Citation: Rachel L. Merzel, Jun-Jie Chen, E. Neil G. Marsh, Mark M. Banaszak Holl. Folate binding protein-Outlook for drug delivery applications[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, ;2015, 26(4): 426-430. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2014.12.015 shu

Folate binding protein-Outlook for drug delivery applications

  • Corresponding author: Mark M. Banaszak Holl, 
  • Received Date: 18 November 2014
    Available Online: 8 December 2014

  • Serum proteins represent an important class of drug and imaging agent delivery vectors. In this minireview, key advantages of using serum proteins are discussed, followed by the particular advantages and challenges associated with employing soluble folate binding protein. In particular, approaches employing drugs that target folate metabolism are reviewed. Additionally, the slow-onset, tightbinding interaction of folate with folate binding protein and the relationship to a natural oligomerization mechanism is discussed. These unique aspects of folate binding protein suggest interesting applications for the protein as a vector for further drug and imaging agent development.
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