1994 Volume 10 Issue 4

Preparation of Alumina-pillared Layered Titanoniobates with Different Interlayer Distances
Hou Wen-Hua , Yan Qi-Jie , Peng Bing-Cheng , Fu Xian-Cai
1994, 10(04): 289-292  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940401
[Abstract](3136) [FullText HTML] [PDF 611KB](2451)

A series of alumina-pillared layered titanoniobates with different interlayer distances were first prepared by using a step-wise exchange process. The effect of reaction conditions such as reaction temperature, reaction time, ageing time of pillaring agent, and molar ratio of two reactans was exmained. The resultat pillazed smples have a range of interlayer distances from 1.23 nm to 1.38 nm, and are thermostable over 500 ℃.

Chemiluminescence of the Reaction of He*(23S)/CO2 with CS2
Hu Yi-Hua , Chu Yan-Nan , Ni Jin-Zhi , Li Ying-Chun , LI Shu-Chao , Cao De-Zhao , Guo Jing-Zhong , Liu Chuan-Pu , Gu Yue-Shu
1994, 10(04): 293-296  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940402
[Abstract](3375) [FullText HTML] [PDF 560KB](2057)

The reaction of He~*(2~3S)/CO_2 with CS_2 has been studied in discharge fiowing-afterglow apparatus. The emission spectra from exited state products CS~+_2(A)、CS (A,a) have been observed. The formation mechbosm proposed is:

Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of α-alanine by Dihydroxydiperiodatonickelate (IV) Complex Ion
Yang Li-Ting , Chang Qing , Wang Feng-Li , Wang An-Zhou
1994, 10(04): 297-302  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940403
[Abstract](3407) [FullText HTML] [PDF 935KB](2364)

The kinetics of oxidation of α-alanine by dihydroxydiperiodatonickelate (Ⅳ) ion was studied by spectrophotometry in aqueous alkaline medium. The reaction rate showed first order dependence in okidant, and positive fractional order dependence in α-alanine. It was found that the pseudo first-order ([Ala]_o>>[Ni(Ⅳ)]_o) rate constant, k_(obs), increases with the increase of [OH~-] and decreases with the increase of [IO~-_4], which implies that before the rate-determining step there is a preequulibrium in which one of the periodate ligands of the oxidant is deprotonated and the other is dissociated. Under the protection of nitrogen the reaction system does not induce polymerization of acrylamide indicating that an innersphere one-step two-electron tranfer is involved in the oxidation. Based on the experimental results a mechanism involving a preequilibrium of an adduct formation between Ni(IV) and α-alanine has been proposed. The rate equations derived from the mechanism explained all the experimental results satisfactorily and the preequilibrium constants, rate constant of the rate-determining step together with the activation parameters were evaluated.

A Study of the Heterogenization of Heteropoly Acid(II)
Wang Xin-Ping , Ye Xing-Kai , Wu Yue
1994, 10(04): 303-307  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940404
[Abstract](3648) [FullText HTML] [PDF 825KB](2202)

The surface chemincal species of surface-modified activated carbons and ad sorption of 12-silicotungstic acid (SiW_(12)) on them were studied It was found that these carbons have different adsorption isotherms and adsorptive force. The carbonyl groups on the surface of activated carbon were favorable while carboxyl groups were unfavourable for the adsorption of SiW_(12).

Studies of Carbon Cluster Anions with a Heteroatom of IIIA or VA Group
Huang Rong-Bin , Liu Zhao-Yang , Zhao Jian-Hong , Lin Feng-Chen , Zheng Lan-Sun
1994, 10(04): 308-311  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940405
[Abstract](2821) [FullText HTML] [PDF 713KB](2123)

A series of carbon cluster anions with a heteroatom have been generated on a home-made apparatus by laser abalation of appropriate samples. The heteroatom includes boron, aluminum, nitrogen, phosphorus or arsenic which is either a ⅢA or a VA group element. The recorded time-of-flight mass spectra show that stabilities of the cluster anions are affected by the composition of the heteroatom. The ⅢA group heteroatom tends to bind with even sizes of carbon atom and the VA group atom selects odd sizes. The even/odd alternation is attributed to the linear configuration of the cluster anions with the heteroatom at the end of the chain.

