2001 Volume 17 Issue 11

AFM Study of Quasiordered Stripelike Nanostructures on Surfaces of Aluminum
Guo Deng-Zhu , Hou Shi-Min , Shen Zi-Yong , Zhang Geng-Min , Zhao Xing-Yu , Liu Wei-Min , Wu Jin-Lei , Xue Zeng-Quan
2001, 17(11): 961-965  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011101
[Abstract](3359) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1802KB](2473)
Quasiordered, stripelike, nanometerscale structures were spontaneously created on surfaces of highpurity(99.999%) aluminum by electropolishing. Observed under atomic force microscopy(AFM), the average width of single stripe and the distance between two neighboring stripes are about 40~50 nm,respectively, and the average height of the stripes is 1.5~5.0 nm. The highly ordered stripelike nanostructures can be obtained only within a narrow range of processing parameters. The stripe deficiencies, such as stripecross and stripeconvergence, within parallel stripes, can be seen on surface defects, which do not fundamentally affect the orientation of the stripes. The stripe structures are stable in atmosphere at room temperature. When samples with stripe structures were anodized to form porous alumina, the stripe structures vanished. A physical scenario was proposed to explain the growth mechanisms of the quasiordered stripelike structures.
Correlations between the Dispersion State of M and Catalytic Behavior of
Wang Jue , Zhao Bi-Ying , Xie You-Chang
2001, 17(11): 966-971  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011102
[Abstract](3542) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1653KB](2837)
Two series of M /HZSM-5 catalysts were prepared by impregnating HZSM-5 with solution of Mg(NO3)2 and Mg(CH3COO)2.The structures of the samples were characterized by XRD and XPS,and the acidity was determined by NH3-TPD.The catalytic behavior of M /HZSM-5 in the reaction of toluene methylation was investigated on a continuous flow micro-apparatus under atmospheric pressure.It was found that the dispersion of M was related to the precursor of M and had an important effect on the behavior of M /HZSM-5 catalyst.M disperses both on the internal surface and on the external surface of HZSM-5 in the catalysts prepared with Mg(NO3)2 as the precursor of M ,therefore the para-selectivity of the catalyst is higher and the activity is lower.However M mainly deposits on the external surface of HZSM-5 in the catalysts prepared with Mg(CH3COO)2,and the activity of catalysts is higher and the para-selectivity is lower.By secondary impregnation and hydrothermal treatment M /HZSM-5 catalyst with relatively high activity and high para-selectivity was obtained.
The Surface Chemical Properties of Hydrolytic Surfactants
Li Yong-Hui , Huang Jian-Bin , Wang Chuan-Zhong , Mao Min
2001, 17(11): 972-977  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011103
[Abstract](3513) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1735KB](2455)
The surface properties of hydrolytic surfactants,sodium alkycarboxylate and alkylammonium chlorides,were investigated systematically.lt is found that the variation of pH,salt and temperature have obvious influence on the surface properties and micellization of the system.Due to hydrolysis of the surfactants,the systems have high surface activity.It is interesting to note that the variation of pH still has an obvious influence on the surface properties of sodium alkycarboxylate at pH ≥ 9.2.In contrast,the surface properties and micellization of alkylammonium chlorides are mainly affected by adding salt rather than pH at pH ≤ 6.06,indicating the different hydrolysate effect in these two kinds of surfactant systems.The standard thermodynamic parameters of micellzation have been calculated according to the model of charged pseudophased separation,and the effect of temperature on hydrolytic surfactants has also been studied.
FullereneTerminated SAMs on ld(111):Formation and Characterization
Dong Dong , Zhang Sheng , Zhu Tao , Gan Liang-Bing , Liu Zhong-Fan
2001, 17(11): 978-981  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011104
[Abstract](3742) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1815KB](2609)
We report in this paper the formation of new fullereneterminated selfassembled monolayers(SAMs) from the adsorption of unsymmetrical dialkylmonosulfide compound onto the Au(111) substrate via ldsulfur bonding. The highresolution STM images verified that C60 moieties are located at the outer surface and the XPS results provided clear evidence for S-C cleavage and Au-S bonding during the selfassembling process of this specific C60organosulfide on ld.
