1988 Volume 5 Issue 3
1988, 5(3): 1-8
The fluorescence lifetime and the time-resolved fluorescence spectrum are two important parameters in fluorescence spectroscopy, gaining more and more popularity in accordance with the development of measurement technology. This paper gives a brief review on the detection technique and various applications of TRF in chemistry, physics. biochemistry and medicine, in an attempt to promote the widespread exploitation of this technique in our country.
The fluorescence lifetime and the time-resolved fluorescence spectrum are two important parameters in fluorescence spectroscopy, gaining more and more popularity in accordance with the development of measurement technology. This paper gives a brief review on the detection technique and various applications of TRF in chemistry, physics. biochemistry and medicine, in an attempt to promote the widespread exploitation of this technique in our country.
1988, 5(3): 9-14
A new type lumincscent material, benzoic acid-terbium complexes are investigated by absorption, infrared, fluorescence and timc-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. In the presence of Tb ion the fluorescence intensitics of benzoic acid (At) and its derivatives, 4-hydroxylbcnzoic acid (A2), 3-hydroxylbenzoic acid (A3), 2-hydroxylbenzoic acid(A4), markedly decreassed; and the fluorescence lifetime of acids remained unchanged. It is a typical example of static quenching process. The fluorescence intensity of acid-terbium complexes changes dramatically according to their structure, bonding strength and intramolecular encrgy transfer efficiency. The influences of solvents and pH value arc discussed also.
A new type lumincscent material, benzoic acid-terbium complexes are investigated by absorption, infrared, fluorescence and timc-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. In the presence of Tb ion the fluorescence intensitics of benzoic acid (At) and its derivatives, 4-hydroxylbcnzoic acid (A2), 3-hydroxylbenzoic acid (A3), 2-hydroxylbenzoic acid(A4), markedly decreassed; and the fluorescence lifetime of acids remained unchanged. It is a typical example of static quenching process. The fluorescence intensity of acid-terbium complexes changes dramatically according to their structure, bonding strength and intramolecular encrgy transfer efficiency. The influences of solvents and pH value arc discussed also.
1988, 5(3): 15-18
The structure change of TiS_2 during charge-discharge in Li/TiS2 secondary cell in 1M LiClO4-PC (propylenc carbonate) electrolyte was investegated by X-ray diffraction, high resolution electronmicroscopy, thermogravimetry and mass spectroscopy. Two intercalation processes were found: the one is reversible to Li, forming a compound of Lix TiS2, the other is irreversible to both Li and PC, forming compounds of Liy(PC)y TiS2, which are the main cause leading to the decrease of the efficiencY of Li/TiS2 cell after chargedischarge cycles.
The structure change of TiS_2 during charge-discharge in Li/TiS2 secondary cell in 1M LiClO4-PC (propylenc carbonate) electrolyte was investegated by X-ray diffraction, high resolution electronmicroscopy, thermogravimetry and mass spectroscopy. Two intercalation processes were found: the one is reversible to Li, forming a compound of Lix TiS2, the other is irreversible to both Li and PC, forming compounds of Liy(PC)y TiS2, which are the main cause leading to the decrease of the efficiencY of Li/TiS2 cell after chargedischarge cycles.
1988, 5(3): 19-22
The thermosetting reaction of the epoxy resin/tung oil acid anhydride/neodymium acetylacetonate(AD) system was studied. The time to gelation and the apparent activation energy for the reaction were determined by DSC, TBA and the cure test. The kinetic parameters were obtained. The results show that AD appears to be a latent accelerator for the anhydride-cured epoxy resin system.
The thermosetting reaction of the epoxy resin/tung oil acid anhydride/neodymium acetylacetonate(AD) system was studied. The time to gelation and the apparent activation energy for the reaction were determined by DSC, TBA and the cure test. The kinetic parameters were obtained. The results show that AD appears to be a latent accelerator for the anhydride-cured epoxy resin system.
1988, 5(3): 23-27
The shearing, Peeling strength and thermo and photo-resistance of polyester-polyeether blockcopolymer were improved by adding cresol-formaldehyde epoxide resin. The conditions of blending were searched and a mechanism of blending has been ProPosed basedon IR, DTA, TM and TG measurements. It is shown that the reaction cf ePoxide group with the end group (-OH, -COOH) of polyester-polyether takes place during the melting of the blends.
