 to C2 hydrocarbons, and VO promoted the C—C coupling of the reduced C—H intermediates, effectively preventing the complexation of photogenerated e and h+, thereby improving the conversion efficiency of WO3-x to CO2.

    The presence of photo-induced VO is a double-edged sword. While a small amount of VO enhances the photocatalytic activity, an excessive amount of VO can disrupt the hexagonal WO3 structure, leading to a decrease in photocatalytic activity. Wang et al. [52] successfully synthesized VO-containing samples by treating hexagonal WO3 in an atmosphere containing H2 and demonstrated that this VO generation process is reversible when the catalyst is exposed to an atmosphere containing O2. The photocatalytic activity significantly increases with the increase in VO content, reaching its maximum value.

    Stoichiometric WO3 is comprised of edge-shared octahedral WO6. It exhibits heterogeneous phases, including monoclinic, tridiagonal, orthorhombic, tetragonal, hexagonal, and cubic phases. The specific phase depends on the angle of lattice tilt and the direction of rotation [53]. In room temperature, monoclinic I has the most stable structure, which is a typical n-type semiconductor with a band gap of 2.62 eV. W18O49 has a unique monoclinic structure and has been widely studied for its ability to exhibit a strong LSPR effect and excellent CO2-PR performance. Monoclinic and hexagonal crystals are the most promising options among the various crystalline phases. The monoclinic phase is known for its stability, while the hexagonal phase possesses an open-hole structure and abundant intercalation chemistry [54]. Both WO3-x/GdCrO3 and WO3-x-R/GdCrO3 consist of monoclinic crystals W18O49 and orthorhombic crystals GdCrO3. The close contact between WO3-x-R and GdCrO3 is clearly observed in the HRTEM image (Fig. 1a). The growth of WO3-x nanosheets with plentiful defect sites on GdCrO3 along the [−1,0,4] direction is evident. Simultaneously, the crystal surface of WO3-x can be meticulously crafted to expose a greater number of active sites [55]. At the WO3-x-R/GdCrO3 interface, W5/4+ defect sites are introduced, serving as a bridge for photothermal-induced charge storage, secondary plasmon excitation, and interband transfer, as seen in Fig. 1b. This approach enables efficient charge separation, high redox potential, and sufficient absorption of visible light [56].

    Figure 1

    Figure 1.  (a) HETEM of WO3-x-R/GdCrO3, and (b) W 4f XPS spectra of the samples. Reprinted with permission [56]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier. (c) CO2 photoelectrocatalytic performances of WO3-raw and WO3-T, and (d) XPS W 4f profiles of WO3-raw and WO3-T. Reprinted with permission [57]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier. The aldehyde selectivity of the catalysts is represented by dots, SEM (e) and HAADF-STEM (f) images of WO3-x-2 synthesized under 2 mL HCl assistance, Raman spectra (g) of WO3-x-2 during CO2-PR, and their IR spectra (h) after photocatalysis. Reprinted with permission [58]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.

    Non-stoichiometric tungsten oxide (WO3-x) possesses a high density of VO and shows LSPR in the visible-near-infrared region. The presence of VO in WO3-x results in broad absorption in both the visible and infrared regions. Li et al. [57] observed a gradual transition from WO3 to W18O49 during carbothermal reduction at temperatures higher than 800 ℃. The introduction of W5+ on the surface of non-stoichiometric WO3 facilitated the selective conversion of CO2 to aldehyde with a 35% yield (Fig. 1c). This phase transition led to the presence of low-valent surface components, such as W5+ and W4+, alongside the initial W6+ material in different ratios (Fig. 1d), which assembled the surface structure of non-stoichiometric WO3-T. Lu et al. [58] performed plasma synthesis of WO3 with tunable Vo and low-valence W ions. They observed a sea urchin-like structure of WO3-x-2 (Fig. 1e), with a clear and ordered lattice structure corresponding to the (010) face observed by atomic resolution high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) (Fig. 1f). Raman and IR (Fig. 1, Fig. 1) spectroscopy revealed the presence of “C═C”, “C—C”, adsorbed CO, HOCOO, and adsorbed CO2 intermediates on the WO3-x-2 surface, indicating that adjacent VO provide active sites for C—C coupling to ethylene.

