1997 Volume 13 Issue 3

Photoacoustic Investigation of Photolysis of Coenzyme B12
Fu Shao-Wei , Luo Lai-Bin , Chen Hui-Lan , Wu Zong-Sen , Zhang Shu-Yi
1997, 13(03): 193-195  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970301
[Abstract](3242) [FullText HTML] [PDF 419KB](2052)

A photoacoustic detection system consisted of a piezoelectric cylindrical tube transducer is applied to measure the photolysis of Coenzyme B12 (5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin, AdoCbl) in methanol to obtain the quantum yield, Ф. The value of 0.20±0.05 is in agreement with that obtained in aqueous solution by other authors with an optical method.

7Li MAS NMR Studies on LiCl/γ-Al2O3
Wang Kai-Xuan , Yang Xia-Wan , Zhao Bi-Ying , Xie You-Chang , Sun Ping-Chuan , Men Ai-Ju
1997, 13(03): 196-199  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970302
[Abstract](3186) [FullText HTML] [PDF 471KB](2331)
The Effect of LB Technology on Conformation of Glucose Oxidase
Dai Guo-Liang , Li Jun-Ru , Jiang Long
1997, 13(03): 200-203  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970303
[Abstract](3294) [FullText HTML] [PDF 596KB](2150)
Synthesis and Characterization of Boron-Doped Fullerenes
Cao Bao-Peng , Zhou Xi-Huang , Shi Zu-Jin , Jin Zhao-Xia , Gu Zhen-Nan , Xiao Hong-Zhan , Wang Jing-Zun
1997, 13(03): 204-206  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970304
[Abstract](3171) [FullText HTML] [PDF 427KB](2498)

 Using highly pure graphite rod and B4C/graphite composite rod as electrods, some macroscopic amounts of boron-doped fullerenes, such as C60-nBn and C70-nBn (n=1,2,3) are synthesized by DC arc burning method and extracted by o-xylene from the soots under nitrogen for the first time. The boron-doped fullerenes are characterized by FDMS.


Study on the Water Sorption of an Epoxy Coating Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Zhang Shu-Yong , Luo Xiao-Wen , Li Shan-Jun , Zhou Wei-Fang
1997, 13(03): 207-211  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970305
[Abstract](3590) [FullText HTML] [PDF 843KB](2299)

The amount of water sorption of an epoxy coating can be determined approximately by measuring the electrochemical impedance spectra of both an Al electrode coated with the epoxy film and a preliminary wetted Al electrode covered tightly with the epoxy film. By comparing the double layer capacity of these two electrodes, the amount of water sorption can be estimated. The resistivity of the electrolytic solution in the film may by thousands times larger than that of the bulk solution. This is due to the fact that the cross-section area of the water passages in the film is of molecular size. The short-distance interaction between the ions and the wall of the water passage retards the transport of the ions seriously. The structure of the water passages is discussed.

The Effect of Substrate-Liquid on Nano-size Sulphide Particulate Film Generation
Zhu Bu-Yao , Jiang Hai-Lian , Zhang Lan-Hui
1997, 13(03): 212-217  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970306
[Abstract](2938) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1316KB](2113)

ZnS particulate films were generated by chemical reaction in the insoluble monolayer of arachidic acid by using the equipment described in the first part of this work[1]. The effects of temperature, concentration and pH the substrate liquid hare been investigated. Some regularities were found, and preliminary explanations were provided.

The Fractal Structure Investigation of Pd Film Deposited on Polyvinyl Formal
Wei Sai-Zhen , Mao Zu-Sui , Wang Lei , Chen Xiao-Feng , Zheng Yong-Ming
1997, 13(03): 218-223  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970307
[Abstract](3137) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1116KB](2144)

 The influence of substrate temperature and of deposition rate upon microstructure of Pd film deposited on Polyvinyl Formale (PVF) has been investigated using TEM. Transition from compact islands to fractal structures has been observed when substrate temperature decreased. The fractal structure appeared at 233-253K. The fractal dimension was measured using the Sandbox method. The fractal patterns of Pd film on PVF at the same temperature varied with changing deposition rate. These fractal structures are stable. The experimental results have been discussed using DLA(Diffusion -Limited-Aggregation) model with active edge diffusion.

Kinetics of the Na+-Cu2+ Ion Exchange on the Na-form Clinoptilolite
Li Man-Ni , Yang Wen-Bin , Xin Min
1997, 13(03): 224-229  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970308
[Abstract](3243) [FullText HTML] [PDF 861KB](2170)

The Na+-Cu2+ ion exchange on the Na-form clinoptilolite was studied by the batch reaction method. The film diffusion constants R, the particle-internal diffusion coefficients D and the delay time τd were determined, respectively. The results showed that the exchange rate is controlled by the film diffusion at the start of the reaction, and is controlled by the particle internal diffusion in the rest time of the ion exchange. The influences of temperature and concentration on the exchange rate, the exchanged amount in the equilibrium and delay time in the diffusion process were discussed also.