The shearing, Peeling strength and thermo and photo-resistance of polyester-polyeether blockcopolymer were improved by adding cresol-formaldehyde epoxide resin. The conditions of blending were searched and a mechanism of blending has been ProPosed basedon IR, DTA, TM and TG measurements. It is shown that the reaction cf ePoxide group with the end group (-OH, -COOH) of polyester-polyether takes place during the melting of the blends.
1988, 5(3): 28-31
The temperature dependence of the luminescence of Ca2YSbO6:RE3+ (RE=Sm, Eu, DY, Ho, Er) phosphors was determined by irradiating the Thosphor by a mercury-xenon discharge lamp. For all phosphors investigated except Ca2YSbO6: Er the intensity of luminescence in general was decreased with increase of temperature and was quenched at last at 300-400℃. A gualitative explanation is given to the temperature quenching of Ca2YSbO6:RE3+. The emisson spectra of the sample under different temperature would be useful in finding the luminescent powder for high-pressure mercury discharge lamp.
The temperature dependence of the luminescence of Ca2YSbO6:RE3+ (RE=Sm, Eu, DY, Ho, Er) phosphors was determined by irradiating the Thosphor by a mercury-xenon discharge lamp. For all phosphors investigated except Ca2YSbO6: Er the intensity of luminescence in general was decreased with increase of temperature and was quenched at last at 300-400℃. A gualitative explanation is given to the temperature quenching of Ca2YSbO6:RE3+. The emisson spectra of the sample under different temperature would be useful in finding the luminescent powder for high-pressure mercury discharge lamp.
1988, 5(3): 32-38
The reactions of phenanthrene coated on silica gel or on fly ash with NO2 are studied. GC and GC/MS analyses show that the main products on siqca gel in dark arc nitro-phenanthrencs, as a result of a dominate substitution reaction, while under UV irradiation 2,2'-diformyl dibenzene, nitroso-2-formyl dibenzene, etc. are formed due to photodegradation. There is a remarkable difference between the reactions on silica gel and on fly ash in dark. It may be the results of competitive reaction of water molecule and phenanthrene with NO2 on silica gel. Ames test of the reaction Products shows that the non-mutagenic phenanthrene undergoes transformation with NO2 into direct mutagenic secondary pollutant which is more harmful to the health of human than phenanthrene itself.
The reactions of phenanthrene coated on silica gel or on fly ash with NO2 are studied. GC and GC/MS analyses show that the main products on siqca gel in dark arc nitro-phenanthrencs, as a result of a dominate substitution reaction, while under UV irradiation 2,2'-diformyl dibenzene, nitroso-2-formyl dibenzene, etc. are formed due to photodegradation. There is a remarkable difference between the reactions on silica gel and on fly ash in dark. It may be the results of competitive reaction of water molecule and phenanthrene with NO2 on silica gel. Ames test of the reaction Products shows that the non-mutagenic phenanthrene undergoes transformation with NO2 into direct mutagenic secondary pollutant which is more harmful to the health of human than phenanthrene itself.
1988, 5(3): 39-42
Dysprosium and ytterbium monophosphides were prepared by solid state reaction. Their crystal structure, energy gaps, resistivitY and Hall coefficient were investigated by x-ray powder diffraction, absorption spectromotry, four-probe and Van de Pauw method. The monophosphides were found to be N-type semiconductor with energy gaps of 1.15eV for DyP and 1.30eV for YbP, resistivities 10-2Ω-cm, carrier concentrations of 1018-1019cm-3 and corresponding Hall mobilities of 8.5-80cm2/v.s. The p-n junction is formed on DYP/Si and YbP/Si and it shows a rcctifYing character. Possible energy band schemes are Proposed which well explain the optical and electrical ProPerties of the compounds.
Dysprosium and ytterbium monophosphides were prepared by solid state reaction. Their crystal structure, energy gaps, resistivitY and Hall coefficient were investigated by x-ray powder diffraction, absorption spectromotry, four-probe and Van de Pauw method. The monophosphides were found to be N-type semiconductor with energy gaps of 1.15eV for DyP and 1.30eV for YbP, resistivities 10-2Ω-cm, carrier concentrations of 1018-1019cm-3 and corresponding Hall mobilities of 8.5-80cm2/v.s. The p-n junction is formed on DYP/Si and YbP/Si and it shows a rcctifYing character. Possible energy band schemes are Proposed which well explain the optical and electrical ProPerties of the compounds.