    Surface modification of WxOy-based photocatalysts using the characteristics of WO3, such as the introduction of abundant defect sites and the dominant monoclinic phase structure, can significantly enhance the CO2 adsorption capacity and provide reactive active sites for the selective production of C1 and C2 products.

    Exogenous ion doping is a simple and effective method to modulate the electronic structure of photocatalysts, altering the valence state of the element and facilitating the introduction of low-valence metal species into WO3 [59,60]. Furthermore, elemental doping can induce the formation of intermediate energy bands or VO, optimizing the band structure of the photocatalysts [61]. Importantly, since the CO2-PR occurs on the catalyst surface, the surface doping of metal ions on the photocatalyst can promote CO2 adsorption capacity and the transfer of photogenerated carriers [62].

    For instance, Wang et al. [63] synthesized Mo-doped WO3·0.33H2O nanorods. As illustrated in Fig. 2a, the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra demonstrated a significant increase in the VO content of Mo-doped WO3·0.33H2O, which facilitated the supply and insertion process of H+ and improved the hydrogenation process of carbon intermediates for CH4 generation. This ultimately resulted in an increase in CH4 yield, as shown in Fig. 2b. And Fig. 2c shows the scheme of Mo-doped WO3·0.33H2O CO2 reduction reaction with H2O driven by solar energy. Zhang et al. [64] doped Cu+ into the W18O49 nanowires. Analysis of the fitted peaks of W 4f revealed an increase in the content of W5+ after Cu+ doping. In addition, the peaks of W 4f shifted towards high binding energies, as depicted in Fig. 2d. The EPR spectrum (Fig. 2e) confirmed the increase in VO content due to Cu+ doping, with the EPR signal of Cu-W18O49–0.005 being significantly higher than that of pure W18O49. Cu+ served as an active site for CO2 activation, shifting its conduction band to a more negative position and served as an electron transfer center, reducing e-h+ pair recombination and enhancing charge transfer.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2.  (a) EPR spectra at 300 K for WO and 3% Mo-WO, (b) The yield of CO2-PR to CH4 in the first 6 h for WO, 1% Mo-WO, 3%Mo-WO and 5%Mo-WO, and (c) CO2-PR over Mo-WO with water under solar irradiation. Reprinted with permission [63]. Copyright 2019, Elsevier. (d) W 4f high-resolution XPS spectra and (e) room-temperature EPR spectra of W18O49 and Cu-W18O49–0.005. Reprinted with permission [64]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.

    Yi et al. [65] discovered that the co-doping of Mo and Cs in reduced WO3 improved CO2-PR performance compared to solely modified WO3. The band gap of CsWO was slightly narrowed by Mo doping, increasing the light absorption capacity of CsWO and inducing a reductive Mo5+ for the LSPR effect. Therefore, narrowing the band gap of WxOy-based materials is also an important strategy for enhancing CO2-PR performance.

    Doping metal elements into WxOy-based photocatalysts serves to modulate the edge positions of VB and CB, while also inhibiting carrier recombination and promoting the formation of VO. This synergistic interaction with neighboring ligand-unsaturated metal ions, hydroxyl groups, and ions enhances the photocatalytic performance.

    Single-component photocatalysts face a challenge in providing both strong redox capacity and a broad-range photoresponse. This is because achieving the former requires a large bandgap, while the latter necessitates a narrow bandgap [66]. Moreover, in single-component nanophotocatalysts, the generated e-h+ pairs are often prone to recombination due to strong coulombic interactions. It will result in a significant loss of photogenerated charge [67]. The construction of semiconductor heterojunctions has proven to be an effective strategy. Heterojunctions enable a wide range of photoresponse and promote efficient charge separation, thereby enhancing the strong redox capacity that facilitates CO2-PR [68].

