Fluorinated [2]rotaxanes as sensitive 19F MRI agents: Threading for higher sensitivity

Lan Yang Yu Li Mou Jiang Rui Zhou Hengjiang Cong Minghui Yang Lei Zhang Shenhui Li Yunhuang Yang Maili Liu Xin Zhou Zhong-Xing Jiang Shizhen Chen

Citation:  Lan Yang, Yu Li, Mou Jiang, Rui Zhou, Hengjiang Cong, Minghui Yang, Lei Zhang, Shenhui Li, Yunhuang Yang, Maili Liu, Xin Zhou, Zhong-Xing Jiang, Shizhen Chen. Fluorinated [2]rotaxanes as sensitive 19F MRI agents: Threading for higher sensitivity[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2024, 35(10): 109512. doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2024.109512 shu

Fluorinated [2]rotaxanes as sensitive 19F MRI agents: Threading for higher sensitivity


  • Among biomedical imaging technologies, 19F MRI stands out as a valuable tracer technology for in vivo targets [14]. The absence of detectable in vivo 19F signals in biological systems allows quantitative and selective "hot spot" imaging of targets without background interference, ionizing radiation, and tissue depth limit [57]. Despite its great potential, 19F MRI has not yet reached clinical application due to the lack of sensitive 19F MRI agents [6]. Since 19F signals originate only from 19F MRI agents, a relatively high local 19F concentration of about 5 mmol/L is usually required to generate "hot spot" images within a few minutes of data acquisition. For regular 19F MRI agents with 19F signal splitting and low longitudinal relaxation rates (R1), even higher 19F concentration and longer data acquisition time are required. For in vivo studies, it is very challenging to achieve such high 19F concentrations and to keep the animals alive and still for a long time. Therefore, there is an urgent need for highly sensitive imaging agents to reduce the 19F MRI agent dosage and shorten the data acquisition time.

    Two major strategies have been developed to improve the sensitivity of 19F MRI agents. First, the assembly of multiple equivalent fluorines can avoid 19F signal splitting and generate a unified strong signal for 19F MRI. Perfluoro–tert-butanol derivatives [8], perfluoro-15-crown-5 [9], and perfluoropolyethers [10] are among the most successful ones. However, the more equivalent fluorines require the more complicated synthesis and the higher cost. Second, extending the 19F R1 can significantly shorten the data acquisition time and acquire more 19F signals in a given time. Many methods have been established to extend the 19F R1, such as the introduction of paramagnetic metal ions [11,12], conjugation to large molecules [13], self-assembly into aggregates [14,15]. However, these strategies are often hampered by the delicate design and tedious synthesis, the toxicity of paramagnetic metal ions, the 19F signal quenching by the severely extended transverse relaxation rate (R2), etc. Thus, developing novel strategies to extend the 19F R1 of metal-free agents with multiple equivalent fluorines may yield highly sensitive 19F MRI agents.

    [2]Rotaxanes [1619], a class of interlocked molecules, have recently attracted our attention. Compared to the relatively free motion of wheel molecules, their motion in [2]rotaxanes is restricted to mechanical bond-guided shuttling and tumbling [2022]. Although, to our knowledge, the relaxation behavior of rotaxanes has never been investigated, it is reasonable to predict that the R1 and R2 of the wheel fluorines can be significantly extended after threading into [2]rotaxanes, resulting in a significant improvement in 19F MRI sensitivity. To validate this novel strategy for improving 19F MRI agent sensitivity, we have herein designed 2-blade pinwheel [2]rotaxanes Rx-1 and Rx-2 as sensitive 19F MRI agents and investigated the role of the threading in modulating the motion of wheel fluorines (Scheme 1). With 36 equivalent fluorines to generate a unified strong 19F signal for 19F MRI, fluorinated macrocycle 1 was used both as a regular 19F MRI agent and as the wheel of [2]rotaxanes. Since the 19F R1 and R2 are strongly influenced by molecular dynamics, the fluorines act not only as 19F MRI signal sources but also as sensitive status reporters, providing an unprecedented strategy to investigate the mechanical bond and molecular dynamics of [2]rotaxanes, which is a very important and challenging task for rotaxanes [2325].

    Scheme 1

    Scheme 1.  The strategy of improving 19F MRI agent sensitivity by threading the macrocycle 1 into [2]rotaxanes Rx-1 and Rx-2.

