Citation: Zhao Yingjie, Yu Xin, Hu Huilan, Hu Xinlong, Raje Sakthi, Angamuthu Raja, Tung Chen-Ho, Wang Wenguang. Synthetic[FeFe]-H2ase models bearing phosphino thioether chelating ligands[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, ;2018, 29(11): 1651-1655. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2018.03.013 shu

Synthetic[FeFe]-H2ase models bearing phosphino thioether chelating ligands

  • Corresponding author: Wang Wenguang,
  • Received Date: 16 December 2017
    Revised Date: 7 March 2018
    Accepted Date: 12 March 2018
    Available Online: 14 November 2018


  • A series of {2Fe3S} complexes bearing phosphino thioether chelating ligand were synthesized on the basis of Fe2(Me2pdt)(1, 2-Cy2PC6H4SMe)(CO)4 (Me2pdt=Me2C(CH2S-)2, 1). The disubstituted Fe(Ⅰ)Fe(Ⅰ) compound 1 exhibits a reversible one-electron redox even for[Fe(Ⅰ)Fe(Ⅱ)]+/0 couple. Based on the oxidation of 1 to[1]+, the tri-substituted[Fe(Ⅰ)Fe(Ⅱ)]+ cationic complex[Fe2(Me2pdt)(1, 2-Cy2PC6H4SMe) (PPh3)(CO)3]+ ([2]+) was synthesized. Reduction of[2]+ provided the neutral tri-substituted Fe(Ⅰ)Fe(Ⅰ) compound 2. The substitution of the CO in 1 ligand by PPh3 results in an anodic shift of the FeFeI/FeIFeI couple of 470 mV. Most importantly, this substitution also leads to the Fe-Fe bonds in 1 and 2 with large Lewis basicity difference, i.e. △pKaMeCN~10.
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