The Location of Phenothiazine in SDS/BA/H2O Microemulsion
Guo Xia , Liu Yan , Guo Rong
2001, 17(11): 982-985  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011105
[Abstract](3826) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1305KB](2470)
The location of phenothiazine in SDS/BA/H2O microemulsion was investigated by cyclic voltammetric and fluorescence quenching method.In O/W microemulsion,phenothiazine has two oxidation peaks.Because the peak potentials are independent of the sweep rate ( Fig.1 ) and all the peak currents are proportional to the square root of the potential sweep rate ( Fig.2 ),the electrochemical process for phenothiazine is reversible.According to the peak separation between the peak potentials in the positive and negative scans and the Nernstian equation,the above cyclic voltammetric characteristics for all peaks are of one - electron process.Since the process of the radical cation PTZ+•losing an electron to form PTZ2+ needs much more energy (≈0.4 V ) and there is only about 0.13 V between the two peaks ( table 1,Fig.1 ),the two peaks are both produced by the process of PTZ molecule losing an electron.In PTZ molecules,there are two polar groups with the S and N atoms as center,respectively.Thus,the phenothiazine molecules exist in the membrane phase with its N atom or S atom extended toward the polar head in the O/W microemulsion.Further experiments found that the fluorescence quenching of anthracene by PTZ in the W/O microemulsion is rather more similar to that in the O/W microemulsion than in pure benzyl alcohol.So,the location of PTZ in the W/O microemulsion is the same as in the O/W microemulsion,i.e.,in the inner side of the membrane phase of the W/O microemulsion.
Mechanism of the Reaction between Low Energy N and CH3COCH3 with D2O as Solvent
Shi Huai-Bin , Shao Chun-Lin , Yu Zeng-Liang
2001, 17(11): 986-990  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011106
[Abstract](3367) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1485KB](2447)
Low energy ions were produced by N2 glowdischarge. The positive ones were accelerated into acetone solution with D2O as solvent to induce chemical reactions. GCMS analysis showed that CH3COCH2D, CH3COCH2OD were produced by such kind of implantation.Thus, it was proved that the reaction was mainly caused by radicals generated by decomposition of water molecules, and played an important role in the process. Meanwhile, CH3COOD and CH3COCH2ND2 were also found in the products, so it was concluded that the reaction was carried out under an oxidative atmosphere. The capture of D from D2O by N+ to form radicals was not only an initial step to produce CH3COCH2ND2 but also served as a probable pattern for “nitrogen deposition”. All these were helpful to reveal the mechanism of the reaction induced by low energy N+ implanting into solution samples.
Fabrication and Characterization of Ordered Nanoporous Ni Membranes
Xu Yan-Qi , Cai Wei-Li , Wang Yin-Hai , Mou Ji-Mei
2001, 17(11): 991-994  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011107
[Abstract](3760) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1668KB](2651)
Highly ordered nanoporous nickel membranes were fabricated by a two-step replication of porous anodic alumina with honeycomb structure. SEM analysis shows that the nanoholes of nickel membranes are hexa nally arranged in high regularity. The mean diameter and the interval of the holes measured from the SEM micrograph are about 40 nm and 80 nm,respectively. The mean diameter of the hole array was dependent on the corresponding parameter of the porous anodic alumina. Compared with alumina membranes,the nanoporous metal ones have many advantages in more sufficient thermal,chemical stability and higher mechanical strength. Serving as a magnetic and conductive material,the nickel membrane template will be used for many technological and scientific applications. The presented process could be utilized to fabricate nanostrctures of other nanochannel materials.
Investigation of Suitable LangmuirBlodgett Multilayers Structure for Optical Double Frequency Waveguide Application
Wang ng-Ming , Ai Hui , Liu Xiu , Wang Wen-Jun , Tao Feng-Gang
2001, 17(11): 995-999  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011108
[Abstract](3007) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1858KB](2261)
Noncentrosymmetric Ytype alternating NMOB/CdA multilayers were prepared for applications of LB films in waveguidetype second harmonic generation (SHG) devices. Two kinds of methods were put forward to improve the quality of NMOB/CdA alternating multilayers, which possess nearquadratic dependence of SHG intensities on layer number. 115 bilayers of NMOB/CdA multilayers film was fabricated which met Cerenkov phasematching condition, and SHG at 1064 nm wavelength from this waveguide was measured. The preliminary results show that the improved multilayer LB films are suitable for fabricating waveguide.
