1998 Volume 14 Issue 2

Studies on the Preparation of Cupric Oxalate Uniform Colloidal Particles by the Method of Microemulsion Reaction
Gan Li-Hua , Yue Tian-Yi , Chen Long-Wu , Li Guang-Ming , Zhu Da-Zhang , Zhou En-Xuan
1998, 14(02): 97-102  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980201
[Abstract](3793) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1242KB](2434)

 Cupric oxalate uniform colloidal particles with different shapes and sizes, such as ultrafine, square. pipe-like and network-like, were prepared in the Triton X-100 n-C6H13OH/c C6H12/Water solution (oxalic acid or cupric nitrate W/O microemulsion system by adjusting the concentration, pH value and temperature of oxalic acid and cupric nitrate solutions. What should be particularly mentioned is the preparation of two types of uniform colloidal particles whose shapes are square and pipe-like respectively. The factors which influence the shapes and sizes of particles are under vi rous control.

Monte Carlo Simulation of the Phase Transition and Self-oscillation in A+B2 Surface Catalytic Reaction
Zeng Jian-Qing , Zhang Jing-Cheng , Zhong Bing
1998, 14(02): 103-108  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980202
[Abstract](3229) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1154KB](2153)

The influences of A desorption and E-R mechanism on the phase transitions and self-oscillations in the irreversible catalytic oxidation reaction of A + 1/2 B2 → AB were studied in detail by Monte Carlo simulation. It was found that (1) the first order phase point observed in ZGB model disappears when A desorption is considered; (2) the second order phase transition point observed in ZGB model disappears when E-R mechanism concerned with A(g) and adsorbed B atom is considered; (3) there is no phase transitions in the reaction when both A desorption and E-R mechanism are considered; (4) there is obvious rate oscillation in the neighbourhood of the second order phase transition point of ZGB model, but only noise at other positions of A partial pressure, so there are no oscillations when E-R mechanism is considered or both E-R mechanism and A desorption are considered in our extended model.

Preparation of Monodisperse Silica Spheres by Growth of Silica Sol Particles
Dong Peng
1998, 14(02): 109-114  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980203
[Abstract](3861) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1267KB](2526)

A new process for preparing monodisperse silica spheres was developed to improve the accuracy of predictable diameter of particle and simplify the experimental procedure. It involves growth of commercial silica sol particle in an original mixture solution of ammonia, water and ethanol with continuous introduction of tetraethoxysilane and without compensation for the decrement of water and ammonia concentrations during the formation of monodisperse spheres. The final concentration of silica can reach about 10% by weight in the reaction mixture. The desired diameter of the particles up to 1μm at choice can be controlled accurately. The deviation of particle size distribution was less than that of the Stober spheres. The influence of the number density of reactants, temperature and the flow rate of tetraethoexy silane on the deviation of the size distribution of final particles was investigated.

A Theoretical Study on Ultrafast Vibrational Relaxation of Dye Molecule in Solution
He Yong , Xiong Yi-Jia , Wang Chao-Hui , Zhu Qi-He , Kong Fan-Ao
1998, 14(02): 115-120  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980204
[Abstract](2857) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1155KB](2148)

Ultrafast vibrational relaxation dynamics of LDS698 dye molecule in solution are theoretically studied on the basis of the perturbative density operator method and the transient linear susceptibility theory. Femtosecond time-resolved profile on stimulated emission pumping fluoresence depletion is simulated for the system with the single vibrational mode. The vibrational transition rate constant γ1→0 is 4.5 ps-1 ,the two constants C1 and k relating to the solvation are1.0 and 0.08ps-1 respectively. It is 2.4 for the Huang-Rhy factor S between the first excited S1state and the ground S0 state. The SEP signal reveals that the fast and the slow decay components reflect the vibrational relaxation and the excited state solvation of the molecule respectively .