    First, we prepared macrocycle 1 through a bromomethylation-perfluoro–tert-butoxylation strategy, which was then supramolecularly assembled into Rx-1 and Rx-2 through a one-pot thread-cap strategy on multi-hundred-milligram scales (see Supporting information for details) [26]. Despite its bulky size, the 4 perfluoro–tert–butyl groups at the far end of 1 did not hinder the threading and the [2]rotaxanes were conveniently prepared in good yields. Meanwhile, capped axles A1 and A2 were also prepared as reference standards.

    Subsequently, 1D and 2D 1H NMR were used to verify the formation of Rx-1 and Rx-2. By comparing the 1H NMR spectra, the typical chemical shift changes (Δδ) of the corresponding protons confirmed the formation of the [2]rotaxanes (Figs. 1a-e). Compared with axle A1, the downfield shift of proton Hh in Rx-1 indicated the formation of hydrogen bonds between the crown ether and the positively charged amine, while the upfield shifts of protons HA, He, and Hg indicated π-π stacking of the wheel and axle aromatic groups. Similar chemical shift changes were also observed in the 1H NMR spectrum of Rx-2. Furthermore, the stationing of the wheel in both [2]rotaxanes was verified by the appearance of cross-peaks between wheel protons HC, HD, HE and axle protons Hd, Hh, Hc’, Hh’ in their 2D ROESY 1H NMR spectra (Fig. 1g and Fig. S1 in Supporting information). To investigate the "shuttling" motion of the wheel, we removed the hydrogen bonds in the [2]rotaxanes with sodium hydroxide. However, considerable free 1 was detected in the reaction mixture of Rx-1, suggesting that the 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl) benzyl group was not bulky enough to lock 1. The bulkier 3,5-di–tert-butylbenzyl group successfully locked 1 and provided Rx-2′. The complicated 1H NMR spectrum of Rx-2′showed that the wheel "shuttled" from the central amine to one of the triazole groups and the corresponding protons on either side became non-equivalent (Figs. 1d and f). For example, the tert–butyl protons Hi’ split into two equivalent peaks at 1.27 ppm (Hia’) and 1.24 ppm (Hib, see Supporting information for details). The upfield shifts of protons HE, Hc’, Hh’ and the downfield shifts of protons Ha’, Hg’ suggest that the "shuttling" is probably driven by the π-π interaction between the wheel benzene and the axle triazole.

    Figure 1

    Figure 1.  Partial 1H NMR spectra of the axles, macrocycle, and [2]rotaxanes (a-f); 2D ROESY 1H NMR spectrum of Rx-1 (g); single-crystal X-ray structure of 1 (h) and Rx-1 (i); partial 19F NMR spectra of 1 (j), A1 (k), Rx-1 (l), Rx-2 (m), Rx-2′ (n). NMR conditions: 500 MHz, 1 mmol/L, 298 K, CD3CN. The labeling of 1H and 19F can be found in Scheme 1 and Scheme S2 (Supporting information).

    Furthermore, we obtained the single-crystal X-ray structure of 1 and discovered a "wide open" conformation (Fig. 1h), providing enough space for the threading. Consistent with the 1H NMR results, the single-crystal X-ray structure of Rx-1 showed the hydrogen bonds between the wheel and the axle (dotted lines in Fig. 1i) and an "open" conformation of the wheel to accommodate the axle. The X-ray data also showed the π-π stacking between the wheel and the axle, with the distances between adjacent aromatic groups about 0.36–0.40 nm. Notably, the mechanical bond, hydrogen bonds, and π-π stacking in Rx-1 resulted in a twisted "Z" conformation of the wheel and a broad "W" conformation of the axle.

    Meanwhile, 19F NMR was employed to investigate the structure of the [2]rotaxanes (Figs. 1j-n). As designed, the 36 wheel fluorines in Rx-1 and Rx-2 gave a unified sharp 19F peak at −71.3 ppm (FA, Figs. 1l and m), while the 12 axle fluorines in Rx-1 gave another unified sharp 19F peak at −64.0 ppm (FB, Fig. 1l). The unified 19F peaks indicate the rapidly interchangeable and equivalent positions of the fluorines, even though the X-ray structure of Rx-1 shows an unsymmetrical conformation with a crowded π-π stacking side and a loose side. Furthermore, the similar 19F diffusion coefficients (D) of the wheel (FA: D = 8.75 × 10−10 m2/s) and the axle (FB: D = 8.74 × 10−10 m2/s) in Rx-1 suggest their synchronous motion as a whole molecule (Table S1 in Supporting information). Compared to 1 (FA: D = 1.17 × 10−9 m2/s) and axle A1 (FB: D = 1.14 × 10−9 m2/s), the threading was accompanied by a significant decrease in diffusion coefficients (FA: 25% reduction, FB: 23% reduction) as a result of forming a larger molecule.

