1996 Volume 12 Issue 4

Synthesisi and Characterization of New PMMA-TiO2 Organic-Lnorganic Hybrid Glasses
Zhang Jun , Luo Sheng-Cheng , Gui Lin-Lin , Tang You-Qi
1996, 12(04): 289-292  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960401
[Abstract](3710) [FullText HTML] [PDF 624KB](2642)

Poly(methyl methacrylate)-titania hybrid glasses were synthesized by sol-gel processes using acrylic acid or allyl acetylacetone as coupling agent. Titanium butoxide modified with acrylic acid (or titanium isopropoxide modified with allyl acetylacetone) was hydrolyzed to produce a titania network, and then poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)chains formed in situ through a radical polymerization were chemically bonded to the forming titania network to synthesize a hybrid glass. Transparent hybrid glasses with different contents of titania were achieved. With the increase of the titania content, the color of the products changed from yellow to red. The synthesis process was investigated stepwise by using FTIR spectroscopies, and the experimental results demonstrated that acrylic or acetylacetonate groups bound to titanium remain in the final hybrid glasses. The thermal stability of the hybrid materials were considerably improved relative to pure PMMA. The hybrid glasses using allyl acetylacetone as coupling agent exhibited thermochromatic effect which both pure PMMA and titania do not manifest.

Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing in SO2
Shi Shi-Ming , Chen De-Ying , Zheng Qi-Ke , Qin Qi-Zong
1996, 12(04): 293-295  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960402
[Abstract](3313) [FullText HTML] [PDF 502KB](2119)

A vibrationally excitation spectrum of the A(1A2) ← X(1A1 ) and B(1 B1 )←X(1 A1 ) transition of suifur dioxide (SO2 ) was observed by using the degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) technique. For comparison, the direct absorption spectrum of SO2 was also presented. The DFWM signal intensity was investigated as a function of N2 buffer gas pressure. It was found that the signal intensity enhanced 25-fold with the addition of 100 kPa N2 gas.

Ladder-shapped Structure of Paracyanogen and Its Electronic Properties
Shi Zhong-Liang , Xie De-Min , Su Zhong-Min , Wang Rong-Shun
1996, 12(04): 296-301  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960403
[Abstract](2782) [FullText HTML] [PDF 846KB](2211)

The ladder-shapped structures containing nitrogen atoms in two sides of paracyanogen have been investigated theoretically by using quantum chemistry semiempirical MNDO and CNDO/2-CO methods. The regularities in structural stability and the variation of electronic property have been revealed preliminarily. Analysis of the energy band structure indicated that the energy gaps become smaller, and the intrinsical conductivities iincrease when the ladder-shapped structures broaden towards 2-dimention. This conclusion is consistent with the experimental results of polymerization degree and the electrical conductivity which increase with the increasing of pyrolytic temperarure.

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of the Aggregation Phases of Amphiphile Molecules
Gai Zheng , Yang Wei-Sheng , Zhou Wei-Jin
1996, 12(04): 302-309  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960404
[Abstract](3045) [FullText HTML] [PDF 3005KB](2257)

 In the present paper various aggregation phases of the binary system of an amphiphile, P507 and water have been studied by means of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), local-barrier-heigh(Φ) images and the tip height as a function of bias voltage. The sample was prepared by spreading a thin layer of P507 water solution on the graphite substrate and left in air for natural drying. Three different lyotropic mesomorphic phases (lamellar, hexa nal and cubic phases) along with the spherical, disk-like and rod-like micelles were imaged on the sample surface. The geometric shape and dimension of these phases match nicely what speculated in previous papers. Combining information from the STM andΦ images we are able to tell if the hydrophilic part of the molecules of a phase is inward or outward. Besides, the mechanical characteristics of the aggregation phases, which might be responsible for many important functions of biological membranes, have also been studied.

Stusy on Inhibition of Xanthine Oxidase by Allopurinol
Xue Huai-Guo , Zhong Lei , Shao Liang , Kan Jin-Qing , Mu Shao-Lin
1996, 12(04): 310-314  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960405
[Abstract](3666) [FullText HTML] [PDF 902KB](2381)

The investigation of inhibition of xanthine oxidase by allopurinol was carried out using a xanthine biosensor, which was obtained using the polyaniline film as a support material. The experimental results indicated that significant inhibition could be produced by allopurinol but this inhibition was reversible. The apprent Michaelis-Menten constant (K’m) of the immobilized xanthine oxidase increased in the presence of allopurinol, but the maximum rate of the enzyme catalyzed reaction was not affected by allopurinol. This indicated that allopurinol is a reversible competitive inhibitor of xanthine oxidase. The optimum pH of the immobilized enzyme was not affected, and the activation energy of the enzyme catalyzed reaction was slightly affected by allopurinol.