1988, 5(3): 43-47
Seventeen new pyrethroids were synthesized. The synthetic methods, structure determination and bioassay results are Presented. The experiments showed that some of these compounds are active against Masoa domestica Vcina, Aphis craccivora Koch, Mythimna Separate etc. Compounds containing ???19880309-1??? and ???19880309-2??? were found to be most interested in their bioactivity against Tetran ychus urticae Koch., Seventeen new pyrethroids were synthesized. The synthetic methods, structure determination and bioassay results are Presented. The experiments showed that some of these compounds are active against Masoa domestica Vcina, Aphis craccivora Koch, Mythimna Separate etc. Compounds containing
were found to be most interested in their bioactivity against Tetran ychus urticae Koch.
Seventeen new pyrethroids were synthesized. The synthetic methods, structure determination and bioassay results are Presented. The experiments showed that some of these compounds are active against Masoa domestica Vcina, Aphis craccivora Koch, Mythimna Separate etc. Compounds containing ???19880309-1??? and ???19880309-2??? were found to be most interested in their bioactivity against Tetran ychus urticae Koch., Seventeen new pyrethroids were synthesized. The synthetic methods, structure determination and bioassay results are Presented. The experiments showed that some of these compounds are active against Masoa domestica Vcina, Aphis craccivora Koch, Mythimna Separate etc. Compounds containing
1988, 5(3): 48-53
The catalytic behaviour of 2:18 heteropolymolybdophosphoric acid and its salts(Dawson structure) in the decomposition of H2O2 has been studied in comparison with that of 1:12 heteropolymolybdophosphoric acid and its salts (Kcggin structure). The results show that H6(P2Mo18O62), so as H3(PMo12O40) does not posses catalytic activity for H2O2 decomPosition, whereas their Fe3+, Cu2+ salts are more active and their kinetic behaviour toward H2O2 decomposition is different from that of 1:12 heteropolymolybdophosphate in that it obeys the second order equation. It is related to the environmental difference of the countercation in these two structures. The catalytic behaviour remains unchanged, when part of molybdenum ions in 2:18 heteropolymolybdophosphorie acid is substituted by vanadium ions. It indicates that the substtituted vanadium ions are not only the active species, but have the same environment in these two structures.
The catalytic behaviour of 2:18 heteropolymolybdophosphoric acid and its salts(Dawson structure) in the decomposition of H2O2 has been studied in comparison with that of 1:12 heteropolymolybdophosphoric acid and its salts (Kcggin structure). The results show that H6(P2Mo18O62), so as H3(PMo12O40) does not posses catalytic activity for H2O2 decomPosition, whereas their Fe3+, Cu2+ salts are more active and their kinetic behaviour toward H2O2 decomposition is different from that of 1:12 heteropolymolybdophosphate in that it obeys the second order equation. It is related to the environmental difference of the countercation in these two structures. The catalytic behaviour remains unchanged, when part of molybdenum ions in 2:18 heteropolymolybdophosphorie acid is substituted by vanadium ions. It indicates that the substtituted vanadium ions are not only the active species, but have the same environment in these two structures.
1988, 5(3): 54-58
The methods of DSC, IR, WAXD, PLM and SALS were employed to investigate the differences between the crystallization bahavior of hard segments in the polyester-based aliphatic and aromatic polyurethanes. It is found that the rate of phase separation of aliPhatic polyurethane is higher and the hydrogen bonding is formed mainly between the hard segments, which promotes the crytallizaticn of hard segments, while the rate of phase separation of aromatic polyurethane is very low. Nevertheless, the hydrogen bonding can also be formed betwcen the soft and hard segments, which hinders the crystallization of hard segments.
The methods of DSC, IR, WAXD, PLM and SALS were employed to investigate the differences between the crystallization bahavior of hard segments in the polyester-based aliphatic and aromatic polyurethanes. It is found that the rate of phase separation of aliPhatic polyurethane is higher and the hydrogen bonding is formed mainly between the hard segments, which promotes the crytallizaticn of hard segments, while the rate of phase separation of aromatic polyurethane is very low. Nevertheless, the hydrogen bonding can also be formed betwcen the soft and hard segments, which hinders the crystallization of hard segments.