    3.3.1   Binary composites

    Among the semiconductors with high VB potentials, WO3 has attracted significant attention from researchers due to its high specific surface area, high visible light activity, and high oxidation potential. However, WO3 has positive CB position, which is ineffective for CO2 reduction. Additionally, its narrow band gap leads to rapid recombination of charge carriers, resulting in poor photocatalytic activity. To address these limitations, WO3 can be combined with semiconductors that have negative VB positions to form composite heterojunctions, thus facilitating efficient separation of e-h+ pairs and enhancing the performance of CO2-PR.

    WO3 is commonly used as the oxidation component in Z-scheme heterojunction composites due to its positive VB potential and ability to oxidize photogenerated holes. For example, Tahir et al. [69] created Z-scheme WO3/g-C3N4 heterojunction that allowed efficient interaction between the two semiconductors and achieved effective carrier separation. Jiang et al. [70] found that good performance of the CsPbBr3/WO3 heterojunction was attributed to the Z-scheme mechanism with a strong internal electric field. Tang et al. [71] designed a three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) structure of WO3 with a slow photon effect. Additionally, they grew g-C3N4 thin films on the surface of 3DOM-WO3 in situ. This approach effectively addresses the limitation caused by the mismatch between the conduction band position of conventional semiconducting materials and the required redox potential for the reaction. Consequently, directional conduction of electrons between the two semiconductor materials is achieved, enhancing the efficiency of visible light trapping. These studies demonstrate the potential of using WO3 as an efficient visible light-active co-catalyst for constructing heterojunctions for CO2-PR.

    Yu et al. [72,73] proposed novel S-scheme heterojunction photocatalysts that using a distinct electron transfer mechanism compared to conventional type Ⅱ and Z-scheme heterojunctions. Comparatively, S-scheme heterojunctions consisting of a reduced semiconductor and an oxidized semiconductor exhibit improved charge separation and enhance the kinetic of CO2-PR. Additionally, they fulfill the thermodynamic requirements for CO2-PR [74,75]. For instance, the ultrasound-assisted Cs2AgBiBr6/Bi2WO6 nanocomposites, featuring a staggered-band arrangement of S-scheme heterojunction structures, and the one-dimensional S-scheme heterojunction structure of SiC-W18O49, characterized by a distinctive sea urchin morphology, both demonstrate enhanced CO2-PR performance compared to individual materials [76,77].

    Recently, the use of 2D/2D interfaces has demonstrated effectiveness in providing larger contact interfaces, reducing carrier transport distances, and increasing the availability of active sites [78,79]. Jiang et al. [80] exploited the synergistic 2D/2D interface (Fig. 3a), Vo-induced defect energy levels (Fig. 3b and c), achieved a significant CO evolution rate increase in the 30VO-WOx/BiOCl, which is 4.68 and 3.09 times higher than that of BiOCl and 30WO3/BiOCl, respectively (Fig. 3d and e). And S-scheme transfer modes of VO-WOx/BiOCl composites (Fig. 3f) to achieve faster VO-WOx and BiOCl dual transfer modes through carrier separation and improved charge separation and transfer efficiency.

    Figure 3

    Figure 3.  (a) HRTEM of the 30VO-WOx/BiOCl sample, high-resolution XPS spectra of Bi 4f (b), W 4f (c) of the BiOCl, VO-WOx and 30VO-WOx/BiOCl samples in the dark and under the light, (d) the CO evaluation of BiOCl, VO-WOx. 30WO3/BiOCl and 30VO-WOx /BiOCl, (e) CO production rates of BiOCl, 30WO3/BiOCl and 30VO-WOx/BiOCl, and (f) S-scheme heterojunction composed by BiOCl and VO-WOx. Reprinted with permission [80]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier. (g) HRTEM image of the Au/TiO2/W18O49 plasmonic heterostructure, (h) TEM image of the side view of the Au/TiO2/W18O49 plasmonic heterostructure, (i) schematic diagram showing the hot electron generation and transfer processes due to the enhanced plasmon coupling between Au and W18O49 under UV–vis–NIR light irradiation, and (j) gas productions and the corresponding CH4 selectivity through CO2-PR over the as-synthesized samples under UV–vis–NIR light irradiation: (1) TiO2 NFs, (2) Au/TiO2 composite NFs, (3) Au/TiO2/W18O49 plasmonic heterostructure, (4) W18O49 NWs, (5) W18O49/TiO2 plasmonic heterostructure. Reprinted with permission [84]. Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH.