Kinetics Modeling Study on Continuous Circulative Flow Immobilized Photocatalytic Reactor
Fan Shan-Hu , Yu Xiang-Yang , Zhan She-Xia , Chen Liu-Ping , Gu Xi-Lan , Li Yu-Guang , Shi Zhong-Bing
2001, 17(11): 1000-1005  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011109
[Abstract](4074) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1659KB](2623)
The kinetic process in a tubular continuous-flow photo-reactor equiped with titanium dioxide immobilized on glass fiber-net has been studied by using methyl orange as a model reactant.The process has been described carefully,and modeled by using dynamic partial differential equation.Since the solution of the equation was complicated,the numerical solution has been undertaken by using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme.The results show that the mathematical simulated values are consistent with the experimental data.Under the condition of different treated reactant amount the actual reaction rate constant k is approximately identical,but the apparent reaction rate constant kapp decreases with increasing treatment of reactant amount.The initial concentration has a great influence upon the rate constant.Below 15 μmol•L-1 of the initial concentration the rate constant tends to be a constant.In the range of 15~150 μmol•L-1,the influence of the initial concentration on the reaction rate constant can be expressed as:lnk=-0.48lnc0+1.42.The dependence of reaction rate constant on UV irradiation intensity is k∝I 0.5.The pH of initial solution is an important factor in the photocatalysis reaction.
Adsorption Dynamics of Oxygen Atom and Hydroxyl Radical on Low Index Nickel Surfaces
Wang Ze-Xin , Chen Shou-Gang , Qiao Qing-An , Zhang Wen-Xia
2001, 17(11): 1006-1012  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011110
[Abstract](3938) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1662KB](2520)
The interactional potential of O-Ni surface system was simulated by means of the 5-parameter.Morse potential,the adsorptive characteristics of an oxygen atom on low index nickel surface.An extended LEPS potential for the OH-Ni surface system was constructed.Data of adsorption sites,adsorption geometry,binding energy and eigenvibration etc.were obtained.These results show that high-symmetry sites are the most stable sites for OH perpendicular adsorption.Adsorption energies for OH perpendicular adsorption are 109.45 kJ•mol-1 at 4-fold hollow site on Ni (100),96.00 kJ•mol-1 at 3-fold hollow site on Ni (111).However,there are two adsorptive sites on Ni(110):one is the perpendicular adsorption at long-bridge site with adsorptive energy 99.38 kJ•mol-1 ;the other is a 14° inclined from the surface normal at phoney 3-fold site on Ni (110) with adsorptive energy 96.98 kJ•mol-1,the calculated results are in od agreement with the experimental ones.
High Level ab Initio Study of Intermolecular Potential for the RgHX Complexs
Zhang Yu , Shi Hong-Yun , Wang Wei-Zhou
2001, 17(11): 1013-1020  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011111
[Abstract](2886) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1578KB](2264)
The potential energy surfaces of the ground state of the HeHF complex have been calculated at several levels of theory, including the single and double excitation coupledcluster method with noniterative perturbation treatment of triple excitation CCSD(T). Calculations have been performed using the augmented correlationconsistent polarized quadruple zeta basis set(augccpVQZ). Using the complete basis set (CBS), the global minimum with a well depth of approximately 46.614 cm-1 has been found for the linear HeHF geometry (θ=0°) with the distance Rm between the He atom and the center of mass of the HF molecule equal to 0.3149 nm. In addition to the global minimum, there is a second minimum at R=0.3012 nm and θ=180° (a well depth of 25.026 cm-1). The effects of the basis sets, H-F bond length and theoretical methods on the intermolecular potential were discussed and a simple analytic form employing 17 adjustable parameters for fitting to the calculated PES was given.