1988, 5(3): 59-63
With computer simulation, the effective separation coefficient in the extraction separation Process for three rare-earth system has been studied. For separation of (A,B)from C, it is found that the effective separation coefficient βA+BC has a minimum value, β* in the extraction section, which is inversely proportional to the total extraction ratio EM. For separation of A from (B,C), βAB+C has a minimum value, β*1 in the stripping scetion, which is directly Proportional to the total extraction ratio EMt. It is also found that β* (or β*') is in good linear relation with total extraction ratio and logarithm of the outlet product ratio, βcal*=k1+k2EM+k3InB1/A1-βcal*'=k'1+k'2E'M+k'3InBNCN Based on the theory of counter current extraction, a method is developed in whichcthe effective separation coefficient is used to determine the parameter of the extraction separation process for three rare-earth system.
With computer simulation, the effective separation coefficient in the extraction separation Process for three rare-earth system has been studied. For separation of (A,B)from C, it is found that the effective separation coefficient βA+BC has a minimum value, β* in the extraction section, which is inversely proportional to the total extraction ratio EM. For separation of A from (B,C), βAB+C has a minimum value, β*1 in the stripping scetion, which is directly Proportional to the total extraction ratio EMt. It is also found that β* (or β*') is in good linear relation with total extraction ratio and logarithm of the outlet product ratio, βcal*=k1+k2EM+k3InB1/A1-βcal*'=k'1+k'2E'M+k'3InBNCN Based on the theory of counter current extraction, a method is developed in whichcthe effective separation coefficient is used to determine the parameter of the extraction separation process for three rare-earth system.
1988, 5(3): 64-66
Oxyiodides of 15 rare earths, LnOI (Ln=La-Lu and Y) were prepared by a flux method under reducing atmosphere. LnOI obtained were checked by chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction method. The crystals of all of the oxyiodides belong to the tetragonal system. The crystal parameters of the compounds were compared with those of LnOCL and LnOBr. Anomaly of EuOI has been discussed.
Oxyiodides of 15 rare earths, LnOI (Ln=La-Lu and Y) were prepared by a flux method under reducing atmosphere. LnOI obtained were checked by chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction method. The crystals of all of the oxyiodides belong to the tetragonal system. The crystal parameters of the compounds were compared with those of LnOCL and LnOBr. Anomaly of EuOI has been discussed.
1988, 5(3): 67-72
An unsaturated xylofuranose, 4-mehtylene-1, 2-0-isopropylidene-3-methoxy-α-D-xylofu ranose(11) is synthesized. The structural analyses using IR, 1 H-and 13 C-NMR iodicate that a copolymer with addition and ring-opened units were obtained. Upon the structures of polymer, a propagation mechanism was proposed. The polymerization activity, propagation mechanism and polymer structures between the frec radical and cationic polymerization of the unsaturated xylofuranose were discussed.
An unsaturated xylofuranose, 4-mehtylene-1, 2-0-isopropylidene-3-methoxy-α-D-xylofu ranose(11) is synthesized. The structural analyses using IR, 1 H-and 13 C-NMR iodicate that a copolymer with addition and ring-opened units were obtained. Upon the structures of polymer, a propagation mechanism was proposed. The polymerization activity, propagation mechanism and polymer structures between the frec radical and cationic polymerization of the unsaturated xylofuranose were discussed.
1988, 5(3): 73-76
Two solid complexes of cerium(Ⅳ) salts with 1,10-Phenanthrolinc-1-oxide(o-phcnNO) were preparcd and characterized, having the composition of Ce(po-henNO) (NO3)3(OH)·H2O and Ce(o-PhenNO)4(NO3)(ClO4)3·H2O. IR spectra indicate that the characteristic frequencies assignable to stretching vibration of Ce-O(o-phenNO) bond in these complexes appear in the region of 385-390cm-1 Vci-N(O-phenNO) in the region of 255-260cm-1, VN→o and ON→o of free ligand shift to lower wave numbers upon complexation, The molar conductance and IR spectra data show that NO3- and CIO4- are not coordinated in Ce(oPhenNO)4(NO3)(CIO4)3·H2O, and all NO3- are coordinated in Ce(c-PhenNO)(NO3)3 (OH), H2O, The UV spectrum of Ce(o-PhenNO)4(NO3)(CIO4)3. H2O is similar to that of the free ligand. The complexes are less soluble in some organic solvents than the ligand.
