Citation: Jun-Die ZHANG, Xiu-Juan JIANG, Zhi-Yin XIAO, Li-Mei CHEN, Xue-Mei WANG, Xiao-Ming LIU. Preventing CO-Releasing Systems from Forming Precipitates and Tuning CO-Releasing Rate via Ligand Exchange Reaction[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(8): 1593-1600. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.151 shu

Preventing CO-Releasing Systems from Forming Precipitates and Tuning CO-Releasing Rate via Ligand Exchange Reaction


  • In this work, three water-soluble compounds (tiopronin, cysteamine, and mercaptoglycerol) which contain a thiol group have been used to initiate CO - release from a diiron hexacarbonyl complex [Fe2(μ-SCH2CH(OH)CH2 (OH))2(CO)6] (1). To overcome forming precipitates during the CO-releasing process, we investigated using ethylene- diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as the agent to solubilize products derived from the decomposition. Our results sug- gest that EDTA not only successfully prevents the CO-releasing system from forming precipitates, but also synergis- tically facilitates the CO-release from complex 1. Despite the fact that the chosen ligands possess a thiol functional group, their behaviors in promoting the CO-release from complex 1 are rather different, which can be exploited to tune the CO-releasing rate in potential applications.
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