Crystallization Kinetics of Mg-borates from M •3B2O3-18%MgSO4-H2O Supersaturated Solution
Ma Yu-Tao , Xia Shu-Ping , Gao Shi-Yang
2001, 17(11): 1021-1026  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011112
[Abstract](3692) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1936KB](2658)
The supersaturated solution of M •3B2O3-18%MgSO4-H2O was prepared and kept in a thermostat of (20±0.1) ℃.The crystallization processes of Mg-borates from the solution have been studied by the kinetic method .With the aid of simplex optinum method and digital integration as well as runge-kutta digital solution of differential equation system,the experimental data have been fitted and the kinetic parameters have been evaluated by computer.The crystallization kinetic equation has been given.There are two solid phases ,Macallisterite (M •3B2O3•7.5H2O) was firstly crystallized out from the solution and then hungchaoite (M •2B2O3•9H2O).The solid phases were identified by IR-spectra,X-ray powder diffraction and TG-DSC thermal analysis.
Study on the Aguous Surfactant TwoPhase of Dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide(DTAB)Sodium Laurate(SL) Mixed System
ng Yu-Jun , Zhu Bu-Yao , Zhao Guo-Xi
2001, 17(11): 1027-1030  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011113
[Abstract](3697) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1532KB](2585)
The phase behavior diagram has been drawn and analysed in DTAB-SL mixed system and the influences of temperature and inorganic salt upon “aqueous surfactant twophase(ASTP)” have been studied systematically. The results show that ASTP region when cationics is in excess(ASTPC) is larger and stabler than that when anionics is in excess (ASTPA)(to see Fig.1). The higher the temperature and the inorganic salt concentration(NaBr), the less ratio of upper to lower volume( Vup/Vlow) in ASTP system(to see Table 1~2). Vesicles generally existed in upper and lower phases of ASTP.
Sonochemical Reaction in Pulsed Ultrasonic Field and Continuous Ultrasonic Field
Liu Yan
2001, 17(11): 1031-1035  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011114
[Abstract](3509) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1537KB](2305)
Ultrasound of frequencey 1.8 MHz,sound intensity 1~5 W•cm-2 were used to induce sonochemical reaction in near field acoustical sonochemical reactor.It was found that the sonochemical yield (expressed by the electro-conductance,the pH value,I2 releasing from KI solution and generation in cavitation water) have linear relation with sound intensity and irradiation time.These results were compared with the sonochemical yield in pulsed ultrasonic field.The cavitational bubble′s amount in cavitational sound field is also presented.
Surface Area Stability of Al2O3 Modified by Alkaline Earths
Liu Dong-Yan , Fan Yan-Zhen , Zhang Yuan-Li , Wang Gui-Xiang , Wu Dong , Ren Jie
2001, 17(11): 1036-1039  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011115
[Abstract](3603) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1466KB](2448)
The thermal stabilization mechanism of Al2O3 modified by alkaline earths using impregnation method with various contents and calculation time was studied by BET surface area and powder X-ray diffraction.It was found that the addition of alkaline earths increased the surface area of Al2O3 and retarded the transforming into α phase.The stabilization effect was enhanced with the increase of the alkaline earths contents,whereas,the overabundance weakened the stabilization effect.Among the alkaline earths,strontium and calcium are the most effective promoters for inhibiting the reduction of surface area of Al2O3 sintered in air at 1 373K for 10 h.The study of the kinetics behavior of Al2O3 at 1 373K indicated that the stabilization of Al2O3 due to strontium and calcium was mainly attributed to that the alkaline earths played the retarding role of the sintering and α phase transformation within initial 1h during the calcination process.It was the dispersed oxide of alkaline earths but not aluminate that resulted in the stabilization of Al2O3 at high temperature.