Two solid complexes of cerium(Ⅳ) salts with 1,10-Phenanthrolinc-1-oxide(o-phcnNO) were preparcd and characterized, having the composition of Ce(po-henNO) (NO3)3(OH)·H2O and Ce(o-PhenNO)4(NO3)(ClO4)3·H2O. IR spectra indicate that the characteristic frequencies assignable to stretching vibration of Ce-O(o-phenNO) bond in these complexes appear in the region of 385-390cm-1 Vci-N(O-phenNO) in the region of 255-260cm-1, VN→o and ON→o of free ligand shift to lower wave numbers upon complexation, The molar conductance and IR spectra data show that NO3- and CIO4- are not coordinated in Ce(oPhenNO)4(NO3)(CIO4)3·H2O, and all NO3- are coordinated in Ce(c-PhenNO)(NO3)3 (OH), H2O, The UV spectrum of Ce(o-PhenNO)4(NO3)(CIO4)3. H2O is similar to that of the free ligand. The complexes are less soluble in some organic solvents than the ligand.
1988, 5(3): 77-80
The effects of plasticizers and additives on the performance of PVC membrane sodium electrodes based on the title comPound, ETH 227,were investigated. It is shown that electrode with o-nitrophenyl octyl ether(2-NPOE) as plasticizer has the least KNa+,K+pol(=3×10-3), but the interference of lipophilic anions or divalent cations is serious, the limit of Nernst resPonse is 3×10-4 mol·dm-3 NaCl. The linear response range of the electrode with didecyl phthalate as plasticiser, is from 3×10-5 to 1 mol.dm-3 NaCl,and KNa+,K+pot<10-2. incorporating NaSCN would lower the internal resistance of membrane and imProVe the Interference-free ability for lipoPhilie anions.
The effects of plasticizers and additives on the performance of PVC membrane sodium electrodes based on the title comPound, ETH 227,were investigated. It is shown that electrode with o-nitrophenyl octyl ether(2-NPOE) as plasticizer has the least KNa+,K+pol(=3×10-3), but the interference of lipophilic anions or divalent cations is serious, the limit of Nernst resPonse is 3×10-4 mol·dm-3 NaCl. The linear response range of the electrode with didecyl phthalate as plasticiser, is from 3×10-5 to 1 mol.dm-3 NaCl,and KNa+,K+pot<10-2. incorporating NaSCN would lower the internal resistance of membrane and imProVe the Interference-free ability for lipoPhilie anions.
1988, 5(3): 81-82
Zero-current oscillopotentiometric titration using two platinium electrodes of different size is carried out successfully in determining Se in selenium sulfide. The end point is visual and very sharp.
Zero-current oscillopotentiometric titration using two platinium electrodes of different size is carried out successfully in determining Se in selenium sulfide. The end point is visual and very sharp.
1988, 5(3): 83-85
In this paper the preparation of polymer(PVC)-oligomer(HTBN) blends and their damping properties, mechanical properties and morphological structures are presented. It isfound that (1) the damping properties of PVC-HTBN biends are better than that of PVC itself, (2) HTBN content in blends and acrylonitrile content in HTBN have noticeableeffects on the mechanical properties of the blends, and (3) morphologically the blends have cell structure in which two phases can exist with dim boundary.
In this paper the preparation of polymer(PVC)-oligomer(HTBN) blends and their damping properties, mechanical properties and morphological structures are presented. It isfound that (1) the damping properties of PVC-HTBN biends are better than that of PVC itself, (2) HTBN content in blends and acrylonitrile content in HTBN have noticeableeffects on the mechanical properties of the blends, and (3) morphologically the blends have cell structure in which two phases can exist with dim boundary.
1988, 5(3): 86-88
The kinetic data related to the anodic formation of FeO42- and oxygen evolution on iron and mild steel electrodes in concentrated alkaline solution were obtained by measuring the rate of O2 evolution. It is found that the two reactions Proceed simutaneously and two tafel regions can be separated. At low current density σψ/σlgi=2,303 RT/(I+β)F, i.e. 0.040V (β=0.5) and the reaction ordor with resPecet to αOH- is 4 for FeO42- anodic formation and 2 for O2 evolution. At high current density σψ/σlgi=2.303 RT/βF, i.e. 0.120V and the reaction ordor is 2 and 1 for both reactions, resPectively. A mechanism for the two reactions is ProPosed.