Thermodynamic Properties of the System of HCl-NaCl-C3H8O3-H2O
Lv Dian-Zhen , Yang Jia-Zhen , Wang Qin-Ping , Deng Min , Duan Ji-Fang , Chen Zheng
1998, 14(02): 121-126  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980205
[Abstract](3142) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1028KB](2154)

The thermodynamic properties of the system HCl-NaCl-C3H8O3-H2O was studied by means of emf measurement in the following cells without liquid junctions:
Pt, H2(1.013×105Pa)|HCl(m), C3H8O3(x), H2O(1-x)|AgCl-Ag             (A)
Pt, H2(1.013×105Pa)|HCl(mA), NaCl(mB), C3H8O3(x), H2O(1-x)|AgCl-Ag  (B)
at constant total ionic strength I=0.5, 1.0. 1.5 and 2.0mol.kg-1 , from 5 to 45 ℃, where mA and mB are the molalities of HCl and NaCl. respectively, x is the weight fraction of glycerol in the mixed solvent, which was 0.1 during all measurements.
The standard electrode Potential of Ag-AgCl in the mixed solvent have been determined from cell (A). The activity coefficients of HCl, γA in the mixed solvent system have been determined from cell (B). The results show that the activity coefficients of HCl in HCl-NaCl solution still obeys Harned rule, and lgγA is a linear function of the reciprocal of the absolute temperature at constant composition of the mixture. Relative molar enthalpies of HCl LA arc linear function of the ionic strength fraction of NaCl at constant total ionic strength temperature. The standard Gibbs free energies of transfer of HCl have been calculated. The primary secondary and total medium effect of HCl have been calculated and discussed.

Theoretical Study of the Reactivity of the Addition of Radicals to Fluoro-ethylenes
Wang Gui-Chang , Pan Yin-Ming , Cai Zun-Sheng , Zhao Xue-Zhuang
1998, 14(02): 127-130  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980206
[Abstract](3029) [FullText HTML] [PDF 18403KB](2131)

In this paper the reactivity of radical -- molecular addition reaction is studied interms of AM1 semi- empirical method and the Lewis acid- base theory. The results suggest thatthe reactivity of such reactions is determined mainly by the perturbation energy between the tworeactants while the electrostatic energy between charges has only a small effect on it. In addition,it is found that there is a strong interaction between the two reaction center atoms.

Studies of Ternary Complexes Formation of Copper-tyrosine-oxides Using Method of E%-pH Curve
Zhang Zheng-Bin , Cheng Feng-Yun
1998, 14(02): 131-135  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980207
[Abstract](2647) [FullText HTML] [PDF 710KB](1918)

The interaction of copper-tyrosine - ethite and γ-ALOOH are investigated by the method of E %-pH curve . The E%-pH curves of the ion exchange percentage of tyrosine adsorbed on cthite or γ-ALOOH are peaked . It is suggested that there is a type I ternary surface complex formation.

Interfacial Phenomenon and Coalescence
Hu Xue-Zheng , Chen Ye-Pu , Ni Bang-Qing , Yu Xue-Jun
1998, 14(02): 136-141  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980208
[Abstract](3361) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1043KB](2127)

 A study of retardation of the coalescenec of a small liquid drop effected by the solute Maran ni effect is presented. The state and movement of the nitroethane drop deposited on the surface of an aqueous solution of 1-pentanol and affected by the self-induced interfacial flux are studied experimentally. It is shown that in certain system the solute Maran ni effect can induce a suspending state of the drop at the plane surface of an aqueous solution and effect appreciably the coalescence process of the drop ,and the movement of the drop caused by the interfacial flux presents quite different dynamic properties according to the different state of the drop at the surface. The calculation of the velocity of the drop motion on this consistent is in consistent with the experimental data.

Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Properties of TiO2 Particles
Dong Guo-Li , Gao Yin-Ben , Chen Song-Ying
1998, 14(02): 142-146  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980209
[Abstract](3062) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1245KB](2240)

The effects of different drying methods on the properties of TiO2 powders have been studied. Usually in the case of conventional drying, various forces mainly in the form of capillary press cause differential macroscopic and microscopic shrinkage and the gel structure cracks, so the specific surface areas and pore volumes are small for hydrogel or alcolgel prepared. The supercritical fluid drying (SCFD) can eliminate any liquid-vapor interface inside the gel during solvent extraction. so avoiding the macroscipic or microscopic collapse and preserving the structure of the wet gel. so the specific surface areas and pore volumes of aerogel botaied has the largest values.
These ultrafine powders prepared by the supercritical drying have reproductive high surface areas and large pore volumes.

