Citation: Ping-Yuan Huang, Zhan-Sheng Guo, Jie-Min Feng. General Model of Temperature-dependent Modulus and Yield Strength of Thermoplastic Polymers[J]. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, ;2020, 38(4): 382-393. doi: 10.1007/s10118-020-2360-7 shu

General Model of Temperature-dependent Modulus and Yield Strength of Thermoplastic Polymers

  • Corresponding author: Jie-Min Feng,
  • Received Date: 14 July 2019
    Revised Date: 7 September 2019
    Available Online: 6 December 2019

  • A general model was developed to predict the temperature-dependent modulus and yield strength of different thermoplastic polymers. This model, which depends on only two parameters with clear and specific physical meanings, can describe the temperature-dependent modulus and yield strength of thermoplastic polymers over the full glass transition region. The temperature-dependent modulus and yield strength of three thermoplastic polymers were measured by uniaxial tension tests over a temperature range of 243−383 K. The predictions showed excellent agreement with the experimental data. Sensitivity analysis of model input parameters showed negligible effect on the present general model. The universality of the present general model was further validated, showing excellent agreement with published experimental data on other thermoplastic polymers and their composites.
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