    In addition, a distinctive feature of WO3 is its ability to have carefully designed VO states that exhibit broad and strong absorption in the near-infrared (NIR) region [81]. Huang et al. [82] constructed plasma-enhanced S-scheme WO/CdSe-D photocatalysts. The abundant VO in WO3 induced LSPR effect, extending the light absorption range of WO/CdSe-D to the NIR region, thus enhancing absorption in the visible and NIR regions. Therefore, the rational utilization of WO3’s properties offer the potential to develop composite photocatalysts for NIR CO2-PR.

    Binary semiconductor composites offer several advantages, including improved optical response range, enhanced separation and transport of photogenerated carriers, and increased reactive interfaces and active sites. CB position of WxOy enables the effective electron transport and separation of photogenerated carriers when combined with semiconductor materials such as TiO2 and BiVO4, which have a negative VB position. As a result, these composites can significantly enhance CO2-PR activity.

    3.3.2   Ternary composites

    In addition to binary composites, more complex structures, such as ternary catalysts, have also been reported, which can be derived from one or a combination of the structures. Ternary composites have garnered significant attention from researchers due to their ability to facilitate the rapid migration of excited electrons [83].

    Studies have demonstrated that ternary components exhibit superior photocatalytic activity compared to binary components. Jiang et al. [84] proposed the concept of plasma-active “hotspot” confined photocatalysis, where the coexcited LSPR of Au and W18O49 components form metal/non-metal coupled plasma coupling hotspots within a sandwich-like sub-structure of the Au/TiO2/W18O49 plasma heterostructure (Figs. 3g and h). In comparison to a single-plasma-component system (Au/TiO2 or W18O49/TiO2), the two-plasma-component system (Au/TiO2/W18O49) can generate more thermally excited electrons for CO2-PR (Fig. 3i) when the LSPR of Au and W18O49 components and the interband leaps of the TiO2 component are co-excited. This configuration leads to efficient CO2-PR (Fig. 3j). In the ternary system constructed by Dong et al. [85], the WO3/CsPbBr3 Z-scheme heterojunction provided an effective pathway for the transfer of photogenerated charge carriers. This ternary system was further modified with ZIF-67 to enhance charge separation and improve CO2 adsorption performance. The evaluation of CO2-PR activities revealed that after 3 h of irradiation, the CO yield of WO3/CsPbBr3 was 3.6 times higher than that of bare CsPbBr3. Further modification with ZIF-67 resulted in the highest CO yield of 99.38 μmol/g, which was 6.8 times higher than that of CsPbBr3. The porous structure also contributed to a higher specific surface area, increased adsorption sites, and multiple transfer pathways during the photoreduction process. These results highlight the significant contribution of ternary components to the enhancement of CO2-PR performance.

    While multicomponent catalysts demonstrate clear advantages in improving CO2-PR activity compared to single-component catalysts, the complexity of their preparation procedures raises the need for further investigation regarding whether the composite between various materials can achieve the theoretical effects. Considering factors such as cost and photocatalytic efficiency, current research on binary composites remains more extensive. However, there are still numerous possibilities awaiting exploration in the realm of ternary composites.

    The metal atoms were incorporated into the WxOy-based catalysts through surface modification engineering to enhance the separation and transfer efficiency of CO2-PR charges. Pd underwent the H2 spillover effect to form hydrotungsten bronze, which facilitated H2 dissociation and spillover. WO3, on the other hand, stored H+ and e as hydrotungsten bronze within its lattice [86]. Furthermore, the Co-modified W18O49 demonstrated efficient carrier separation with positive facilitation. The isolated Co atoms acted as an electron pump, promoting charge separation and transport efficiency, and accelerating CO2-PR kinetics [87]. Both modifications resulted in increased photocatalytic efficiency for bulk CO production, yielding 7.5 and 21.18 mmol g–1 h–1, respectively. Moreover, the study revealed that loading Pd and Au bimetals into TiO2-WO3 as CO2-PR active sites effectively suppressed the complexation of photoexcited e-h+ pairs [88].