Kinetic Study on Porphinatoiron(III) Catalyzing Decomposition of β-Carotene
Ruan Wen-Juan , Zhu Zhi-Ang , Huang Xiao-Qun , Chen Rong-Ti , Jiang Dong-Qing
1994, 10(04): 312-318  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940406
[Abstract](3463) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1053KB](2177)

A spectrophotometric study of the kinetics of β-carotene oxidative decom-position to vitamin A is reported in this paper. Meso-tetramesityl-porphinatoiron (Ⅲ) chloride (FeTMPCl) was used as catalyst and m-chloroper-benzoic acid (mCPBA) as oxidant in dichloromethane. The reaction mechanism was postulated. The experimental data were simu lated with IBM-PC computer. The kinetic parameters of the elementary steps were obtained. The activation enthalpy △~≠H_m and activation entropy △~≠S_m and standard molar enthalpy change ΔH_m and standard molar entropy change ΔS_m of the elementary steps were calculted. The effect of various ligands on the rate of reaction was also examined.

Spectra Studies of Titanium and Vanadium-Pentadienyl-Carbonyl Compounds
Wang Yue , Liu Ju-Zheng , Jiang Shi-Mei , Liang Ying-Qiu
1994, 10(04): 319-323  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940407
[Abstract](2474) [FullText HTML] [PDF 927KB](1943)

The characterization of a series of carbonyl adducts of open titanocenes, open vanadocenes and half-open vanadocene was studied with IR, EPR and UV-VIS methods. The electronic structures of [2,4-(CH_3)_2C_5H_5]_2VCO, [2,4-(CH_3)_2C_5H_5]_2TiCO and [2,4-(CH_3)_2C_5H_5](C_5H_5)VCO have been calculated by EHMO mehtod. The compar ison between carbonyl adducts of open vanadocene, half-open vanadoce and vanadocene has been carried out and the results show that the properties of half-open vanadoce lie between open vanadoce and vanadocene, and tend to open vanadocene. The bond of vanaium-pentadienyl is stronger than that of vanadium-cyclopentadienyl. The properties of half-open vanadocene are more affected by the pentadienyl ligand than by the cyclopentadienyl ligand.

Study of Methane Oxidative Coupling over Ti-La-Li Mixed Oxides
Zhao Zhen , Yuan Song-Yue , Yu Zuo-Long
1994, 10(04): 324-329  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940408
[Abstract](3502) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1078KB](2212)

The composition and structures of Li-Ti-La minxed oxides as well as their catalytic activity for methane oxidative coupling have been studied by means of XRD 、XPS、IR、SEM、 and so on. The results indicate that by changing x value in Li La_(1-x)Ti_xO_2 oxides phases of La_2O_3、 La-Ti_(1-y)Li_yO_(3-λ)、 Li_2TiO_3 and La_(0.66)TiO_(2.993) are formd. Among them the complex oalde LaTi1-y LiyO3-λ is the active phase for methane oxidative coupling due to the formation of active site Li~+-O~--Ti~(3+), while Li_(1.33)Ti_(1.66)O_4 is not active for both methane oxidative coupling and deep oxidation.

The Study of Energy Transfer from Vibrational State to Electronic State in C2H4-K System
Li Quan-Xin , Yu Shu-Qin , Chen Cong-Xiang , Ma Xing-Xiao
1994, 10(04): 330-335  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940409
[Abstract](2988) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1031KB](2188)

Ethylene molecules were excited to high vibrational states by a TEA CO_2 laser, and then coilided with ground electronic state potassium atoms, in order to study the vibrational state to electronic state (V-E) energy transfer. The rate constants have been obtained by fitting the measuxed tdrie-resolved potassium atom flou-rescence to a proposed kinetic energy level group model. The measured rate constants of the V-E energy transfer in C_2H_4-K system are about 10~(-10)/cm~3·molec s~(-1). in the temperature range 453—663 K. The corresponding cross sections vary from 0.30—0.80 nm and decrease with increasing temperature. The experimental results indicate that attractive interaction play a role in the above non-resonant V-E energy transfer. This results have been discussed based on a collision complex model involving multipole interaction potential.