The Study on the Photochemical Degradation of ρ-Substituted Sdium Phenylsulphonate
Wang Su-Hua , Chen De-Wen
1996, 12(04): 315-319  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960406
[Abstract](3098) [FullText HTML] [PDF 822KB](2277)

The photoreaction behaviour of p-substituted sodium phenylsulphonate in aqueous solution and colloidal system has been studied by means of spin trapping-ESR method. The results indicated that the reaction processes and the intermediate free radicals formed were dependent of the pH values as well as the existence of colloid. The sulfur-centered radicals SO3- , which were the main product were observed, and the carboncentered radicals and hydrogen radicals were also detected in a certain range of pH values. It was discovered that the primary rate of free radical generation changed with the pH values in an exponential from while pH<4.

The Research of Donnan Equilibrium with Hypeinetted-chain(HNC) Approximation Method
Xu Hua , Chen Nian-Yi
1996, 12(04): 320-324  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960407
[Abstract](3294) [FullText HTML] [PDF 886KB](2320)

The effect of interionic potential to Dennan equilibrium has been investigated with HNC method. Also, the equilibrium density, the osmotic pressure and the Donnan potential of Donnan equllibrium have been calculated. It was found in our calculations that the Donnan potential is a more sensitive quantity to interionic potential than the osmotic pressure, which was thought to be particularly sensitive to interionic potential in the previous Donnan equllibrium investigations. If single ion activity coefficients are used, values of the Donnan potential would be much more different from the values which were obtained before, but it is more reasonable and more comparable with the experimental values.

Overall Protonation Constants of Bridged Crowned Porphyrins and Porphyrin-cholesterol Ester
Hu Zhen-Zhu , Hu Zong-Qiu , Liu Fa-Bin , Huang Su-Qiu
1996, 12(04): 325-328  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960408
[Abstract](3282) [FullText HTML] [PDF 619KB](2118)

 The overall protonation constants of three bridged crowned porphyrins and two cholesterol-porphyrins were determined by spectrometric methods and the quantum chemistry computation with HMO were made by 486 type microcomputer. The influence of electron effect and steric hindrance of substituting group on overall protonation constants was discussed.Experimental data and theoretical discussion showed that simple portonated cation (PH3+ ) has been formed before the formation of double protonated cation (PH42+ ), but simple protonated cation (PH32+) is unstable. Degree of porphyrins protonation depend on electron and steric effect. Protonation constants are increased by the donor groups through conjugate effect, while steric hindrance of substituting group reduces the constants decrease.

The Photoisomerization of Azobenzene for Regulating the Complex Behavior of Viologen with Eosin
Liu Tian-Jun , Wu Shi-Kang
1996, 12(04): 329-336  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960409
[Abstract](3473) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1405KB](2200)

 In this paper, the synthesis of α, ω-azobenzen, viologen bichromophore long chain compounds, and the study on their photochemical and photophysical properties have been reported. The results indicated that the photoisomerization of azobenzene could regulat the constant of complexation between the viologen and eosin, and the photoregulating effect is correlated strongly with the length of the polymethylene spacer between two chromophores. Based on the spectra data of 1H NMR, the conformation effect has also been discussed and explained preliminarily.

Determination of the Diffusion Coefficients of Micelle and the First CMC and Second CMC in SDS and CTAB Solution
Liu Tian-Qing , Guo Rong , Shen Ming , Yu Wei-Li
1996, 12(04): 337-340  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960410
[Abstract](4355) [FullText HTML] [PDF 614KB](2450)

A new electrochemical method is showed for study of physical chemisty character of surfactant systems, and particularly determination of second CMC. The diffusion coefficients of SDS and CATB micelles with different shapes are determined by cyclic voltammetry without any probe, and the first CMC and second CMC are obtained from the intersections of diffusion coefficients vs concentration curve (first CMC and second CMC are 8.0 ×10-3mol•L-1 and 5.6 ×10-2mol•L-1 for SDS, 8.9×10-4 and 2.1 ×10-2 mol•L-1 for CTAB)

The Characterisation of the Adsorption of H2S on MoO3/TiO2-Al2O3 by XPS
Luo Sheng-Cheng , Gui Lin-Lin , Tang You-Qi
1996, 12(04): 341-345  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960411
[Abstract](4239) [FullText HTML] [PDF 838KB](2178)

The adsorption of H2S on MoO3/TiO2-Al2O3 was investigated by XPS, along with the measurement of breakthrough curve. The results showed: the amount of adsorbed H2S for each gram of MoO3 varied with the loadings of MoO3, and approached a maximum when the loading was 0.15g/g TiO2-Al2O3; the adsorption capacity of 0.15g MoO3/g TiO2-Al2O3 increased when the adsorbent was heated from 100 to 300℃, with the atomic ratio of S to Mo rising to c.a. 1, the adsorbent of 0.15g MoO3/gTiO2-Al2O3 could be regenerated easily by oxidation with air during 150 to 250℃; the adsorption process might be a chemical reaction as pointed out by reference [1]: H2S+MoO3=MoO3•SH2 or H2S+MoO3=MoO2•S+H2O.