Effect of SDS Micelles and Premicelles on the Alkaline fading of Malachite Green
Zhang Yuan-Qin , Zeng Xian-Cheng , Yu Xiao-Qi , Tian An-Min
1998, 14(02): 147-153  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980210
[Abstract](15182) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1040KB](2390)

Effect of SDS micelles and premicelles on the alkaline fading reversible reaction of malachite green has been studied. Micellar and premicellar catalytic models for the 1-1 type reversible reaction have been proposed.
The rate constants of forward and backward reactions and equilibrium constants of the alkaline fading reversible reaction of malachite greed in micellar phase have been obtained by the micellar model. Under premicellar condition the average number of SDS molecules per substrate molecule with n detergent molecules have been obtained by the premicellar catalytic model.
The results indicate that both SDS micelles and premicelles exhibit an inhibiting effect for the forward reaction. While they exhibit an accelerating effect for the backward reaction. These results were reasonably accounted for with electrostatic interaction.

Study of Surface Treatment for Gas-atomized AB5 Alloy Powder
Hong Cun-Mao , Yang Jing-Wu , Yang Yong , Hong Liang
1998, 14(02): 154-157  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980211
[Abstract](2928) [FullText HTML] [PDF 953KB](2097)

The AB_5 alloy powders prepared by gas-atomization have many advantages: spherical particles convenient for packing. high press and wear resistance, enhanced corrosion and dispersion resistance. But lack of electrochemical activity is a barrier for use in Ni-MH battery. An activation method have been carried out in our laboratory. The gas-atomized powder was treated by an oxidizer (a solution of copper salt) to form a Cu and Ni-rich layer on the surface of the particles. The activity of the gas-atomized powder was greatly improved. For the treated powder MINi3.8Co0.5Mn0.3Al0.4, it was found that the discharge capacity after 3 cycles of charge-discharge reached an ideal value 240mA.h.g- 1, but only 103 mA•h•g- 1 for the non-treated powder.

A Quasiclassical Trajectory Study of the Cl+C2H6→HCl+C2H5 Reaction
Xu Li-Jin , Wang Xue-Bin , Yan Ji-Min , Kong Fan-Ao
1998, 14(02): 158-163  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980212
[Abstract](3169) [FullText HTML] [PDF 840KB](2366)

The reaction of C2H6(v=0. j) + Cl→C2H5 + HCl was studied with a 3-atom quasiclassical trajectory calculation. The results indicate that the HCl product is in its vibratiollally ground state (v=0) and has little rotational excitation, but the scattering distribution is nearly isotropic, which is in agreement with the experimental results. The reaction trajectories reveal that this reaction is a direct type, but is found to proceed via two distinct mechanism: for trajectories with a large impact parameter, a very short lived complex is formed with a rotationally cold HCl, and scattered into the forward direction; at smaller impact parameters the reaction proceeds via direct mechanism: the HCl is rotationally hotter than at larger impact parameter, and is scattered backward.

The Crystallization Process and the Hydrogenation Activity of Ni-P/SiO2 Catalyst
Sheng Chun , Zhou Shi-Yao , Li He-Xing , Deng Jing-Fa
1998, 14(02): 164-168  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980213
[Abstract](3291) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1072KB](2148)

 The Ni-P amorphous alloy support on SiO2 (Ni-P/SiO2) was prepared by chemical reduction with NaH2PO2. The amorphous structure of the as-prepared sample was determined by XRD in which a broad peak around 2θ= 45℃ was observed. It's crystallization process was carried out by heating the sample at 350℃ and 600℃ in N2 flow for 2 hours, respectively. The as-prepared catalyst before and after crystallization was characterized by ICP, BET, XRD, XPS and SEM. The change of its catalytic activity before and after crystallization was measured through the liquid benzaldehyde(BA ) hydrogenation in term of the hydrogen uptake rate per gram or per area of nickel or the conversion of BA and TOF values. The change was discussed according to the above characterizations.