Complexation Thermodynamics of Rare Earch(III) Nitrates with Stibeno-15-Crown-5 in Anhydrous Acetonitrile
Liu Yu , Lu Tong-Bu , Tan Min-Yu , Inoue Yoshihisa , Hakushi Tadao
1994, 10(04): 336-341  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940410
[Abstract](3846) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1044KB](2274)

Calorimetric titrations have been performed in anthydrous acetonitrile at 298.15 K in order to obtain the complex stabillty constants(K_s) and the thermodynamic parameters for the complexation of rare earth(Ⅲ) nitrates (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) with 2,3-diphenyl-ene-(2)-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxacyclopentadecane (Stilbeno-15-crown-5). The complexation stoichiometry is 1:1 for all rare earth(Ⅲ) nitrates. The complex stability constants (K_s), reaction enthalpies(△H~o) and entropies (△S~o) were calculated directly by using precision calorimeter connected to an personal microcomputer. The coordination of the unsaturated crown ether B (to see Fig.1) with Pr~(3+) showed the highest complexation ability and selectivity in the six kinds of rare earth (III) nitrates, and compared with the results of 15-crown-4A (in Fig.1). The thermodynamics quantities clearly indicate that the comples stability sequence is essentially entropy verned, although the complex formation itself is evidently enthalpy driven. The effects of unsaturated crown ether's molecular structure and cation's properties upon complex stability have been discussed from a viewpoint of thermodynamics.

Phase Diagram of Binary Systems YbCl3-MCln(M=Li, Mg, Ca, Pb; n=1 or 2)
Zheng Chao-Gui , Huang Shou-Lin , Wang Si-Qiang
1994, 10(04): 342-347  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940411
[Abstract](3796) [FullText HTML] [PDF 1007KB](2125)

The Phase diagrams of binary systems YbCl_3-MCl_n(M=Li, Mg, Ca, Pb; n=1 or 2) were investigated by means of DTA and X-ray diffeaction analysis. It was found that YbCl_3-LiCl systm is of peritectic type wich compound Li_3YbCl_6 and its phase transition is at 481 ℃ as well as the invariant points E (x_(YbCl_3)=0.410, 526 ℃) and P (x_(YbCl_3)=0.340, 547 ℃) YbCl_3-MgCl_2 system is of peritectic-like type with a peritectic-like line over the YbCl_3-rich region at 666 ℃ and the peritectic compound could not be specified. Its eutectic point e is (x_(YbCl_2)=0.380, 628 ℃). YbCl_3-CaCl_2 and YbCl_3-PbCl_2 systems are of simple eutectic type with eutectic points (x_(YbCl_3)=0.530, 615 ℃) and (x_(YbCl_3)=0.340, 415 ℃) respectively. An unstable compound, formed in the solid state, is PbYbCl_5 and decomposes at 392 ℃. Some rules of the phase diagram were also expolored.

Effect of VA Elements on the Semiconducting Properties of the Anodic Plumbous Oxide Flim(II)
Pu Zong , Zhou Wei-Fang
1994, 10(04): 348-353  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940412
[Abstract](3239) [FullText HTML] [PDF 907KB](2211)

The semiconducting properties of t-PbO (also known as tet-PbO or α-PbO) in the anodic plumbous oxide films formed on lead, lead-arseinc, lead-animony and lead bismuth alloys in 4.5 mol·L~(-1) H_2SO_4(22 ℃) at 0.9 V (vs. Hg/Hg_2SO_4) for 7 h have been studied using measu-rements of photo-electrochemical current. These elements have little effect on the values of the band-gap energy of t-PbO and o-PbO in the film. From the relation between quantum yield and electrode potential, the values of the donor density of the t-PbO in the films formed on Pb, Pb-lat%As, Pb-lat%Sb and Pb-lat%Bi are 9.3×10~(15),1.0×10~(16),3.1×10~(16) and 1.3×10~(17) cm~(-3), respectively. Meanwhile, the corresponding flat-band potentials range from -0.08 to -0.28 V(vs. Hg/Hg_2SO_4). By comparing the effect of these VA elements on the growth rate of the t-PbO with that on the donor density, it is concluded that these experimental results condorm to the Hauffe Rules.

The Determination of the Second Order Rate Coefficient of Enzymatic Reaction for the Mediator Enzyme Electrode
Lv Ming-Xiang , Dai Hong-Li , Zhang Guo-Heng
1994, 10(04): 354-359  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940413
[Abstract](3011) [FullText HTML] [PDF 844KB](2221)

In this paper, the second order rate coefficient for homogeneous catalytic re action of ferrocene and its derivative have been detendned by open circult relaxation diator in redox enzyme catalysis for the anaerobic oxidation of glucose catalyzed by glucose oxidase. Moreover, the feasibility and conditions for the application of the open circuit relaxation method is discussed.