Synergistic Effect of the Oxidation of Formic Acid at Polyaniline Electrodes Modified by Palladium Microparticles
Zhong Qi-Ling , Xiong Li-Hua , Zhong Zhi-Jing , Li Wu-Hu
1996, 12(04): 346-352  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960412
[Abstract](3564) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1215KB](2348)

Electrochemical oxidation of formic acid on PAN(Pd) electrode has been studied using conventional electrochemical techniques and the electrochemical in-situ FTIR. The process of electrochemical oxidation of PAN(Pd) electorde has been put forward. The kinetic parameters of different thickness of PAN film such as diffusion coefficient (D0) and reaction rate constant(k0) have been calculated. Furthermore, the causes of the difference between PAN(Pd) and pure Pd(or Pt) electrodes as well as the high electrocatalytic activation of PAN(Pd) electrode for oxidation of fomic acid have also been discussed. The high catalytic activation of PAN(Pd) electrode for oxidation of formic acid probably comes from the synergistic effect of the subcatalytic interaction of PAN and the catalytic interaction of the palladium microparticles.

Conformation and Activity of RNaseA in Dodecylammonium Butyrate-Cyclohexane Reverse Micellar Solution
Huang Wen , Li Xiao-Feng , Gu Ti-Ren
1996, 12(04): 353-356  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960413
[Abstract](3413) [FullText HTML] [PDF 675KB](2548)

The activity and conformation of ribonuclerse A (RNaseA) solubilized in cyclohexane via dodecylammonium butyrate(DAB) reverse micelles were investigated. The activity of RNaseA was studied using the cytidine 2’,3’ -phosphate as the substrate, and it was found that kcat increases significantly with respect to that in water attended by an increased Km•FT-IR spectra of RNaseA in reverse micellar solution were investigated as a function of w0(= [H2O]/ [DAB]), and it was noted that the structure of RNaseA became losser in reverse micelles campared to that in aqueous solution. The relation between activity and conformation was discussed.

Calcuation on Cluster Models of SnO2(110) Surface
Wu Xiong , Su Ke-He
1996, 12(04): 357-360  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960414
[Abstract](3214) [FullText HTML] [PDF 555KB](2289)

Cluster models of SnO2(110) face and oxygen vacancies and oxygen adsorption on its surface have been calculated by EHMO method. The results show that a tin atom with a coordination number of four is the adsorption center, because the total energy of cluster model becomes lower when an oxygen atom adsorpts on the tin atom with a coordination number of four. The tin atom with this coordination number gains and loses electrons more easily than tin atoms with a coordination number of five. All tin atoms in the cluster of SnO2(110) face are Sn4+.

Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of Gas-phase Hydrolysis of CF3C(O)F to CF3COOH
Sun Li-Peng , Ma Ao , Wang Yi-Xuan , Liu Cheng-Bu
1996, 12(04): 361-364  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960415
[Abstract](3738) [FullText HTML] [PDF 529KB](2265)

Based on the ab initio calculated results, the thermodynamic functions and kinetic parameters of the gas-phase hydrolysis of CF3C(O)F to CF3COOH have been calculated in the temperature range 200-1500 K with statistical thermodynamic method and Eyring’s transition state theory. The heat capacities of some important species ocurring in the reactions have been calculated and fitted in the formula (a + bT + cT2 + dT3 + eT4).

Investigation on Dipole-dipole Interaction(II)
Zhu Xiao-Lei , Zhou Zhi-Hua , Xu Yong-Jin , Zhou Yao-Ming
1996, 12(04): 365-367  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960416
[Abstract](3680) [FullText HTML] [PDF 453KB](2672)

The coherent potential approximation (CPA) was used in the calculation of the vibrational spectra for absorbed 12CO/13CO mixtures on platinum. The theoretical results were compared with the surface IR-spectra of 12CO/13CO mixture absorbed on Pt-electrode. The results show that in the systems consisting of isotopic mixtures of CO on Pt(001), molecules interact mainly through their dipole fields.