Reformulation of two Ni(Ⅱ)-8-hydroxyquinoline complexes from Calculated Structure Factors
Ng Seikweng , Hu Sheng-Zhi
2001, 17(11): 1040-1044  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011116
[Abstract](3080) [FullText HTML] [PDF 415KB](2432)
The compound that had been crystallographically identified as Na[NiQ2(HQ)](ClO4)(HQ=8-hydroxyqu- inoline) contains no sodium,and instead is [H3O][NiQ2(HQ)](ClO4).The lanthanum-nickel complex [YQ(HQ)2][NiQ3](ClO4) that had been similarly identified contains no yttrium,and its formula is [H3O][Ni2Q3(HQ)3](ClO4)2.The revision of the description of the crystal structures was effected by an examination of the bond dimensions that were derived by calculating the structure factors from the published atomic coordinates.
Isothermal Solubility of Na2B4O7-Na2CO3-NaHCO3-NaBO2-H2O System at 25, 35 and 45 ℃
Li Jun , Yang Qin , Zhang Feng-Xing , Li Heng-Xin , Wang Zhen-Jun
2001, 17(11): 1045-1048  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011117
[Abstract](3421) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1174KB](2656)
Solubilities and refractive indices of saturated solutions of the system Na2B4O7Na2CO3 NaHCO3NaBO2H2O have been investigated by isothermal method at 25, 35 and 45 ℃. The complex trona (Na2CO3•NaHCO3•2H2O) was found in the system, therefore,there are 5 monosaturated fields,7 disaturated lines and 3 invariant points :E1t(Na2B4O7•10H2O+NaBO2•4H2O+Na2CO3•nH2O), E2t(Na2B4O7•10H2O+ Na2CO3•NaHCO3•2H2O+Na2CO3•nH2O), E3t(Na2B4O7•10H2O+Na2CO3•NaHCO3•2H2O+NaHCO3), at 25 ℃, n=10; 35 ℃, n=7; 45 ℃, n=1.
Synthesis and Characterization of Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline of N-alkyl Chitosans
Wu Yu-Song , Li Jun , Huang Jian-Ying , Chen Ling , Dong Yan-Ming
2001, 17(11): 1049-1052  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011118
[Abstract](3328) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1845KB](2451)
A series of new derivatives of chitosan——Nalkyl(methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl) chitosans were synthesized. The degree of substitutions of one of the derivatives Nethyl chitosan were obtained by controlled the molar ratio of the reactants. All of the products show lyotropic liquid crystalline properties regardless of the length of the carbon chains and the degree of substitution. Critical concentration (c) of the samples were measured by polar optical microscopy(POM). The results showed that the value c didn′t varied evidently with the increase of degree of substitution(DS from 0.16~0.82) in the case of a fixed carbon chain, but rise constantly as the length of substituent group varied from methyl to butyl. The result was explained as follow:the introduction of alkyl chain not only broke down some of intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bond, but also changed the molecular diameter (d) of chitosan. The former makes the rigidity of molecules weakened, so c of all the derivatives were bigger than chitosan itself. As to the later, d didn′t change with the increase of DS, thus,c didn′t vary with the increase of DS; while,d became bigger as the substituent group varied from methyl to butyl, so c rise accordingly. This rule is in accordance with Onsager and Flory′s theory of the rigid club and was further confirmed by Xray diffraction experiments.
Preparation of Amerphous Alloys of Nickel with Lanthanum,Cerium by Electrodeposition and Crystallization Kinetics
Dong Jun , Shi Hong-Yun , Deng Jie , Zhang Yun-Qian
2001, 17(11): 1053-1056  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20011119
[Abstract](3581) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1587KB](2696)
Rare-earth elements (La,Ce) have lower standard equilibrium potentials than that of hydrogen and are very difficult to electrodeposite from aqueous solution. Ni-La,Ni-La-P,Ni-Ce,Ni-Ce-P and Ni-P alloys deposits were obtained from aqueous solutions by using optimized electroplaing solutions and process conditions. The experimental results show that these alloys (except Ni-Ce) have amorphous structure. The crystallization kinetics of these amorphous alloy coatings were investigated. The crystallization activation energy and kinetic equation of four kinds of amorphous coatings have been determined by DSC method.The results indicate that the crystallization activation energy of Ni-P,Ni-La,Ni-La-P,Ni-Ce-P amorphous coatings are 200.3,360.8,517.7,420.5 kJ•mol-1 respectively.The crystallization kinetics of the four kinds of amorphous coatings may be expressed by the following equation:
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