【大学化学】doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202310001
发光寿命是光化学的重要概念,也是体现发光材料性质的一项重要参数。尽管发光材料在人类生产生活、军事及航空航天领域有广泛的应用,但是普通大众对于“发光寿命有长有短”这一科学概念并没有清晰的认识。本项目以生活中的光为切入点,以发光寿命在人眼可识别范围内(>100 ms)的长余辉材料作为展示媒介。通过探究三聚氰胺与苯二甲酸在水介质中的自组装,设计并合成了一类寿命长、亮度高的有机长余辉材料,因其合成方法简单、原料便宜易得、实验现象明显且重现性高,非常适合作为科普主题;同时在日常生活中探寻发光现象,创新设计趣味动画、“光绘涂鸦”等新型科普模式,寓教于乐、寓教于做,点燃人们探究化学世界的热情;借助Bilibili、抖音等网络平台广泛宣传,拓宽化学知识的普及范围。针对具有不同年龄和知识结构对象群体的特点和需求,科普内容设立了多个独立互动模块,“量体裁衣”,力求获得“覆盖面广、接受度高”的效果,让发光寿命真正贴近生活、走向大众。
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20240146
Crystalline@amorphous NiCo2S4@MoS2 (v-NCS@MS) nanostructures were designed and constructed via an ethylene glycol-induced strategy with hydrothermal synthesis and solvothermal method, which simultaneously realized the defect regulation of crystal NiCo2S4 in the core. Taking advantage of the flexible protection of an amor-phous shell and the high capacity of a conductive core with defects, the v-NCS@MS electrode exhibited high specific capacity (1 034 mAh·g-1 at 1 A·g-1) and outstanding rate capability. Moreover, a hybrid supercapacitor was assembled with v-NCS@MS as cathode and activated carbon (AC) as anode, which can achieve remarkably high specific energy of 111 Wh·kg-1 at a specific power of 219 W·kg-1 and outstanding capacity retention of 80.5% after 15 000 cycling at different current densities.