States and Assignment of Aluminium in Zeolite β
Yang Chun , Xu Qin-Hua
1998, 14(02): 169-172  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980214
[Abstract](2885) [FullText HTML] [PDF 673KB](2132)

The states of aluminum in zeolites β were investigated with FTIR spectroscopy. Three kinds of aluminium, framework, nonframework and transient state aluminium, were detected in template-removed zeolite β. The states of aluminium in our samples strongly depends on the nature of the compensating cation, consistent with Brougeat-Lami et al's conclusion. But some new assignments of aluminum species and new opinions about the states of aluminum and their transformation are proposed. From the experimental results, we suggest that, the distortion and tension of zeolite lattice occur when protons, which possess high electron affinity , are located at cationic sites, leading to the breakage of Al-- O bond and the removal of aluminium. The distortion is released when H+ is replaced by other cations (e.g. Na+ ) so that transient state aluminium can back into the framework, while the cationic nonframework aluminium species enter the solution upon the ion-exchange.

Microcalorimetric and Nonlinear Dynamic Study on the Finite Growth of Escherichia Coli
Zhou Pei-Jiang , Xie Chang-Li , Yang Feng , Qu Song-Sheng , Wu Jin-Ping , Li Cai-Wei
1998, 14(02): 174-177  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980215
[Abstract](3052) [FullText HTML] [PDF 609KB](2068)

The finite growth of Escherichia coli was studied by using a LKB 2277 BioActivity Mollitor. We found that the finite growth is a nonliear dynamic process. The nonlinear dynamic behaviour in the finite growth process and the nonlinear dynamic models describing the process were discovered and established. The curve of logistic map corresponding to the finite growth thermogram of Escherichia coli was obtained and the nonlinear dynamic parameters were calculated by means of a computer. Moreover, we also discussed the nonlinear dynamic characters of Escherichia colt in its finite growth process.

The Dispersed States of Manganese Species on Mn-O/ZrO2 Catalysts and its Influents on the Catalytic Performance
Zhou Ren-Xian , Chen Fang , Jiang Xiao-Yuan , Zheng Xiao-Ming
1998, 14(02): 178-180  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980216
[Abstract](3236) [FullText HTML] [PDF 621KB](2277)

Mn-O/ZrO2 catalysts were prepared by impregnation method and were characterized by XRD, TPR and TPD-MS. The oxidation activity of CO on these catalysts was also studied. The results indicated that the interaction between MnOx and ZrO2 would restrained the phase transformation of ZrO2, and raised the dispersion of MnOx species on ZrO2. The highly-dispersed MnOx on ZrO2 is predominant contributors in catalytic activity of the Mn-O/ZrO2 catalysts.

The Raman Spectrum of Lithium Diborate Crystal
Li Li-Xia , Zhang Xiao-Yang , Li Cui-Ping , Wang Ji-Yang
1998, 14(02): 182-184  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980217
[Abstract](3365) [FullText HTML] [PDF 578KB](2383)

The Raman spectrum of lithium Diborate (Li2B2O7:LBO) has been determined. The different internal modes have been analyzed. It is proved that the Raman spectra consist of BO3triangular and BO4 tetrahedron internal modes. Because of the effect of delocalization of electron, the LBO crystal has nonliner characters, but from the B-O streching vibration, it can be seen that its nonliner characters is not strong.

Studies on the Synthesis,Structural Imperfection and catalytic Properties of Cu-Cr-O Composite Oxides
Meng Xiao-Ping , Luo Ning , Wang Ying-Xia , Li Neng , Lin Bing-Xiong , Zhao Tong-Fu
1998, 14(02): 185-187  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980218
[Abstract](3286) [FullText HTML] [PDF 415KB](2186)

A series of samples in Cu-Cr-O composite oxide system were synthesized by citrate complexation method. The catalytic activities of samples were evaluated using CO oxidation as test reaction, and structural imperfection was determined by XRD analysis. The results indicate that two phases coexisting under the preparative conditions result in structural imperfection of the samples, which leads to enhanced activities of Cu-Cr-O composite oxides. The catalytic activity for CO oxidation reaction increases with Cu3+ contents in the samples.

Influence of PS-b-PMMA on the Interface Structure of PVC/SBS Blends
Li Chun-Gang , Zhang Bang-Hua , Song Mou-Dao , Zhou Qing-Ye
1998, 14(02): 188-192  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980219
[Abstract](3261) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1299KB](2241)

The influence of poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) on the interface of PVC/SBS blends is studied by TEM and DMA, When only two percent of PS-b-PMMA is added to PVC/SBS(100/15) blends ,the thickness of the interface get thickened obviously, The molecular weight and the composition of PMMA blocks and PS bolcks have important influence on the interface of PVC/SBS blends.

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