Study on the Synthesis,Characterization and Catalysis of Pillared Anion Clay(V)
He Qing-Lin , Hu Chang-Wen , Zhang Yun-Feng , Zhang Ji-Yu , Wang En-Bo , Wang Feng-Zhi , Zhao Yong-Zhi
1996, 12(04): 368-371  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960417
[Abstract](3498) [FullText HTML] [PDF 742KB](2296)

Organic-anion-pillared layered double hydrotalcites such as Zn2AlTA(TA=terephthalate) are easily synthesized by using coprecipitation reaction of Zn2+ and Al3+ ions with terephthalic acid in NaOH solution. Exchange of this material under mild acidic conditions with the heteropolyanions proceeds smoothly to yield Zn2AlSiW11Co and Zn2Al-BW11Cu. Characterization has been carried out by elemental chemical analysis, powder X-ray diffraction and IR spectra. The results indicated that these materials possess exceptionally well-ordered gallery height of 0.98nm. It was found that this kind of pillared layered catalyst has high activity and selectivity for the oxidation of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid using H2O2 as oxidant in liquid-solid phase system.

Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Coordination Reaction of Imidazolates with Cobalt(II) Porphyrin
Zhu Zhi-Ang , Yan Xi , Zhang Zhi-Hui , Ma Gang , Lin Hua-Kuan , Chen Rong-Ti
1996, 12(04): 372-376  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960418
[Abstract](3578) [FullText HTML] [PDF 701KB](2357)

The thermodyntamics of axial coordination reaction of Cobalt(Ⅱ)(p-OCH3)TPP with various ligands [L=Im(imidazole), MeIm (2-methydrimidazole), EMIm (2-ethyl-4-methylimidazole)] at different temperatures in dichloromethane solvent have been studied.
Cobalt(Ⅱ)(p-OCH3)TPP+nL↔ Cobalt(Ⅱ)(p-OCH3)TPP﹒Ln
The equilibrium constant (β) and stoichiometric number (n) of reaction (1) were measured by means of Shimadzu UV-240 spectrophotometer. The changes of standard molar enthalpy △ rHm? and molar entropy △rSm? of reaction (1) were calculated. The steric and electronic effects of the three axial ligands on the reaction were compared.
The kinetic study for the axial coordination faster reaction of Cobalt(Ⅱ) (p-OCH3)TPP with Im in dichloromethane at different temperatures by means of a Union Giken RA-401 stopped-flow spectrophotometer was reported. The mechanism of reaction (1) was postulated as follows:
Co(Ⅱ)(p-OCH3) TPP+ Im↔ Co(Ⅱ)(p-OCH3) TPP﹒Im
Co(Ⅱ)(p-OCH3) TPP﹒Im+Im→Co(Ⅱ)(p-OCH3) TPP﹒(Im)2
    The parameters K and k were evaluated. The △ rHm?, △rSm? of a pre-equilibrium step (2) and △r≠Hm, △r≠Sm of a rate-determining step (3) were also calculated.

By using an LKB2277 Bioactivity Monitor, we have determined the thermogenesis power curves of four kinds of Brucellas S2(55007), M5 (55009),83-202,83-980. And established the thermokinetic equation for the process of cell growth inhibited by the products of metabolism, as:
From this equation, the rate constants of cell growth k [= k0(1 - β﹒P0)] were obtained. This thermokinetic equation is very suitable for cell growth of separated culture and is very important for the study of bacterial limited growth and their characteristics.

Cell Kinetic Study II.Thermokinetic Study of the Process of Cell Growth Inhibited by Metabolites
Liu Yi , Tan An-Min , Xie Chang-Li , Wang Cun-Xin , Qu Song-Sheng , Hao Zong-Yu
1996, 12(04): 377-381  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960419
[Abstract](2539) [FullText HTML] [PDF 673KB](2306)

By using an LKB2277 Bioactivity Monitor, we have determined the thermogenesis power curves of four kinds of Brucellas S2(55007), M5 (55009),83-202,83-980. And established the thermokinetic equation for the process of cell growth inhibited by the products of metabolism, as:
From this equation, the rate constants of cell growth k [= k0(1 - β﹒P0)] were obtained. This thermokinetic equation is very suitable for cell growth of separated culture and is very important for the study of bacterial limited growth and their characteristics.

Formation of High Vibrational ν1 States of NO2(X2,A1) Excited at 308nm
Li Hong-Zhi , Li Qiang , Zhu Qi-He , Kong Fan-Ao
1996, 12(04): 382-384  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960420
[Abstract](2441) [FullText HTML] [PDF 611KB](2100)

 The photon-excited NO2 at 308 nm has been investigated by Time-Resolved FTIR spectroscopy. The IR fluorescence from highly excited NO2(X2 A1) in ν1 vibrational mode has been observed. These excited states are resulted from the strong vibronic mixing of electronic excited A2 B2/B2 B1 states with the ground X2 A1 state. It is considered that symmetric stretching ν1 mode is reserved from the photolysis because its vibrational style is unsuitable for dissociation.


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