张涵, 孙剑锋, 梁金生
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20240098
利用水热法合成了一种宽带近红外Na3CrF6荧光粉,研究了其结构、微观形貌和光致发光性能。结果表明,在435 nm激发光的照射下,Na3CrF6荧光粉可发出650~850 nm宽带近红外光,其峰值位于738 nm处,半高宽为95 nm;通过分析光谱数据,发现Cr3+在Na3CrF6荧光粉中的晶体场强度为1.72,处于弱晶体场环境中;298~473 K温度范围内,随着加热温度的升高,Na3CrF6荧光粉的发光强度缓慢下降。
关键词: 宽带近红外荧光粉, 水热合成, Na3CrF6, 光致发光性能, 荧光粉转换发光二极管
A(NH2SO3) (A=Li, Na): Two ultraviolet transparent sulfamates exhibiting second harmonic generation response
Cuiwu MO, Gangmin ZHANG, Chao WU, Zhipeng HUANG, Chi ZHANG
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20240045
Two alkali-metal sulfamates nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals, Li(NH2SO3) and Na(NH2SO3), have been obtained through the facile evaporation method. Li(NH2SO3) crystallizes in the polar space group Pca21 (No.29). The structure of Li(NH2SO3) can be described as a 3D network formed by [LiO4]7- polyhedral connecting with NH2SO3- tetrahedra through corner-sharing. Na(NH2SO3) crystallizes in the polar space group P212121 (No.19). The structure of Na(NH2SO3) can be described as a 3D network formed by distorted [NaO6]11- octahedral connecting with NH2SO3- tetrahedra through corner-sharing. The UV-Vis-near-infrared spectra demonstrate that Li(NH2SO3) and Na(NH2SO3) possessed large optical band gaps of 5.25 and 4.81 eV, respectively. Powder second-harmonic generation (SHG) measurements demonstrate that the SHG intensity of Li(NH2SO3) and Na(NH2SO3) were 0.32 times and 0.31 times that of KH2PO4, respectively. First-principles calculations confirm the nonlinear optical performance mainly derived from the synergistic effect of amino sulfonate anions and alkali metal oxide anionic polyhedra.
关键词: UV nonlinear optical materials, bandgap, second harmonic generation, first-principle calculation
梅建宝, 李贝, 张舒, 肖东东, 胡朴, 张更
【物理化学学报】doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202407023
钠离子电池被广泛研究用于储能应用,但实现同时具有高能量密度、稳定性和快速充放电性能的正极材料仍然是一个关键的挑战。本研究合成了一系列NASICON型Na3.5-xMn0.5V1.5-xZrx(PO4)3/C材料,并掺入Mn、V和Zr元素探讨其对电化学性能的影响。通过在Mn和V的基础上引入Zr,提出一种激活V4+/V5+氧化还原反应新的策略,从而提升能量密度。此外,Zr掺入通过拓宽离子通道并产生额外的钠离子空位,显著促进钠离子迁移,增强电极反应动力学和整体性能。结果表明,Na3.4Mn0.5V1.4Zr0.1(PO4)3/C材料表现出优异的循环稳定性,在800次循环后保持90%的容量,并具备高倍率性能(20C时,放电比容量为84 mAh∙g-1),显著优于原始的Na3.5Mn0.5V1.5(PO4)3/C材料。该研究为开发高效且可持续钠离子电池提供了有效途径。
关键词: 钠离子电池, NASICON, 正极材料, 循环稳定性, 倍率性能