    The activity of CO2-PR is influenced by various factors, including temperature, light intensity, reaction time, catalyst loading, H2O/CO2 molar feed ratio, among others. Yi et al. [65] observed that the co-doping of Mo and Cs with WO3 effectively improved CO2-PR efficiency. However, the samples exhibited the highest activity in producing CO and CH3OH when the doping concentration of Mo was 5%, and the activity decreased with an increase in the doping concentration to 10%. This decrease may be due to excessive Mo doping, which can cause certain Mo sites to become capture centers, hindering charge separation. WO3-TiO2/Cu2ZnSnS4 composites deactivated during CO2-PR due to the formation of residual organics. After continuous irradiation for 5 h, the yields of both reduction products slightly decreased [89]. Furthermore, reaction conditions, such as the concentration of protons from water vapor, can easily affect the yield of CH4, which resulting in a more pronounced decrease in CH4 yield compared to CO yield.

    Currently, many photocatalysts primarily produce C1 products. There are several photocatalysts that have shown high yields of CO and CH4. For example, melamine foam-loaded 1.5 mg WO3/CsPbBr3 composites, placed in a 100 mL polytetrafluoroethylene reactor with the addition of 4 mL DI water, reacted under 300 W Xe lamp irradiation for 2 h. This resulted in a high CO yield of 351.83 mmol g–1 h–1 (Fig. S4a in Supporting information) [90]. In other experiments, Tahir et al. [69] found that a WO3/g-C3N4 photocatalyst, loaded with 25 wt% WO3 at a quantity of 150 mg, achieved a CH4 yield of 226 mmol g–1 h–1. The reaction conditions included a temperature of 40 ℃, 20 W Xe HID lamp source irradiation, and a gas-solid H2O/CO2 feed ratio of 0.4 (Figs. S4b and c in Supporting information).

    In summary, to realize the optimal activity of tungsten-based catalysts on CO2-PR, firstly, suitable mono/bimetallic co-catalysts should be found, such as Pd and Co, which can store H+ and e. Searching for semiconductor materials that can narrow the band gap of WxOy to form heterojunctions for efficient photogenerated e separation and transport. Meanwhile, the parameters can be tuned in the reaction system to optimize the photocatalytic activity, and the optimal reaction conditions can be achieved by controlling the metal loading, temperature, pressure, saturated vapor pressure, and light intensity. The activity of photocatalysts in promoting CO2-PR is influenced by several factors, hence the need for multiple optimizations to enhance CO2-PR efficiency.

    The efficiency of photocarrier separation, photoexcitation, and the energy-band structure influence the CO2-PR activity and product selectivity of different tungsten-based materials [91]. Selectivity is usually calculated in two ways, one is the carbon balance (Eq. 9) and the other is the electron balance (Eq. 10). Assessing product selectivity is crucial in evaluating CO2-PR activity.



    During the multistep surface-catalyzed reaction of CO2 reduction, the adsorption and desorption characteristics of the reactants and intermediates are key kinetic factors influencing product selectivity. Feng et al. [92] proposed a novel “atomic-level single-site” strategy to achieve a CH4 selectivity of 86.5%, exceeding that of pristine TiO2 by an order of magnitude. Jiang et al. [84] found that unique bis-heteroactive sites (Au-O-Ti and W-O-Ti) embedded on the plasma-coupled hotspots of the Au/TiO2/W18O49 plasma heterostructures could adsorb the produced CO and H+ and facilitate further reduction of CO to CH4 through plasma-induced high-energy thermoelectronics.

