Citation: John N. Myers, Zhan Chen. Surface plasma treatment effects on the molecular structure at polyimide/air and buried polyimide/epoxy interfaces[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, ;2015, 26(4): 449-454. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2015.01.016 shu

Surface plasma treatment effects on the molecular structure at polyimide/air and buried polyimide/epoxy interfaces

  • Corresponding author: Zhan Chen, 
  • Received Date: 4 November 2014
    Available Online: 25 December 2014

    Fund Project: This work is supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC contract No. 2012-KJ-2282). We thank Jaimal M. Williamson at Texas Instruments Inc., Dr. Kang-Wook Lee at IBM, and Dr. Chunyan Chen, Dr. Yuying Wei, and Dr. Yonghao Xiu at Intel Corporation for insightful discussions. (SRC contract No. 2012-KJ-2282)

  • Polyimides are widely used as chip passivation layers and organic substrates in microelectronic packaging. Plasma treatment has been used to enhance the interfacial properties of polyimides, but its molecularmechanism is not clear. In this research, the effects of polyimide surface plasma treatment on the molecular structures at corresponding polyimide/air and buried polyimide/epoxy interfaces were investigated in situ using sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy. SFG results show that the polyimide backbone molecular structure was different at polyimide/air and polyimide/epoxy interfaces before and after plasma treatment. The different molecular structures at each interface indicate that structural reordering of the polyimide backbone occurred as a result of plasma treatment and contact with the epoxy adhesive. Furthermore, quantitative orientation analysis indicated that plasma treatment of polyimide surfaces altered the twist angle of the polyimide backbone at corresponding buried polyimide/epoxy interfaces. These SFG results indicate that plasma treatment of polymer surfaces can alter the molecular structure at corresponding polymer/air and buried polymer interfaces.
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