    After elucidating the [2]rotaxane structures, we comparatively studied the effect of the threading on relaxation rates (R). Compared to 1, the [2]rotaxanes showed similar relaxation rate changes (∆R) in wheel fluorines FA (Rx-1: ∆R1 = 30%, ∆R2 = 40%; Rx-2: ∆R1 = 28%, ∆R2 = 38%, Fig. 2a), indicating that the motion of FA was significantly restricted by the threading. Meanwhile, compared to A1 and A2, the [2]rotaxanes showed similar ∆R in axle fluorines FB (Rx-1: ∆R1 = 8%, ∆R2 = 9%) and protons Hi’ (Rx-2: ∆R1 = 13%, ∆R2 = 11%, Fig. 2b). Notably, the threading resulted in less ∆R in axle fluorines, suggesting that the axle motion is less constrained by the threading. We also investigated the effect of hydrogen bonds and molecular weight on the FA R. Surprisingly, Rx-2′with no hydrogen bond and lower molecular weight gave almost identical FA R as Rx-2 (Fig. 2a), illustrating their minor influence on the wheel motion. Interestingly, opposite ∆R was observed in the tert–butyl protons of Rx-2′, i.e., substantial increases on the wheel side (Hib’: ∆R1 = 14%, ∆R2 = 28%) and slight changes on the other side (Hia’: ∆R1 = −3%, ∆R2 = 2%, Fig. 2b). These observations show that the threading can efficiently improve the 19F relaxation rates of the wheel, in which the mechanical bond dominantly constrains the motion of the fluorines and protons in a distance-dependent manner. Since molecular motion is closely related to temperature, the impact of temperature on the relaxation rates was investigated (Figs. 2c and d). Upon heating the [2]rotaxanes from 274 K to 318 K, the wheel fluorines FA R decreased significantly in a similar trend (∆R1 ≈ −35%, ∆R2 ≈ −43%), whereas those of axle fluorines FB decreased only slightly (∆R1 = −6%, ∆R2 = −9%), showing that heating promotes the motion of the wheel much more than that of the axle, probably due to the distance-dependent effect of the mechanical bond. It is noteworthy that the perfect proportional relationship between wheel 19F R and temperature makes the [2]rotaxanes valuable temperature probes.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2.  R1/R2 of FA (a), FB and Hi (b) in the axles, macrocycle, and [2]rotaxanes; temperature-dependent 19F R1 (c) and R2 (d) of the [2]rotaxanes. Drmsd of Rx-1 (upper) and 1 (lower) over time (e), (f) 19F MRI phantom images (9.4 T, 298 K, CH3CN) and the plot of logSI versus logC(19F) (g) of 1, Rx-2 and Rx-2′. Statistical significance: *P < 0.1 and ***P < 0.001.

    To investigate the origin of the ∆R, molecular dynamics simulations were performed on 1 and Rx-1. The simulations showed that the distance root-mean-square deviation (Drmsd) of wheel fluorines FA relative to the X-ray structure of 1 changed rapidly and significantly over time (Fig. 2e), indicating that FA underwent rapid and intense motion. In contrast, the Drmsd of F in Rx-1 changed much slower and smaller, suggesting that the motion of FA was significantly constrained after the threading. Therefore, the 19F ∆R is probably a result of the wheel motion restricted by the mechanical bond.

    In addition, solid-state 19F magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR was performed on 1 and Rx-2 (Fig. S7 in Supporting information) to obtain the rotational correlation time (τc), which is an important parameter characterizing the internal rotations of a given group [27]. It was found that the τc of Rx-2 is about 2.2-fold longer than that of 1 (Fig. S8 in Supporting information), indicating that the rotation of FA in Rx-2 is significantly restricted by the threading. In addition, the broader 13C NMR linewidth in Rx-2 than that of 1 further confirms the slower rotational motion of FA in Rx-2 (Fig. S9 in Supporting information). Thus, the rotational motions of wheel fluorines FA were severely restricted by the threading, resulting in a significant ∆R.