Study on Bonding Behavior of the element Clusters Lien
Zhang Hua-Bei , Liang Guo-Ming , Tian An-Min , Yan Guo-Sen
1994, 10(04): 360-362  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940414
[Abstract](3145) [FullText HTML] [PDF 509KB](2055)

The Localized molecular orbitals of element clusters Li~e_n(n=1-6, 8; e=+1) have been calculated. The results show besides the two-centre bonds, a variety of many center bonds including closed-form and open-form ealst in Li~e_n. The many-centre bonds and the coordination numer as a character of metallic bonds increase with the increasing of the size of clusters. The influences of the geometric structures and electronic states on the bonding have been discussed.

Collisional Quenching of Electronically Excited CH Radicals by Ar, NO and CHBr3 Molecules
Chen Cong-Xiang , Ran Qin , Yu Shu-Qin , Ma Xing-Xiao
1994, 10(04): 363-366  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940415
[Abstract](5926) [FullText HTML] [PDF 751KB](2205)

The collisional quenching rate constants of CH(A, V'=0) by Ar and CHBr_3 and CH(A, B, V'=0) by NO molecule were measured by means of laser photolysis of CHBr_3 molecule at 266 nm generating CH(A, B) radicals and monitoring the time-resolved signal of ethession CH(A, B→X). The dependence of quenching rate constant of CH(A, V'=0) by CHBr_3 on rotational state of CH(A) is presented. It is found that the quenching rate decreases with increasing rotational quantum number of CH(A).

LMO Study on the Reaction: H3PO→H2POH
Yang Jie , Liang Guo-Ming , Tian An-Min , Yan Guo-Sen
1994, 10(04): 367-370  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940416
[Abstract](2962) [FullText HTML] [PDF 620KB](2343)

The localized molecular orbital (LMO) theory is used to study the reaction mechanism of the isomerization reaction: H_3PO→H_2POH. The energy transition state (TS) of the reaction is also obtained by Powell's mehtod using 6-31G basis set. The resluts show that the lone pair electrons of oxygen atom play an forortant role in this reaction.

Approach to the Mechanism of the Electrochemiluminescence of Luminol in Aqueous Alkaline Solution
Fu Zhi-Dong , Lin Zhong-Hua , Huang Shao-Hua , Liu Min
1994, 10(04): 371-375  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940417
[Abstract](2733) [FullText HTML] [PDF 852KB](2253)

The electrochemiluminescence (ECL) of the luminol in aqueous alkaline solu tion has been studied using cyclic voltammetry, potential step tecdrique and time resolved UV/Vis spectroscopy. The results of the electrochemical experimens showed that the ECL of the luminol can carry out in the potential region of oxygen adsorption also and lead us suggest a new light-emitting pathway for the luminol on which the reaction between some of the luminol radical anions and the adsorbed superoxide radical simultaneously generated in the anodic oxidation proecss yields excited 3-aminophthalate, the light emitting species. The results of the time resolved spectroscopic experiments manifested that the formation of the polymeric film produced by the luminol radical anions is one of important factors decreasing the ECL of the luminol.

Photoelectrochemical Properties of Iron Oxide Ultrafine Particles
Yang Mai-Zhi , Li Hui-Ming , Cai Sheng-Min , Ji Yong-Jun
1994, 10(04): 376-380  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940418
[Abstract](2975) [FullText HTML] [PDF 851KB](2263)

From the FeCl_3 solutions of different concentrations, the polycrystalline iron oxide ultrthee particles of different sizes were obtained through hydrolysis. The results of their UV-visible spectroscopy eambit the "size quatization effects". In an electrolyte, the dependence of the photocurrent-potential relations on particle size of the dispersed iron oxide particles or the adsorbed iron oxide particles on Pt electrode and redox couple are described and discusscd.

The Effect of Additives on the Premicell Formation in Different Surfactant Solutions
Jiang Yong-Cai , Wu Shi-Kang
1994, 10(04): 381-384  doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19940419
[Abstract](3598) [FullText HTML] [PDF 634KB](2220)

The mechanism of premicellar formation in aqueous solution of six kinds of ionic surfactant has been studied. By the introduction of different additives in the solution of surfactants, it was observed that the factors which can iafluence the micellar formation, have the same effect on the prendcenar formation. This demonstrates that both micellar and premicellar formation processes identical mechansm. Therefore, the premicellar for mation can be considered as a precusor of Ancellar formation.

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