Citation: Jie Yin, Fei Zhao, Chao Tao, Xue-Ding Wang, Xiao-Jun Liu. Listen to the chemical and histological information in biological tissue[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, ;2015, 26(4): 395-400. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2015.01.030 shu

Listen to the chemical and histological information in biological tissue

  • Corresponding author: Chao Tao,  Xue-Ding Wang,  Xiao-Jun Liu, 
  • Received Date: 1 December 2014
    Available Online: 6 January 2015

    Fund Project: This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2012CB921504) (No. 2012CB921504)

  • Photoacoustic imaging (PAI), as an emerging biomedicine diagnostic technique that has been developed quickly in the past decade, inherits the high spatial resolution of ultrasonography in imaging deep tissue and the high sensitivity of optical imaging in evaluating tissue chemical and physiological information. In this paper, after introducing the basic principles of PAI including both photoacoustic tomography and photoacoustic microscopy, we will review some recent progress of PAI in biomedicine and demonstrate the capability of PAI in detecting the chemical compositions and in evaluating the histological microstructures in biological tissue.
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