The kinetic data related to the anodic formation of FeO42- and oxygen evolution on iron and mild steel electrodes in concentrated alkaline solution were obtained by measuring the rate of O2 evolution. It is found that the two reactions Proceed simutaneously and two tafel regions can be separated. At low current density σψ/σlgi=2,303 RT/(I+β)F, i.e. 0.040V (β=0.5) and the reaction ordor with resPecet to αOH- is 4 for FeO42- anodic formation and 2 for O2 evolution. At high current density σψ/σlgi=2.303 RT/βF, i.e. 0.120V and the reaction ordor is 2 and 1 for both reactions, resPectively. A mechanism for the two reactions is ProPosed.
1988, 5(3): 89-91
The common zeolite catalYst HZSM-5 is modified by treating with phosphoric acid to improve its reaction activity towards o-chlorotoluene isomerization. The reaction is carried out at atmospheric pressure and in a microreaetor with o-continuous flow of nitrogen gas. The modified catalyst P-HZSM-5 shows a higher activity in chlorotoluenxc isomerization and gives a higher yield of P-isomer than HZSM-5 under the same reaction conditions.
The common zeolite catalYst HZSM-5 is modified by treating with phosphoric acid to improve its reaction activity towards o-chlorotoluene isomerization. The reaction is carried out at atmospheric pressure and in a microreaetor with o-continuous flow of nitrogen gas. The modified catalyst P-HZSM-5 shows a higher activity in chlorotoluenxc isomerization and gives a higher yield of P-isomer than HZSM-5 under the same reaction conditions.
1988, 5(3): 92-94
NiO catalysts for methane-Steam reforming were investigated by temperature programmedr eduction (TPR) and X-ray diffraction techniques. The peak temperatures of reduction on the TPR curve as determined in N2-H2 (6.3% H2) were: 415℃ for NiO-A1, 430℃ for NiO-A2, 378℃ for NiO-Y2O3-A1, 372℃ for NiO-RE2O3-A1 and 478℃ for RE2O3-NiO-A1. Carrier At is found to be superior to A2. Catalysts modified by heavy rare-earth oxides have the lowest peak temperature of reduction, and hence they are more effective in the entrance region of the reforming furnace, where the reaction temperature is 360-550℃. The mechanism of addition of rare earth oxides on the behaviour of the catalysts are briefly discussed.
NiO catalysts for methane-Steam reforming were investigated by temperature programmedr eduction (TPR) and X-ray diffraction techniques. The peak temperatures of reduction on the TPR curve as determined in N2-H2 (6.3% H2) were: 415℃ for NiO-A1, 430℃ for NiO-A2, 378℃ for NiO-Y2O3-A1, 372℃ for NiO-RE2O3-A1 and 478℃ for RE2O3-NiO-A1. Carrier At is found to be superior to A2. Catalysts modified by heavy rare-earth oxides have the lowest peak temperature of reduction, and hence they are more effective in the entrance region of the reforming furnace, where the reaction temperature is 360-550℃. The mechanism of addition of rare earth oxides on the behaviour of the catalysts are briefly discussed.
1988, 5(3): 95-97
The PVC membrane ion selective electrodes for clenbuteroli using tetraphenylborateclenbuteroli(Ⅰ) and dipicrYlamine-clenbuteroli(Ⅱ) ion pair complex as the active materials were studied.The nernst responses are 1×10-5-1×102 and 4×10-5-1×10-2mol/l respectively for electrode (Ⅰ) and(Ⅱ) with slope of 55-57 mV/pC, both they showed rapid response, good reproducibility and stabititY. The selectivity coefficients of 16 substances were determined.
The PVC membrane ion selective electrodes for clenbuteroli using tetraphenylborateclenbuteroli(Ⅰ) and dipicrYlamine-clenbuteroli(Ⅱ) ion pair complex as the active materials were studied.The nernst responses are 1×10-5-1×102 and 4×10-5-1×10-2mol/l respectively for electrode (Ⅰ) and(Ⅱ) with slope of 55-57 mV/pC, both they showed rapid response, good reproducibility and stabititY. The selectivity coefficients of 16 substances were determined.