Low Frequency Raman Scattering of CdS Nanocrystallites Embedded in Silicate Glasses
Yu Gang , Wang Kai-Xuan , Huang Jian-Bin , Zhao Bi-Ying
1997, 13(03): 230-235  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970309
[Abstract](3294) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1090KB](2291)

 Small size CdS crystal doped silica glasses were prepared by sol-gel process. The results showed that the CdS microcrystal sizes can be calculated from the peaks in their low frequency inelastic Raman scattering spectra (LOFIRS). Two types of the vibrational modes were discriminated by the polarized spectra. The second-order Raman scattering peaks were assigned from the exprimental results. The results of average paticle sizes from LOFIRS can correspond to those from TEM. The blue shift in the optical absorption of the obtained glasses was closely related with the size of CdS microcrystallites. The expriment verified that there was a od inverse proportion relationship between the energy of absorption edges and the square of the size of CdS nanocrystallites.

Inhibition of Bioelectrochemical Activities of Polyaniline Uricase Electrode by Theophylline
Kan Jin-Qing , Qiao Yue-Dong , Mu Shao-Lin , Li Yong-Fang
1997, 13(03): 236-241  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970310
[Abstract](3403) [FullText HTML] [PDF 945KB](2306)

 The effect of theophylline on the immobilized enzyme has been investigated using polyaniline uricase electrode. The activity of the immobilized uricase is markedly inhibited by theophylline. However, this is a reversible inhibition. In the presence of theophylline, the effect of pH on the response current of the enzyme electrode is different from that without theophylline; the response current of the enzyme electrode rapidly increase with increasing potential from 0.20-0.50V, and then increases slowly with further increasing potential. The activation energy of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is 47.8kJ?mol-1 in the presence of theophylline, which is much larger than that without theophylline (29.9kJ?mol-1). This indicates that the path of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction was changed by theophylline.

The Temperature and Electric Field Dependence of Properties for Hydrous Electrorheological Fluid-Lithium Polymethacrylate
Guan Jian-Guo , Zhao Su-Ling , Xie Hong-Quan
1997, 13(03): 242-246  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970311
[Abstract](3324) [FullText HTML] [PDF 922KB](2171)

 The static yield stress(τs) and current density (J) for electrorheological (ER) fluids, containing lithium polymethacrylate particles with different water content (Q) in silicone oil were determined as functions of temperature (T) and directed electric field strengths (E). The Arrhenius equation and the power functions were used to fit the data over a temperature range from 8 to 80℃. The results showed that τs ∝ E2 at low E while τs ∝ E at relative high E. J ∝ Eb, in which b was related with Q. With increasing T, J increased rapidly with a thermal activation energy of about 0.7eV. In contrast, τs increased with a thermal activation energy of about 0.15eV at lower Q. The results were discussed in terms of the ionic polarization mechanism. It was suggested that the ER effect for the system was mainly originated from the migration of mobile ions such as Li+ within particles.

The Ability of Photosensitization and Anti-cancer of ZnPcSP under Different Exciting Wavelength
Huang Jian-Dong , Liu Er-Sheng , Yang Su-Ling , Ouyang Rui-Zhen , Chen Nai-Sheng , Huang Jin-Ling , Huang Zi-Qiang , Sun Jian-Cheng , Xu Jian-Hua
1997, 13(03): 247-251  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970312
[Abstract](3041) [FullText HTML] [PDF 834KB](2093)

The effect of wavelength of exciting light upon the ability of photogenerating singlet oxygen (1O2) and of killing cancer cells of ZnPcSP were studied. The results show that the effect on the ability of photogenerating 1O2 and the ability of killing cancer cells has the same tendency, i.e., the light of 670nm possesses the best exciting efficency. The result also suggests that type Ⅱreaction of producing 1O2 is probably the main photosensitive type in PDT of ZnPcSP.

Characteristic Fragmentations of [MH-CO2H2]+ in Two Kinds of Amino Acid
She Yi-Min , Xiong Xiao-Hong , Zhou Li;Liu Shu-Ying ,
1997, 13(03): 252-257  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970313
[Abstract](3021) [FullText HTML] [PDF 909KB](2230)

Unimolecular fragmentations of metastable ions [MH-CO2H2]+ in leucine (Leu) and isoleucine (Ile) were studied by electron impact (EI) ionization and fast atom bombardment (FAB) ionization. The different characteristic fragment ions resulted from the collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectra of [MH-CO2H2]+ ions in isomeric amino acids were observed. Deuterium labelling experiment was used to demonstrate the behaviour of the dissociation of [MH-CO2H2]+ion, and the possible fragment mechanisms involving intermediary ion/neutral complexes or proton-bound complexes were proposed and discussed.