    Meanwhile, the abundance of active sites on the surface of WO3 enables the introduction of VO, which contributes to its unique structural features that promote C—C coupling and selective generation of more C2 products during the CO2-PR process. Lu et al. [58] demonstrated that WO3-x-2, with the highest VO content, exhibited optimal ethylene-generating activity and selectivity in CO2-PR under full-spectrum light irradiation (89.3% selectivity). This selectivity was 20 times higher than that of WO3-x-0, which had low VO content and a thick amorphous surface (17.5% selectivity). The combined effect of UV, visible, and NIR radiation synergistically enhanced the activity and selectivity of plasma WO3-x-2 in acetylene production (Figs. S4d and e in Supporting information). Shen et al. [93] prepared TiO2-x and WO3-y, which formed an effective Z-scheme heterojunction with VO as the interfacial layer. The synergistic effect of defects and the heterojunction promoted the separation and transport of photogenerated carriers. Furthermore, when loaded with Pd as a co-catalyst, the selectivity of CH4 was increased to 100%. The presence of the co-catalyst significantly enhanced the selectivity of CO2-PR products (Fig. S4f in Supporting information).

    The selectivity of reduction products is strongly influenced by the CO2-PR pathway, particularly in the case of multicarbon products. Structural modulation enables the utilization of abundant defect sites, which in turn induce C—C coupling. This modulation has several effects, such as accelerating the adsorption of CO2 on the photocatalyst surface, enhancing the desorption of intermediates, introducing metal atoms to increase reactive sites, facilitating the transfer of photogenerated electrons and holes involved in CO2-PR, constructing special heterojunction structures to improve carrier separation efficiency, and reducing the free energy barriers for the conversion of CO2 into CH4, CH3COOH, and other products. These modifications allow for the selective generation of a greater variety of desired target products in CO2-PR.

    High interfacial catalytic activity is often accompanied by side reactions, such as photonic corrosion [94] and structural remodeling [95], which can lead to the deactivation of pre-designed catalysts. In the case of CO2-PR, the selectivity of products and the adsorption of specific intermediates are highly correlated. However, strong adsorption can block the active site and alter the electronic structure of the catalytic surface, ultimately poisoning and deactivating the catalyst [96]. The stability of photocatalysts is crucial for their practical application and determines their ability to be reused without significant loss of activity [97]. Therefore, a fundamental principle in catalyst design is to balance the activity and stability of the catalysts.

    To assess the reusability of photocatalysts, researchers conducted multiple or cyclic degradation tests using the same composite. Yi et al. [65] demonstrated that the 5% Mo-CsWO samples maintained good photocatalytic stability after four testing cycles. XRD and XPS analysis revealed that the structures, surface properties, and compositions of the catalysts remained largely unchanged compared to the pristine sample, indicating excellent structural stability of Mo-CsWO. Similarly, W18O49@Co exhibited high durability in cycling tests, consistently demonstrating significant photocatalytic activity throughout each cycle. Characterization of the catalyzed W18O49@Co showed no noticeable changes in structure or loss of CO content during the reaction [87]. Jiang et al. [70] prepared a CsPbBr3/WO3 heterojunction, which showed only a slight 2.6% decrease in activity after four catalytic runs (2 h per cycle), while maintaining the same morphology and phase as the catalysts. This improved stability of CPB NCs in heterojunctions could be attributed to their Z-scheme charge transfer mode, where the photogenerated h+ of CPB was consumed by the photogenerated e of WO3, preventing the accumulation of photogenerated h+ on the CPB side, which is susceptible to photocorrosion (Figs. S4g and h in Supporting information) [98].

    However, certain WxOy-based photocatalysts have shown limitations in terms of cycling stability during CO2-PR. In a study by Zeng et al. [99], the 3% Cu/WO3 catalyst maintained a stable crystalline structure after cycling experiments. However, a degradation in catalyst performance was observed during the cycling test. Residual products on the used 3% Cu/WO3 catalyst weakened the adsorption strength of CH3COOH for CO2, and the reduction of Cu+ sites led to a decrease in its C—C coupling ability, ultimately reducing CO2-PR activity. Moreover, Shi et al. [100] found that the CO2-PR process induced an excess increase of W5+ in Cu2O/WO3–001 composites, which would lead to poorer performance of CO2-PR even after electrochemical regeneration.

