Citation: Zhao-Bo Hu, Ling-Ao Gui, Long-He Li, Tong-Tong Xiao, Adam T. Hand, Pagnareach Tin, Mykhaylo Ozerov, Yan Peng, Zhongwen Ouyang, Zhenxing Wang, Zi-Ling Xue, You Song. Co single-ion magnet and its multi-dimensional aggregations: Influence of the structural rigidity on magnetic relaxation process[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, ;2025, 36(2): 109600. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2024.109600 shu

Co single-ion magnet and its multi-dimensional aggregations: Influence of the structural rigidity on magnetic relaxation process


  • Two Co-based complexes, {[Co(dps)2(N3)2]·H2O} (1) and [Co(dps)2(N3)2] (2), show a 1D chain and a 3D network, respectively. The central Co ions in the complexes have the same coordination environment with the [Co(dps)4(N3)2] unit. Although the differences in crystal parameters are nearly negligible, their magnetic properties are very different. AC susceptibility data show that 1 behaves as a typical field-induced single-ion magnet (SIM) with the out-of-phase (χM'') signals, while 2 shows ac signals of χM'' without peaks even under applied dc filed within our measurement window. Far-IR magneto-spectra (FIRMS) show strong spin-phonon couplings at 0 T in 2, likely making the magnetic relaxation in 2 fast, while the couplings are negligible in 1. Small spin-phonon coupling in 1 likely leads to slower magnetic relaxation, making 1 a SIM. The difference in the properties is due to the structural rigidity of 2 in its 3D network, leading to stronger spin-phonon coupling. Combined high-field EPR (HF-EPR) and FIRMS studies give spin-Hamiltonian parameters, including D = 64.0(9) cm-1, E = 15.7(2) cm-1 for 1 and D = 80.0(2) cm-1, E = 19.0(1) cm-1 for 2.
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