聚烯烃工业的先驱者——纪念德国化学家Karl Ziegler逝世50
范勋章, 赵远进, 罗淑芳, 贺爱华
【大学化学】doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202312065
本文介绍了诺贝尔化学奖得主、德国化学家卡尔∙齐格勒(Karl Ziegler)的科研历程及贡献以纪念他逝世50周年。Ziegler对科学的热情、独特的思维和卓越的实验能力奠定了他的科学基础。他专注于自由基化合物、多元环化合物和有机金属化合物的研究,他与朱利奥∙纳塔共同发明命名的Ziegler-Natta催化剂对全球聚烯烃工业产生深远影响,造就了上千亿美元的市场。
关键词: Karl Ziegler, Ziegler-Natta催化剂, 人物传记
Construction and photocatalytic properties toward rhodamine B of CdS/Fe3O4 heterojunction
Yuan CONG, Yunhao WANG, Wanping LI, Zhicheng ZHANG, Shuo LIU, Huiyuan GUO, Hongyu YUAN, Zhiping ZHOU
【无机化学学报】doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20240219
A simple two-step hydrothermal method synthesized four different CdS/Fe3O4 photocatalysts with varying ratios of mass of CdS to Fe3O4. The composition and morphology of the prepared samples were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectrum, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Solid UV reflectance spectra testing found that CdS/Fe3O4 nanocomposites had good light absorption throughout the spectral range, promoting their photocatalytic properties. Under visible light irradiation, CdS/Fe3O4 (2:5) with a mass ratio of 2:5 exhibited excellent photocatalytic performance, with a degradation rate of 98.8% for rhodamine B. Furthermore, after five cycles of photocatalytic degradation reaction, the rhodamine B degradation rate remained at 96.2%, indicating that the photocatalysts have good photocatalytic stability.
关键词: CdS/Fe3O4, photocatalyst, degradation rate, rhodamine B