    Many WxOy-based materials possess remarkable stability in their structures, surface properties, and compositions, which is crucial to prevent degradation of the photocatalyst performance. Firstly, the control of active sites during the doping of metal elements is essential to ensure effective C—C coupling. This helps to avoid undesirable consequences such as oxidative deactivation of the photocatalyst due to insufficient VO. Moreover, it is important to refrain from using reagent washing photocatalysts that affect the structure and catalytic performance of the photocatalysts. It is also worth noting that residual products remaining on the photocatalyst can influence the adsorption strength of CO2 on its surface. Therefore, by refining the preparation methods of photocatalysts and enhancing the stability of their surface structures and properties during the compounding process, we can effectively improve the photocatalytic performance in CO2-PR.

    The activity of the CO2-PR system is typically evaluated based on the rate of product generation or CO2 conversion efficiency. However, normalizing the activity by unit photocatalyst mass (i.e., μmol h–1 g–1) is not appropriate since the reaction rate cannot be directly compared to the mass of the photocatalyst used. Additionally, it is not advisable to directly compare the reaction rates of photocatalysts reported by different research groups due to variations in experimental conditions. To effectively evaluate the activity of a specific photocatalyst, the measurement of the apparent quantum yield (AQY) in a reactive reduction process can be utilized.

    In the work of Lu et al. [58], the effect of light irradiation on WO3-x-2 was studied by obtaining the apparent quantum efficiency (AQE) of CO2-PR under monochromatic light using different filters. The AQE estimates for monochromatic NIR-excitation and UV-excitation were found to be higher than that of monochromatic visible-NIR-excitation, indicating that the LSPR effect with energy band structure excitation enhances CO2 conversion under UV–visible-NIR radiation. The AQE at 365 nm of the WO3-x/MoO3-x heterojunction, prepared by Liu et al. [101], is found to be 3.6 times higher than that of pure MoO3-x and 2 times higher than that of pure WO3-x. Abundant VO formed in the WO3-x/MoO3-x heterojunction provide a large number of reduction sites for CO2-PR, thereby enhancing the CO2 adsorption and activation ability.

    Currently, the highest reported AQY for WxOy-based photocatalysts is observed in the WO3/g-C3N4 heterojunction in CO2-PR applications. With 150 mg of WO3/g-C3N4 under a light intensity of 20 mW/cm2, the QY for CO2-PR with H2O at 40 ℃ was estimated as 3.829% for CH4 and 0.733% for CO at an H2O/CO2 feed ratio of 0.40 [69]. These findings suggest that a higher H2O/CO2 feed ratio favors more CH4 generation, while the RWGS reaction promotes CO generation under the same reaction conditions. The enhanced photoreactivity of WO3/g-C3N4 heterojunctions for CO and CH4 generation can be attributed to their larger exoactive surface area and more efficient carrier separation under visible light irradiation. Due to CO generation requires 2e while CH4 requires 8e, it is not possible to effectively analyze the photon flux utilization of CO2-PR based solely on the generation rate. Therefore, it is more appropriate to calculate AQY when evaluating the performance of catalysts in different reaction systems.

    Due to the growing interest in renewable resources, particularly solar energy, and the pressing need to convert increasing CO2 greenhouse gas emissions into organic fuels, the exploration of WxOy-based materials has become a prominent area of research in CO2-PR. This review paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles and products of CO2-PR. Additionally, this paper examines various strategies that have been employed to enhance the photocatalytic efficiency of WxOy-based materials for CO2-PR applications. While a significant body of research has demonstrated the promising potential of WxOy-based photocatalysts in CO2-PR, there are still several challenges need to be addressed before their practical implementation. These challenges can be summarized into three main areas:

    (1) WxOy-based photocatalysts continue to face challenges such as limited sunlight absorption and utilization efficiency, structural instability, carrier reorganization, and high redox capacity in the CO2-PR process. Thus, it is essential to utilize the structural characteristics of WxOy which is abundant in VO, enhance the role of active sites in promoting CO2-PR process, fabricate additional heterojunctions to enhance both the efficiency and stability of WxOy-based materials in CO2-PR.