Theoretical Study on the Structures and Stabilization of Metallic Borides
Wu Hai-Shun , Xu Xiao-Hong , Zhang Cong-Jie , Zhou Wei-Liang
1997, 13(03): 258-263  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970314
[Abstract](3623) [FullText HTML] [PDF 860KB](2544)

By using ab initio (at the HF/3-21G* level) and analytic energy gradients method. We have optimized 75 electronic states of geomitric configurations for MB2/MB2+ (M=Li,Na,Be,Mg,Al) series. On the basis of these optimized results, total energies have been calculated by using single-point method at the QClSD(T)/6-311G* level. In order to investigate the stability of the clusters, we also optimized more than 70 electronic states of 24 fragments with energies obtained at the QCISD(T) level. In the meantime, we have calculated atomization energies, fragmentation energies, ionization potential energies and dissociation channels of MB2/MB2+.

Measurement and Computation of Excess Heat Capacity of Nonassociation Binary Liquid Mixture
Sun Hong-Wei , Gao Ming-Shu
1997, 13(03): 264-269  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970315
[Abstract](3118) [FullText HTML] [PDF 823KB](2070)

The excess heat capacities of seven nonassociated systems such as cyclohexane-benzene were determined at 298.15K. latm, using, Calvet microcalorimeter. On the basis of Liebremann model, correlation between excess entropy and excess volume was introduced, the model estimating CEp of nonassoiation binary liquid mixture with pure liquid property and excess volume was established. The excess heat capacities of seven nonassociated systems were calculated by the model, the computation values fit the experiment values on the whole concentration.

Influence of the Structure of the Ordered System(PC-H2O) on the Crystal Structure of CaCO3
Yao Song-Nian , Wang Chun-Lin , Zhang Cao-Mo , Xiong Hai-Tao , Miao Wei
1997, 13(03): 270-273  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970316
[Abstract](3228) [FullText HTML] [PDF 708KB](2114)

 Influence of the concentration of phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the solution of 0.5mol?L-1 CaCl2 on the crystal structure of CaCO3 has been studied by means of X-ray diffraction method. When the concentration of PC is below its CMC, the calcite CaCO3 is formed. It advantageous that CaCl2 reacts with Na2CO3 so as to form vaterite CaCO3 in the lipesome composed of PC more than in the water. The arnount of vaterite CaCO3 formed is increased with increase of concentration of PC. But if the concentration of PC is so increased as to form liquid crystal, then the amount of vaterite decreases obviously. The reason for the difference of crystal type formed has been discussed in the paper.

A Polarity Modification of Benson's Group Additivity Method
Wang Gui-Chang , Cai Zun-Sheng , Gao Qing-Yu , Zhao Xue-Zhuang
1997, 13(03): 274-277  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970317
[Abstract](2582) [FullText HTML] [PDF 547KB](2104)

An empirical method for estimating the standard enthalpy of some polar compounds is presended in this paper, that is
△△fH°(RX/CH3X)= △fH°(RX)- △fH°(CH3X)=a+bIx
where △△fH°(RX/CH3X) represents the standard enthalpy difference between CH3-X and R-X(R=Et, i-Pr, t-Bu, etc). It is a new polarity parameter defined by us. A od result was obtained for nearly 70 polar compounds.

Preparation of Cu-Co Catalyst for Alcohols Synthesis
Li Jing , Wang Jing-Chun , Dou Bo-Sheng , Wu Yue
1997, 13(03): 278-282  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970318
[Abstract](3566) [FullText HTML] [PDF 741KB](2198)

The effects of the Cu-Co catalysts prepared by different methods on the activity of synthesis of alcohols were studied. The structures of the catalysts were characterized by means of DTA,XRD,TPR and XPS. The results showed that the catalyst prepared by two-step precipitation possesses better catalytic properties.

Study of the Crystallization Kinetics of Titanium-Contained Alloy Amorphous Coatings by Brush Plating(II)
Deng Jie , Shi Hong-Yun , Zhang Yun-Qian
1997, 13(03): 283-287  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970319
[Abstract](3159) [FullText HTML] [PDF 683KB](2200)

The aim of this paper is to use non-isothermal differental scanning calorimentry technigue (DSC) to study the crystallization kinetics of Ti-Co-Ni-P and Co-Ni-P Noncrystalline coatings by electro-brush plating. According to the kinetical study,the crystallization mechamism of two noncrystalline coatings may be expressed by Avrami-Erofeev equation (n=1). The kinetics equation is
The crystallization activation energy E of Ti-Co-Ni-P and Co-Ni-P noncrystaline coatings have been determined. The result shows they are stable noncrystalline alloy. According to the electro-chemical polarization curves, the corrosion resistance of Ti-Co-Ni-P is very od.

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