    With the significantly increased R1 and a unified 19F signal from 36 fluorines, the 19F MRI capability of Rx-2 and Rx-2′ was evaluated. For 19F MRI agents, short longitudinal relaxation times (T1, T1 = 1/R1) and high T2/T1 ratios (T2 = 1/R2) are highly preferred to improve sensitivity by providing an intense 19F peak for rapid data acquisition [28]. The significantly reduced T1 and high T2/T1 ratios of 0.69 establish Rx-2 and Rx-2′ as valuable 19F MRI agents. Using the T1-weighted 19F MRI, Rx-2 and Rx-2′ generated high contrast "hot spot" images with a short data acquisition time of 307 s at a low concentration of 62.5 µmol/L (Fig. 2f), which is beyond the reach of most 19F MRI agents. For instance, previous studies have reported the 19F MRI of perfluorinated erlotinib and gefitinib analogues at concentrations as low as 10 mmol/L [29]. Additionally, a fluorinated peptide with the lowest detectable concentration for 19F MRI was reported to be 0.13 mmol/L [30]. As expected, threading 1 into Rx-2 and Rx-2′ significantly improved the 19F MRI sensitivity with 77%−79% signal intensity (SI) enhancement. Notably, the SI enhancement is more significant over the range of in vivo drug concentrations, making the [2]rotaxanes highly sensitive 19F MRI agents for potential in vivo applications. In each case, the logarithm of SI is proportional to the logarithm of fluorine concentration (Fig. 2g), facilitating quantitative 19F MRI. Since mechanical bond and hydrogen bond are formed during the threading, their effects were detected by the SI enhancement, i.e., mechanical bond and hydrogen bond induced 33% SI enhancement in Rx-2 and mechanical bond induced 29% SI enhancement in Rx-2′. Therefore, introducing mechanical bonds is an effective and robust strategy to improve 19F MRI sensitivity.

    In conclusion, we have developed a novel strategy to improve the sensitivity of 19F MRI agents. On the one hand, the introduction of mechanical bond into 19F MRI agents has been demonstrated to restrict the motion of the fluorines, shorten the T1, maintain high T2/T1 ratios, and thus dramatically improve the sensitivity, providing a novel strategy to address the sensitivity issue of 19F MRI. On the other hand, fluorinated rotaxanes are rare and their potential in 19F MRI has never been explored. We have unprecedentedly synthesized a series of fluorinated 2-blade pinwheel [2]rotaxanes and employed 19F NMR/MRI to investigate the structure and molecular dynamics of [2]rotaxanes, establishing 19F NMR/MRI as a valuable technology for sensing mechanical bonds in molecular devices. This study successfully integrated 19F MRI and rotaxanes, which may promote the development of highly sensitive and stimuli-responsive 19F MRI agents, such as temperature probes, and self-status-reporting high-performance molecular devices.

    The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

    This work was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDB0540000), the National Key R & D Program of China (No. 2018YFA0704000), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 22327901, 22077098, U21A20392, 21921004, and 82127802), and the Knowledge Innovation Program of Wuhan-Basic Research (No. 2022020801010137). Shizhen Chen acknowledges the support from the Youth Innovation Promotion Association and the Young Top-notch Talent Cultivation Program.

    Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.cclet.2024.109512.

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  • Scheme 1  The strategy of improving 19F MRI agent sensitivity by threading the macrocycle 1 into [2]rotaxanes Rx-1 and Rx-2.

    Figure 1  Partial 1H NMR spectra of the axles, macrocycle, and [2]rotaxanes (a-f); 2D ROESY 1H NMR spectrum of Rx-1 (g); single-crystal X-ray structure of 1 (h) and Rx-1 (i); partial 19F NMR spectra of 1 (j), A1 (k), Rx-1 (l), Rx-2 (m), Rx-2′ (n). NMR conditions: 500 MHz, 1 mmol/L, 298 K, CD3CN. The labeling of 1H and 19F can be found in Scheme 1 and Scheme S2 (Supporting information).

    Figure 2  R1/R2 of FA (a), FB and Hi (b) in the axles, macrocycle, and [2]rotaxanes; temperature-dependent 19F R1 (c) and R2 (d) of the [2]rotaxanes. Drmsd of Rx-1 (upper) and 1 (lower) over time (e), (f) 19F MRI phantom images (9.4 T, 298 K, CH3CN) and the plot of logSI versus logC(19F) (g) of 1, Rx-2 and Rx-2′. Statistical significance: *P < 0.1 and ***P < 0.001.

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  • 发布日期:  2024-10-15
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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