    (2) Another important aspect on WxOy-based photocatalysts is the selective production of high-value-added products. Currently, most WxOy-based photocatalysts for CO2-PR primarily yield CO and CH4 as products. The selective generation of high-value-added products through CO2-PR poses a challenge. Hence, further attention should be directed towards studying WxOy-based materials and their role in promoting the generation of C2 products.

    (3) Currently, the majority of studies evaluating the CO2-PR activity primarily focus on the yield of products while often neglecting the carbon conversion efficiency. However, it should be noted that the reaction rate of CO2-PR cannot be directly compared to the quality of the photocatalysts. Normalizing the activity to unit mass of the photocatalyst (i.e., μmol g–1 h–1) does not provide a proper assessment. As one of the essential factors for effectively assessing photocatalyst activity, calculating the CO2 conversion efficiency allows us to visualize the catalytic performance exhibited by WxOy-based catalysts in CO2-PR.

    The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

    Weidan Meng: Writing – original draft. Yanbo Zhou: Methodology, Project administration, Supervision. Yi Zhou: Conceptualization, Project administration, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing – review & editing.

    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 22376065), the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (No. 22ZR1418600), Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology (No. 20DZ2250400).

    Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.cclet.2024.109961.

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  • Figure 1  (a) HETEM of WO3-x-R/GdCrO3, and (b) W 4f XPS spectra of the samples. Reprinted with permission [56]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier. (c) CO2 photoelectrocatalytic performances of WO3-raw and WO3-T, and (d) XPS W 4f profiles of WO3-raw and WO3-T. Reprinted with permission [57]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier. The aldehyde selectivity of the catalysts is represented by dots, SEM (e) and HAADF-STEM (f) images of WO3-x-2 synthesized under 2 mL HCl assistance, Raman spectra (g) of WO3-x-2 during CO2-PR, and their IR spectra (h) after photocatalysis. Reprinted with permission [58]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.

    Figure 2  (a) EPR spectra at 300 K for WO and 3% Mo-WO, (b) The yield of CO2-PR to CH4 in the first 6 h for WO, 1% Mo-WO, 3%Mo-WO and 5%Mo-WO, and (c) CO2-PR over Mo-WO with water under solar irradiation. Reprinted with permission [63]. Copyright 2019, Elsevier. (d) W 4f high-resolution XPS spectra and (e) room-temperature EPR spectra of W18O49 and Cu-W18O49–0.005. Reprinted with permission [64]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier.

    Figure 3  (a) HRTEM of the 30VO-WOx/BiOCl sample, high-resolution XPS spectra of Bi 4f (b), W 4f (c) of the BiOCl, VO-WOx and 30VO-WOx/BiOCl samples in the dark and under the light, (d) the CO evaluation of BiOCl, VO-WOx. 30WO3/BiOCl and 30VO-WOx /BiOCl, (e) CO production rates of BiOCl, 30WO3/BiOCl and 30VO-WOx/BiOCl, and (f) S-scheme heterojunction composed by BiOCl and VO-WOx. Reprinted with permission [80]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier. (g) HRTEM image of the Au/TiO2/W18O49 plasmonic heterostructure, (h) TEM image of the side view of the Au/TiO2/W18O49 plasmonic heterostructure, (i) schematic diagram showing the hot electron generation and transfer processes due to the enhanced plasmon coupling between Au and W18O49 under UV–vis–NIR light irradiation, and (j) gas productions and the corresponding CH4 selectivity through CO2-PR over the as-synthesized samples under UV–vis–NIR light irradiation: (1) TiO2 NFs, (2) Au/TiO2 composite NFs, (3) Au/TiO2/W18O49 plasmonic heterostructure, (4) W18O49 NWs, (5) W18O49/TiO2 plasmonic heterostructure. Reprinted with permission [84]. Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH.

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  • 发布日期:  2025-02-15
  • 收稿日期:  2024-01-01
  • 接受日期:  2024-04-30
  • 修回日期:  2024-04-08
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-05-01
通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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